Hello All I have my win10 ltsc which is hanging(slow) on something at shut-down. Its painful when needing to do a restart while working. Is anyone here who could help me analysing the WPR/WPA recordings? Would be nice Thanks
I can't suggest any particularly good analysis methods, but I recommend that you check that your Windows is working correctly (run cmd.exe as admin and then from commandline sfc.exe /scannow, if there are some problems, fix them) and if the process is still slow, you can make the following changes (I use it on older computers) NB! more faster closing is not recommended! Here are the recommended settings in registry: Code: open this key: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop WaitToKillAppTimeout : set to 10000 (default 20000) HungAppTimeout : set to 3000 (default 5000) WaitToKillServiceTimeout : set to 5000 (default - don't remember, but it's much more) AutoEndTasks : set to 1 (default is 0) And if done, you must restart pc. Changes takes effect after restart.
Thanks @kaljukass I have run sfc /scannow and chkdsk before and there isn't anything significant. The desktop is 3years old. I bought another SSD and have installed another OS(for the near future). Still I'm wondering what is so sticky on shut-down on this system. I have run the Windows Performance Toolkit and it is a full-on diagnosis which is over my head hence I thought someone here might be an expert on the WPR/WPA
If You have 64-bit system, try Code: %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\shutdown.exe /f /s /t 00 %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\shutdown.exe /f /r /t 00 or (if you have 32-bit system or 64-bit, no matter) Code: %windir%\system32\shutdown.exe /f /s /t 00 %windir%\system32\shutdown.exe /f /r /t 00 Meanings: s = shutdown, r = restart, t = time before shutdown or restart If shutdown and restart are faster using these commands or shortcuts, the reason is probably that there is some damage to the system that prevents programs from shutting down completely during normal shutdown, and they remain in so-called suspended mode.
Thanks @sonic9 Do I want to do that on a work machine and I'm the only person using it? What would be my benefit?
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management ClearPageFileAtShutdown is set to 0 by default. Check if was changed, some paranoid set to 1.
Thanks I tried the above and it does not seem to make any change. For the time being I might just have to put up with it. Thank you all for the suggestions.
Are you by chance using a local group policy to run a script during shutdown/restart? I've had a similar problem using a script via Local Group Policy > Windows Settings > Scripts (Startup/Shutdown). In my case, the script had an error and the system would hang. I wasn't sure from your OP if your system eventually completes the shutdown.
Thanks @adric No, not that I can remember. The initial shut-down seems to proceed normally, it just continues silently and then towards the real shut off it seems to rev up. I'll measure time and will update this reply. Shut-down: 5-8 sec till screen is black 38 sec till turned off Start-up: 26 sec till login screen.
Do you have Fast Boot enabled? At least for shutdown, the part after the screen going black is the partial hibernation phase. Can be even longer with slow disks.
Thanks @Carlos Detweiller Yes I had it enabled. I have disabled now, turned PC off and boot again and did a reboot. No noticeable difference, unfortunately.