The forum "Windows Server" is very generic ... There are at least 3 different versions ... "2003", "2008" and to further confuse, Microsoft adopted the name "2008 R2" for the new OS
I MUST agree as well, Vista differs to Win7, like how Win2008 differs to Win2008R2. Vista & Win2008 are much more related as such Win7 shares quite a bit with Win2008R2.
Considering the rather limited traffic within this section Im not sure I can agree with you guys. Instead posters could be better naming the threads to help the overview.
why not just ad sub sections for 2k3/2k8/r2 that way people can ask in the proper section and less confusion.
I agree with OleBent. We'd now have thousands of subforums we don't really need if we came after every suggestion. Thank you for your idea....but at the moment, those subforums aren't really necessary.
Easy! Close the useless "Windows 7 RTM" forum, and allocate its "resources" to a new forum "Windows 2008 R2"
Win7 RTM forum will be closed. But anyways.....we've got enough resources. At the moment, some reorganizing takes place, but I don't think we're going to put up a Windows 2008 R2 forum. There is just no real need for it...