Why do case manufacturers budle a PSU with their case?

Discussion in 'PC Hardware' started by dadvii, Sep 4, 2023.

  1. dadvii

    dadvii MDL Novice

    Sep 1, 2023
    As title states, why is this? Is it simply just to raise the price of the case or is there some other reason for it?
  2. Jingzin

    Jingzin MDL Addicted

    Nov 10, 2021
    it probably depends on where you live here you can buy case with or without psu
  3. ancestor(v)

    ancestor(v) Admin
    Staff Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    Sounds strange to me as well. I always had to buy those things separately, which I think is the best option (unless there is a good case with a good PSU being cheaper than buying each separately).
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  4. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    #4 acer-5100, Sep 7, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2023
    Cheaper cases always used to come with a PSU, just like lower end CPUs come with a heatsink.

    If you need to buy 20 PCs for a company or a school, you don't nitpick with fanless PSUs or stupidly high wattages, you just need something that works for three years, acceptably well (then they will replaced anyway because fiscal reasons).

    Cases w/o a PSU are meant for enthusiast who like to build their own personal machine and look at the quality (or the perceived quality) the color and whatever.

    Say when I bought my Seasonic X400 PSU (a superb fanless unit, for the time I bought it, and it still has few real competitors today) its official street price was 149€, in those days we used to sell complete minitower cases for 16€ (to be clear, with the PSU included).

    Compare the prices above and spot the differences...:D