Which editions, x86 or x64 of Office 2010 to install?

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by madeinheaven1, Apr 21, 2010.

  1. madeinheaven1

    madeinheaven1 MDL Novice

    Feb 26, 2010
    I am running 64-bit (x64) OS, such as 64-bit Windows 7 also 64-bit capable CPU processors, i would like to install 64 bit office 2010 ability to take advantage of more virtual and physical memory.

    Microsoft obviously does not think 64-bit Office 2010 is a good bet for average users. According to TechNet document, the main advantage of native 64-bit versions of Microsoft Office products is the ability to take advantage of more virtual and physical memory that can be installed on 64-bit systems (see differences between 32-bit and 64-bit Windows), allowing users to work with much larger data sets than they could previously, and to analyze and solve large computational problems. For example, this additional capacity is needed only by those Microsoft Excel users who require Excel spreadsheets that are larger than 2 gigabytes (GB).

    The disadvantage of 64-bit Office 2010 is mainly on add-ins, extensions and ActiveX controls compatibility, which mostly developed for 32-bit Office and will not function in the 64-bit edition.

    I would like to get your opinions and experience which is very valuable for my final decision.
  2. Busykid508

    Busykid508 MDL Guru

    Jun 4, 2009
    #2 Busykid508, Apr 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2010
    It is very simple....install Office 2010 64 BIT if your machine is 64 BIT or install X86 if your machine has windows 7 X86....I guess I don't understand your question when the logic of the answer is self-evident. And you are incorrect about Office 2010 64 BIT not having full function of add-ons, active x controls, etcs. The new Office 2010 Select Edition VL has all of that + more...just remember that you must uninistall Office 2010 Beta and RC installations before installing Office 2010 Select Edition VL....

    You can download both the X86 and X64 Bit by downloading the torrent file that is attached to this message and you will have all the files necessary to install the RTM version of Office 2010 Select Edition VL from this link: REMOVED

    Warning: Posting of torrents files or (external) archives containing torrents files is not allowed @MDL
  3. burfadel

    burfadel MDL EXE>MSP/CAB

    Aug 19, 2009
    32 bit 3rd party plugins won't work on Office x64 edition. Microsoft are just saying install 32 bit to cover themselves, most people (almost all) wouldn't have any need for 32 bit 3rd party plugins, and the people that do have them installed probably did so without realising and don't use them anyway.

    The advantage for the general user of using x64 over 32 bit Office is not so much the ability to use much larger datasets, but more of a speed benefit. 64 bit (x64) has been proven to be faster than 32 bit apps, even when comparing non optimised 64 bit code against assembly optimised 32 bit code! (examples include the latest LAME mp3 encoder and x264 AVC encoder). The same applies right back to doing even simple tasks.
  4. WCCobra

    WCCobra MDL Junior Member

    Apr 21, 2010
    I'm going with Busykid on this one. I've never used any 3rd party plugin's, so I'm going with the x64 version.
  5. nicojac

    nicojac MDL Novice

    Mar 25, 2009
    If you install x64 you can't synchronize with itunes IPhone, with x32 no problem !!!
    Excuse for my english

    @+ Nicolas
  6. evo21

    evo21 MDL Novice

    Sep 6, 2009
    #6 evo21, Apr 21, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2010
    The answer is simple. If you use 32-Bit plugins, go for x86, if you don't, go for x64.

    I'm sure that soon after Office 2010 is released, 64-Bit plugins will start to appear.
  7. sam3971

    sam3971 MDL Guru

    Nov 14, 2008
    I personally use the x32 version because I use KIS 2010 Anti-Spam plugin for Outlook 2010 and I use the Adobe CS4 plugin for both Word 2010 and Powerpoint 2010 but if you do not have any add-ins that you use with office and you have an x64 OS then install the x64 version of office. I would also have to say that your probably right about the x64 plugins though too.
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  8. Thanos_The_Mad_Titans

    Nov 22, 2009
    #10 Thanos_The_Mad_Titans, Apr 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2010

    you said:
    You can download both the X86 and X64 Bit by downloading the torrent file that is attached to this message and you will have all the files necessary to install the RTM version of Office 2010 Select Edition VL from this link: REMOVED

    Warning: Posting of torrents files or (external) archives containing torrents files is not allowed @MDL