@Enthousiast I found a problem with the script. Using %~dp0 even inside quotes will break the quotes. For example if you are using the script from: "c:\work two" it will error out and claim c:\work cannot be found. Earlier in the script it does pushd %~dp0 so you don't need to call for another %~dp0. You can just use .\ or ignore that altogether. Here is an example of the fixed code: Code: :: Detect OS Architecture reg Query "HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0" | find /i "x86" > NUL && ( set "arch=x86" ) || ( set "arch=x64" ) if %arch%==x86 ( set "_wimlib=.\bin\wimlib-imagex.exe" set "xOS=x86" ) else ( set "_wimlib=.\bin\bin64\wimlib-imagex.exe" set "xOS=amd64" )
And yet it solved earlier errors, adding the extra %dp0, will test from a path with spaces tomorrow, people should stop using spaces in path names
Thanks for this. If I want to upgrade from the leaked version can I use method 2 and just run it from within windows or boot to it and enter the "Diskpart & Apply Image" script? (old pc without tpm etc)
It might be the particular way the quotes are used around both sides of the set command. I'm not entirely sure. I seem to remember using %~dp0 just fine as well but I didn't use it this way.
The appraiserres.dll replacement fix should enable you to upgrade using the ISO, if it fails without the fix applied.
This was happening before i added the extra %dp0: Code: Mounting image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.19041.844 Image Version: 10.0.19041.1052 An error occurred trying to open - murphy78-DiskPart-Apply-v1.2.8\x64_Test\Winrec" Error: 0x8007007b An error occurred trying to open - D:\21996_Boot_And_Upgrade_FiX_KiT_v1.3\murphy78-DiskPart-Apply-v1.2.8\x64_Test\Winrec" Error: 0x8007007b Error: 123 An error occurred trying to open - D:\21996_Boot_And_Upgrade_FiX_KiT_v1.3\murphy78-DiskPart-Apply-v1.2.8\x64_Test\Winrec" Error: 0x8007007b The DISM log file can be found at winrec.log Will check all out tomorrow.
An upgrade is ran by starting setup.exe from the root of the mounted/extracted iso FROM a running windows. Booting would mean a clean install.
Did you add those files? Because they don't exist in the normal folder structure. It would make sense for them to error out.
It seems to be working on my dinosaur core 2 due laptop Thanks for making tools that ease us all, MDL is a great community!
Enthousiast Big Time Thank you. Without your Tool Win 11 would not install. I need a new Motherboard, CPU, & Memory to run it AM3+ Socket Motherboard AMD FX-8350 CPU DDR-3 RAM This runs fine on Win 10.
Much appreciated to the contributors to this tool. A TPM 2.0 add in module to plug into to motherboard header is being bid up to $100 U.S. or more on Ebay
Thanks! Can we possibly get a mirror somewhere else as well? Neither of those links were working/downloading in Chrome/Vivaldi and just seemed to get stuck at 0 bytes/second perpetually. I was able to get the full URL from the mirror using Firefox (even JDownloader was saying temporarily unavailable and stalling out on the opendirectory.* link). I am sure whatever is broken will get fixed, but it'd be useful to have the links somewhere else if possible (maybe is.gd if you are trying to obscure the location).