From the OP : - Use the standard Win 11 setup for clean installs on devices without Secure Boot and TPM 2.0 and low amount of DiskSize & RAM. - Enables to install on LegacyBIOS/MBR only systems.
To avoid various restrictions, prefer an Offline (i.e. Turn the Internet OFF) Windows 11 installation.
All options to bypass the requirement checks when WU/ISO upgrading are published here:
Never had a problem with Win 11 Boot And Upgrade FiX KiT v2.0, heck have used it to install on 10+ year old computers.. even with just 2Gigs of ram and of course VM's
Yes, it will bypass those checks as well. That being said, a low RAM device will likely have some performance issues.
Universal MediaCreationTool.bat wrapper for ALL versions (1507 - 21H2) Allowed me to install Windows 11 on a 12-year Old (Single-Core) Ring.
Someone got this to run with a win 11 iso created by the MCT wrapper? It was telling me that my machine is not able to install windows 11. I used option 2 and the win 11 iso from MCT wrapper.
What does the source of the ISO have to do with modifying the boot.wim registry (clean installs) or renaming/replacing/removing the appraiserres.dll file (upgrade scenarios)?
@Enthousiast, A good way to detect Host OS Architecture is: Code: if exist "%SystemROOT%\SysWOW64" ( set "Arch=x64" set "xOS=amd64" ) else ( set "Arch=x86" set "xOS=x86" ) By change the structure of the folders, you can optimize the code like this: set "_wimlib=%~dp0bin\%Arch%\wimlib-imagex.exe" The same for nsudo, which I saw in the other scripts. And as a example: if you insert %~dp0 in the paths set in the variables and using the variable in quotation marks, you avoid the problem with spaces in the user's folder structures: "%_wimlib%" Edited.
@RaiyvaN most of this has been discussed, and win 11 is x64 only (arm64 i am not bothered about). Atm i am not focused on this, will look at it when i am.
edit: set "xOS=amd64" not arm64 I just put it there because it is present in the script, but it is unused. edit 2: Sorry. I found now where "warch" is set. Long lines and I passed directly, while reading the code. My mistake. My bad.
Hello, I downloaded Win11_English_x64.iso. Checked hashes. Then modified using this tool and tried to upgrade from running Win 10 20H2 and 21H1. Setup.exe does not show any window and just terminates. I've tried to disconnect from the internet but it also didn't work. Any tips?