Which can be stripped down more: Server 2019 or LTSC 2019?

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by kvmk, Nov 19, 2018.

  1. kvmk

    kvmk MDL Novice

    Dec 11, 2015
    #1 kvmk, Nov 19, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2018

    Whenever I install Windows (any version), I strongly prefer the most minimal/barebones edition that I can get. As I understand it, of the more recent Windows 10 released, LTSC 2019 is the most stripped-down/barebones/minimal version possible. I like that.

    However, there is also Server 2019 which - to my untrained eye - looks like LTSC 2019 plus server components slapped on top. Is that an accurate description? What if I remove or at least deactivate all the server-related modules from Server 2019? Would I get a Windows 10 that is even more minimal and stripped down compared to LTSC 2019?

    If Server 2019 with all server components removed can be more minimal than LTSC 2019, which components do I remove to achieve that?

    If anyone has tried this, I'd appreciate learning from your experience!

    P.S. Would there be compatibility problems when installing 3rd party software/drivers/games if they check Windows versions?
  2. ashish.k

    ashish.k MDL Senior Member

    Dec 27, 2014
    WinServer 2019 is indeed a Win10 v1809 LTSC - desktop components + server components + server configs/tweaks.
    You are better off with LTSC as desktop OS.

    Yes, there can be issues with drivers, games and other software with Server 2019.
  3. kvmk

    kvmk MDL Novice

    Dec 11, 2015
    Got it. Thank you for your quick, succinct, and clear response! I'll aim for LTSC 2019, then. :)