This is fine for options 1, 2 and 3 : the ei.cfg stuff is needed 2 times due to option 4. In fact the best place is before the Rem statement preceding the : detectwimarch label , after line nmuber 269 : Code: :RESUME2 if exist "Work\sources\install.wim" set WIMFILE=install.wim if exist "Work\sources\install.esd" set WIMFILE=install.esd if exist "Work\sources\install.swm" ( echo ============================================================ echo Install.swm file is not supported... echo ============================================================ echo. goto :cleanup ) IF /I "%EI_CFG_ADD%" NEQ "1" ( echo ============================================================ ECHO You have chosen to NOT copy the generic EI.CFG file. ECHO. echo ^(If exists, the original file will remain on the ISO^) echo ============================================================ ECHO. ) else ( echo. echo ============================================================ echo Copying the generic ei.cfg to the work dir... echo ^(If exists, the original file will be renamed to EI.CFG.Ori^) echo ============================================================ echo. IF EXIST "WORK\Sources\EI.CFG" ren "WORK\Sources\EI.CFG" "EI.CFG.Ori" COPY /Y "Files\EI.CFG" "WORK\Sources\" echo. ) REM detect wim arch : detectwimarch Edit : updated version Spoiler Code: @echo off REM change wording if needed.. TITLE Admin Check... echo Checking for admin... reg query HKU\S-1-5-19 >nul 2>&1 ||if not "%1"=="am_admin" (powershell start -verb runas '%0' am_admin & exit /b) :gotAdmin pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" cls ::Options to set by dev SET "Version=v4.1" SET "UFWS_version=v1.4" ::Options to set by the user SET "EI_CFG_ADD=1" SET "Boot_WIM_Opt=0" SET "DPaA=0" TITLE Win 11 Boot ^& Upgrade FiX KiT %version% By Enthousiast ^@MDL... ::Detect OS Architecture reg Query "HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0" | find /i "x86" > NUL && ( set "arch=x86" ) || ( set "arch=x64" ) if %arch%==x86 ( set "_wimlib=bin\wimlib-imagex.exe" set "xOS=x86" ) else ( set "_wimlib=bin\bin64\wimlib-imagex.exe" set "xOS=amd64" ) :Preparing if exist "Work" rmdir /q /s "WORK" if exist "TEMP" rmdir /q /s "TEMP" md "WORK" md "TEMP" echo. echo ============================================================ echo Win 11 Boot ^& Upgrade FiX KiT %version% By Enthousiast ^@MDL... echo ============================================================ echo. :Loop SET "FiX=" echo. echo================================================================================= ECHO Select the desired FiX... echo================================================================================= echo. ECHO [ 1 ] This option mainly utilizes UFWS %UFWS_version% (recommended option). ECHO. ECHO - It circumvents all Win 11 minimum requirements (CPU-RAM-Disksize-TPM-Secureboot). ECHO - This works for clean installs and upgrade scenarios using standard setup. IF /I "%DPaA%" NEQ "1" ( ECHO - You have chosen to NOT integrate the Diskpart ^& Apply Image script ^(v1.3.1^). ) ELSE ( ECHO - Integrates the Diskpart ^& Apply Image script ^(v1.3.1^). ) IF /I "%EI_CFG_ADD%" NEQ "1" ( ECHO - You have chosen to NOT copy the generic EI.CFG file. ) ELSE ( ECHO - A generic EI.CFG file will be copied to the sources folder. ) ECHO. echo================================================================================= ECHO. ECHO [ 2 ] - This option modifies boot.wim registry to skip the SB, RAM, DiskSize and ECHO TPM 2.0 check and replaces ^"appraiserres.dll^" with one from Win 10 ECHO ^(You can insert your own in the Files folder, by default it's one from a 15063 ISO^). IF /I "%DPaA%" NEQ "1" ( ECHO - You have chosen to NOT integrate the Diskpart ^& Apply Image script ^(v1.3.1^). ) ELSE ( ECHO - Integrates the Diskpart ^& Apply Image script ^(v1.3.1^). ) IF /I "%EI_CFG_ADD%" NEQ "1" ( ECHO - You have chosen to NOT copy the generic EI.CFG file. ) ELSE ( ECHO - A generic EI.CFG file will be copied to the sources folder. ) ECHO. ECHO This method enables you to: echo. ECHO - Use the standard Win 11 setup for clean installs on devices without: ECHO - Secure Boot, TPM 2.0, DiskSize ^<52GB ^& RAM ^<8GB. ECHO - Use the alternative Diskpart ^& Apply Image installation script for clean installs. ECHO - Circumvent ^"TPM 2.0 is required^" error when ^(inplace^) upgrading. ECHO - Enables to install on LegacyBIOS^/MBR only systems. ECHO - Circumvents the 64GB ^(52GB^) minimum disk size check. ECHO. echo================================================================================= ECHO. ECHO [ 3 ] - This option modifies ^"winsetup.dll^" inside boot.wim ECHO. ECHO - It suppresses all Win 11 Hardware Requirements. ECHO - This works for clean installs and upgrade scenarios using standard setup. IF /I "%DPaA%" NEQ "1" ( ECHO - You have chosen to NOT integrate the Diskpart ^& Apply Image script ^(v1.3.1^). ) ELSE ( ECHO - Integrates the Diskpart ^& Apply Image script ^(v1.3.1^). ) IF /I "%EI_CFG_ADD%" NEQ "1" ( ECHO - You have chosen to NOT copy the generic EI.CFG file. ) ELSE ( ECHO - A generic EI.CFG file will be copied to the sources folder. ) echo - replaces "appraiserres.dll" with one from Win 10 echo - (You can insert your own in the Files folder, by default it's one from a 15063 ISO). echo. echo================================================================================= ECHO. ECHO This only applies to Option 1, 2 and 3!!! echo. ECHO - For when public release (all Win 7/8/10) to DEV channel release ISO upgrades fails, ECHO - i've put in a cmd called "Upgrade_Fail_Fix.cmd", run this as admin, ECHO - after rebooting you can simply run standard setup. ECHO. echo================================================================================= ECHO. ECHO [ 4 ] - Puts the Win 11 install.wim/esd in a Win 10 ISO. ECHO (Provide a Win 10 ISO in the "Source_ISO\W10\" Folder). ECHO. ECHO - This method is useful for clean installs from boot, using the standard W10 setup. IF /I "%EI_CFG_ADD%" NEQ "1" ( ECHO - You have chosen to NOT copy the generic EI.CFG file. ) ELSE ( ECHO - A generic EI.CFG file will be copied to the sources folder. ) ECHO. echo================================================================================= ECHO. SET "CHOICE=" SET /P CHOICE="* Type your option and press Enter: " IF /I '%CHOICE%'=='1' SET "FiX=1" IF /I '%CHOICE%'=='2' SET "FiX=2" IF /I '%CHOICE%'=='3' SET "FiX=3" IF /I '%CHOICE%'=='4' SET "FiX=4" IF NOT DEFINED FiX GOTO :Loop if not exist "Source_ISO\W11\*.iso" ( echo. ECHO========================================================== echo No iso file detected in Source_ISO^\W11 dir... ECHO========================================================== echo. GOTO :cleanup ) IF /I "%FiX%" NEQ "4" GOTO :RESUME1 if not exist "Source_ISO\W10\*.iso" ( echo. ECHO========================================================== echo No iso file detected in Source_ISO^\W10 dir... ECHO========================================================== echo. GOTO :cleanup ) :RESUME1 for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b Source_ISO\W11\*.iso') do bin\7z.exe e -y -oTEMP "Source_ISO\W11\%%i" sources\setup.exe >nul bin\7z.exe l .\TEMP\setup.exe >.\TEMP\version.txt 2>&1 for /f "tokens=4 delims=. " %%i in ('findstr /i /b FileVersion .\TEMP\version.txt') do set vermajor=%%i bin\7z.exe l .\Files\appraiserres.dll >.\TEMP\version2.txt 2>&1 for /f "tokens=4 delims=. " %%i in ('findstr /i /b FileVersion .\TEMP\version2.txt') do set Appraiserres_Version=%%i for /f "tokens=4,5 delims=. " %%i in ('findstr /i /b FileVersion .\TEMP\version.txt') do (set majorbuildnr=%%i&set deltabuildnr=%%j) IF NOT DEFINED vermajor ( if exist "TEMP" rmdir /q /s "TEMP" echo. ECHO========================================================== echo Detecting setup.exe version failed... ECHO========================================================== echo. pause exit /b ) SET "Winver=" IF %vermajor% GEQ 19041 SET "Winver=10" IF %vermajor% GEQ 21996 SET "Winver=11" IF NOT DEFINED Winver ( if exist "TEMP" rmdir /q /s "TEMP" echo. ECHO========================================================== echo Unsupported iso version... ECHO========================================================== echo. pause exit /b ) IF %vermajor% GEQ 21996 SET "BUILD=22000" IF NOT DEFINED BUILD ( echo. ECHO========================================================== echo Unsupported Win10 build... ECHO========================================================== echo. pause exit /b ) If /I "%FiX%"=="4" GOTO :FiX4 echo. ECHO========================================================== echo Extracting Source ISO... ECHO========================================================== echo. bin\7z x -y -oWork\ Source_ISO\W11\ echo. Goto :RESUME2 :FiX4 echo. echo ============================================================ echo Extracting Win 10 Source ISO... echo ============================================================ echo. bin\7z x -y -oWork\ Source_ISO\W10\ -x!sources\install.* echo. echo ============================================================ echo Extracting Win 11 install.wim^/esd to work dir... echo ============================================================ echo. for /f %%i in ('dir /b Source_ISO\W11\*.iso') do bin\7z.exe e -y -o"WORK\Sources" "Source_ISO\W11\%%i" sources\install.* >nul :RESUME2 if exist "Work\sources\install.wim" set WIMFILE=install.wim if exist "Work\sources\install.esd" set WIMFILE=install.esd if exist "Work\sources\install.swm" ( echo ============================================================ echo Install.swm file is not supported... echo ============================================================ echo. goto :cleanup ) IF /I "%EI_CFG_ADD%" NEQ "1" ( echo ============================================================ ECHO You have chosen to NOT copy the generic EI.CFG file. ECHO. echo ^(If exists, the original file will remain on the ISO^) echo ============================================================ ECHO. ) else ( echo. echo ============================================================ echo Copying the generic ei.cfg to the work dir... echo ^(If exists, the original file will be renamed to EI.CFG.Ori^) echo ============================================================ echo. IF EXIST "WORK\Sources\EI.CFG" ren "WORK\Sources\EI.CFG" "EI.CFG.Ori" COPY /Y "Files\EI.CFG" "WORK\Sources\" echo. ) REM detect wim arch : detectwimarch for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %%# in ('dism.exe /english /get-wiminfo /wimfile:"Work\sources\%WIMFILE%" /index:1 ^| find /i "Architecture"') do set warch=%%# for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%m in ('dism.exe /english /Get-WimInfo /wimfile:"Work\sources\%WIMFILE%" /Index:1 ^| findstr /i Build') do set b2=%%m :Win11Lang REM detect extracted win11 iso language set "IsoLang=ar-SA,bg-BG,cs-CZ,da-DK,de-DE,el-GR,en-GB,en-US,es-ES,es-MX,et-EE,fi-FI,fr-CA,fr-FR,he-IL,hr-HR,hu-HU,it-IT,ja-JP,ko-KR,lt-LT,lv-LV,nb-NO,nl-NL,pl-PL,pt-BR,pt-PT,ro-RO,ru-RU,sk-SK,sl-SI,sr-RS,sv-SE,th-TH,tr-TR,uk-UA,zh-CN,zh-TW" for %%i in (%IsoLang%) do if exist "Work\sources\%%i\*.mui" set %%i=1 REM set ISO label lang for %%i in (%IsoLang%) do if defined %%i ( SET "LabelLang=%%i" ) If /I "%FiX%"=="4" GOTO :ISO_FiX4 IF /I "%FiX%"=="3" GOTO :FIX3 IF /I "%FiX%"=="2" GOTO :FIX2 :FiX1 echo. echo ============================================================ Echo Applying UFWS %UFWS_version% to circumvent CPU-RAM-Disksize-TPM-Secureboot checks to %WIMFILE% echo ============================================================ for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%i in ('%_wimlib% info Work\sources\%WIMFILE% ^| findstr /c:"Image Count"') do set images=%%i for /L %%i in (1,1,%images%) do ( %_wimlib% info "Work\sources\%WIMFILE%" %%i --image-property WINDOWS/INSTALLATIONTYPE=Server >nul ) echo. Goto :ISO_FiX123 :FIX2 echo. echo ============================================================ echo Modding Boot.wim to disable Secure Boot, RAM, DiskSize and TPM 2.0 check... echo ============================================================ echo. ::if exist "TEMP" rmdir /q /s "TEMP" %_wimlib% extract "WORK\sources\boot.wim" 2 \Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM --no-acls --no-attributes --dest-dir="TEMP" Reg.exe load HKLM\MDL_Test "TEMP\SYSTEM" Reg.exe add "HKLM\MDL_Test\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassTPMCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f Reg.exe add "HKLM\MDL_Test\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassSecureBootCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f Reg.exe add "HKLM\MDL_Test\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassRAMCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f Reg.exe add "HKLM\MDL_Test\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassStorageCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f Reg.exe unload HKLM\MDL_Test %_wimlib% update "WORK\sources\boot.wim" 2 --command="add 'TEMP\SYSTEM' '\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM'" echo. echo ============================================================ echo Replacing the Win 11 appraiserres.dll with one from a %Appraiserres_Version% ISO... echo ^(The original file will be renamed to appraiserres.dll.bak^) echo ============================================================ echo. ren "WORK\sources\appraiserres.dll" "appraiserres.dll.bak" copy /Y "Files\appraiserres.dll" "WORK\Sources" echo. Goto :ISO_FiX123 :FIX3 echo. echo ============================================================ echo Modding Boot.wim winsetup.dll to disable HWRequirements check... echo ============================================================ echo. ::if exist "TEMP" rmdir /q /s "TEMP" %_wimlib% extract "WORK\sources\boot.wim" 2 \sources\winsetup.dll --no-acls --no-attributes --dest-dir="TEMP" set "d1=$winsetup = 'TEMP\winsetup.dll'; $b = [io.file]::ReadAllBytes($winsetup); $h = [BitConverter]::ToString($b) -replace '-'" set "d2=$s = [BitConverter]::ToString([Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes('Module_Init_HWRequirements')) -replace '-'" set "d3=$i = ($h.IndexOf($s)/2); $r = [Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes('Module_Init_GatherDiskInfo'); $l = $r.Length" set "d4=if ($i -gt 1) {for ($k=0;$k -lt $l;$k++) {$b[$i+$k] = $r[$k]}; [io.file]::WriteAllBytes($winsetup,$b)}; [GC]::Collect()" powershell -nop -c "%d1%; %d2%; %d3%; %d4%" %_wimlib% update "WORK\sources\boot.wim" 2 --command="add 'TEMP\winsetup.dll' '\sources\winsetup.dll'" echo. echo ============================================================ echo Replacing the Win 11 appraiserres.dll with one from a %Appraiserres_Version% ISO... echo ^(The original file will be renamed to appraiserres.dll.bak^) echo ============================================================ echo. ren "WORK\sources\appraiserres.dll" "appraiserres.dll.bak" copy /Y "Files\appraiserres.dll" "WORK\Sources" echo. Goto :ISO_FiX123 :ISO_FiX123 IF /I "%DPaA%" NEQ "1" GOTO :RESUME3 echo. echo ============================================================ echo Adding Murphy78 Diskpart and Apply Image Script 1.3.1 To Boot.wim... echo ============================================================ echo. %_wimlib% update Work\sources\boot.wim 2 --command "add 'Files\murphy78-DiskPart-Apply-v1.3.1\%warch%\' '\'" :RESUME3 echo. echo ============================================================ echo Copying Upgrade_Fail_Fix.cmd to work dir... echo ============================================================ echo. COPY /Y "Files\Upgrade_Fail_Fix.cmd" "WORK\" echo. IF /I "%Boot_WIM_Opt%" NEQ "1" GOTO :SKIP_2 echo ============================================================ echo Optimizing boot.wim... echo ============================================================ echo. %_wimlib% optimize "WORK\Sources\boot.wim" --recompress :SKIP_2 echo. ECHO========================================================== echo Creating %WARCH% ISO... ECHO========================================================== echo. ECHO. xcopy /s /i /Q "OEM" "WORK\Sources" >NUL 2>&1 ECHO. for /f %%# in ('powershell "get-date -format _yyyy_MM_dd"') do set "isodate=%%#" if not defined isodate set "isodate=_0000_00_00" echo. for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b Source_ISO\W11\*.iso') do set "isoname=%%i" set "isoname=%isoname:~0,-4%_FIXED%isodate%.iso" bin\cdimage.exe -bootdata:2#p0,e,b"Work\boot\"#pEF,e,b"Work\efi\Microsoft\boot\efisys.bin" -o -m -u2 -udfver102 -lWin_%Winver%_%vermajor%_%warch%_%LabelLang% "work" "%isoname%" Goto :cleanup :ISO_FiX4 IF /I "%Boot_WIM_Opt%" NEQ "1" GOTO :SKIP_3 echo ============================================================ echo Optimizing boot.wim... echo ============================================================ echo. %_wimlib% optimize "WORK\Sources\boot.wim" --recompress :SKIP_3 echo. ECHO========================================================== echo Creating %WARCH% ISO... ECHO========================================================== echo. for /f %%# in ('powershell "get-date -format _yyyy_MM_dd"') do set "isodate=%%#" if not defined isodate set "isodate=_0000_00_00" echo. bin\cdimage.exe -bootdata:2#p0,e,b"Work\boot\"#pEF,e,b"Work\efi\Microsoft\boot\efisys.bin" -o -m -u2 -udfver102 -lWin_%Winver%_%vermajor%_%warch%_%LabelLang% "Work" Win_10_ISO_With_%majorbuildnr%.%b2%_%wARCH%_%LabelLang%_%WIMFILE%_FiXED%isodate%.iso :cleanup if exist "TEMP" rmdir /q /s "TEMP" if exist "Work" rmdir /q /s "WORK" pause exit /b
I agree. I used the win10/win11 iso creation at thr very first beginning I look at option 3. Very esoteric coding. But it works!
@Enthousiast : are you aware of this registry key : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache Some users say that a watermark is displayed This key is in my registry but not value (0, 1 ?) is supplied (I have no watermark on 22621.1265 installed with option 1 of the tool i.e UFWS 1.4).
Similar here. No watermark, but is it time to start worrying? btw: Tried to make the watermark show up by deliberately changing that key value. No watermark so far with either 1 or 0
My equipment is not compatible either and I get this and I use option 1 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache SV2 REG_DWORD 0x00000000 (0)
Is this related to this? This was with a certain ip build update and just once or twice.
I mentioned the article only because it comes from one of the main vendors and it says "Using a bootable WinPE image provides a simple process to deploy Windows 11 into a VM without a vTPM from the start that is fully supported by Microsoft and VMware." Some people might be reluctant to use scripts posted on forums in particular when it comes to using them for work related purpose. It is not necessary a matter of trust, but compliance rules and so on.
Hey @Enthousiast, appreciate this. I've used the version 2.2 way back when final 22H2 was released to Release Preview channel. What I want to ask you, is there any reason for me to recreate a new ISO using your latest v4.0? Will I missing something if I continue using the ISO created with v2.2? Thanks!
You have to update the Win_11_Boot_And_Upgrade_FiX_KiT_v4.0.cmd script and change line 19 to SET "DPaA=1" ; it concerns murphy78-DiskPart-Apply-v1.3.1