Win 11 Boot And Upgrade FiX KiT (v5.1f Released!!!)

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by Enthousiast, Jun 28, 2021.

  1. donmiller

    donmiller MDL Addicted

    Jun 4, 2016
    #1121 donmiller, May 28, 2023
    Last edited: May 28, 2023
    This thread is in the business of providing a means of installing the latest edition of Windows on your PC. The fix kit works really great. You can use it to put Windows 11 on almost any legacy machine. But it is not a fix for a bigger problem.

    Every month we have to patch Windows to handle the latest CVEs. There is an unending dependency on MSFT for these patches.

    Apparently, we are supposed to believe that a TPM module will make our Windows PCs more secure. Yet we are supposed to continue to install the latest monthly patches endlessly—-for security reasons. That seems like a contradiction.

    Whether you decide to stay with Windows 10 until October 25, 2025 or choose to run Windows 11, patching Windows for security reasons isn’t going to stop. And it’s always been a nuisance for some Windows users.
  2. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    TPM is all about control. Not for us, but for them.
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  3. maxama123

    maxama123 MDL Addicted

    Oct 22, 2009
    #1123 maxama123, May 30, 2023
    Last edited: May 31, 2023
    TPM = Total Pain in MyAss. When there's a will, there's a way to side step their requirements. I don't see how this module makes a difference or if it's just an extra layer of protection. My computer still needs Anti virus anyway. Go figure.
  4. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    Microsoft let's you disabled data collection, Via group policy
    It's public, well know, use it
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  5. jimt-47

    jimt-47 MDL Novice

    Dec 3, 2022
    Help I can not unzip or copy the appraiserres.dll file from Win_11_Boot_And_Upgrade_FiX_KiT_v4.0 I have tried to on two computers but no luck.
  6. Errepublika

    Errepublika MDL Senior Member

    Aug 18, 2021
    The appraiserres.dll file does not have to be decompressed, it is a *.dll file, it is not rar or zip, run Win_11_Boot_And_Upgrade_FiX_KiT_v4.0.cmd, choose one of the options and the program will replace the file in the ISO of course, you have to put the Original iso where you have unzipped Win_11_Boot_And_Upgrade_FiX_KiT_v4.0 E:\Win_11_Boot_And_Upgrade_FiX_KiT_v4.0\Source_ISO\W11
  7. jimt-47

    jimt-47 MDL Novice

    Dec 3, 2022
    I can not unzip the Win_11_Boot_And_Upgrade_FiX_KiT_v4.0 zip file - I get an error because of the appraiserres.dll file
  8. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Please show a screenshot of the error.
  9. Errepublika

    Errepublika MDL Senior Member

    Aug 18, 2021
    You have put the password of the file
    Password to unzip: MDL2023
  10. jimt-47

    jimt-47 MDL Novice

    Dec 3, 2022
    Stupid ME!!!!! I forget to put in the password - SORRY!!!!
    I got it NOW!!!
  11. TheVoid

    TheVoid MDL Novice

    Apr 28, 2012
    Is it possible to still receive feature updates / version updates through windows update, if you install on a device without tpm, proper cpu, etc.

    I read the only way is to download the iso and do an in place upgrade each time. is that the only option?
  12. maxama123

    maxama123 MDL Addicted

    Oct 22, 2009
    I still receive all windows updates even though my computer doesn't meet any windows 11 requirements.
  13. Tazgrump2

    Tazgrump2 MDL Junior Member

    Dec 7, 2013
    So I have a friend who had an old machine (Socket 775) that asked me to fix if for him. I told him it was a boat anchor especially since it was MBR on a 2.5" SSD. I had a relatively new HM90 MinisForum machine which is actually a BEELINK. I told him I could save his installed files and programs by cloning, I had to use Paragon Disk Manager to do the MBR to GPT conversion after the initial clone.
    Since the 775 machine cannot read an NVME drive the first clone had to be to a 2.5" SSD. This guy only has 110 GB of crap being transferred to a 256 GB temp drive.

    My next step was to upgrade the WIN 10 to Win11 using the Boot and Upgrade Fix tool vr 4.0. I had already created a fixed ISO of 22H2 for this and any other upgrade which I have done numerous times with complete success. The upgrade will NOT proceed saying it Cannot determine if there is enough space to do the Win 11 upgrade. So I cloned the 2.5" win10 clone to a 500 GB brand new NVME drive. Using Paragon again. It went flawlessly, so I then wiped the smaller 256 GB drive for storage for this guy so he would have 2 drives to work with. But now I need to upgrade to 11 on the NVME drive. Same undeterminable storage space calculation error, please restart the installation. I have done this numerous times with the same result. I have run the winupdate failure script. This machine ran Win 11 with my Old 2TB NVME drive, but it was a clean install. That drive is now in a faster machine, so this is why I am selling and doing this. I know I could do a clean 11 and copy files but I would have to reinstall apps and drivers as a lot are not in the install cache. Does anyone know of a fix other than the drastic? I ran Dism Update and SFC /scannow and checkdisk from 10 and Paragon and no change. Still a storage calculation error from the 11 22h2 update installer that has been fixed for security checks. AveYo's tool same result. Internet disconnected test: same, skip driver updating: same. I am stumped!!! Straight download of ISO no fixes same result/

    366 GB of free space, no extra partitions, 110 GB used but the installer can't figure it OUT???? Any ideas other than Clean??
  14. WindR

    WindR MDL Novice

    Feb 28, 2010
    Look into setupact.log for "space" error, it will guide you to partition that doesn't meet windows 11 requirements.
  15. Tazgrump2

    Tazgrump2 MDL Junior Member

    Dec 7, 2013
    It would have to be an EFI partition related to system booting and it is probably due to the mbr to gpt conversion from Paragon. I will check the numerous logs as I have done this
    so many times. The Main C partition is so large it could only be a miss-calculation by the installer that is not fixable.
  16. Tazgrump2

    Tazgrump2 MDL Junior Member

    Dec 7, 2013
    This may be the reason:
    Windows 11 requires 500 MB EFI System partition, which may cause otherwise eligible PCs to fail prerequisite check. If you’ve used Autounattend.xml deployment scripts in the past, your EFI partition is likely 100 MB.
    This is all specifically new Windows 10 to 11 updates requiring more than 100MB EFI partitions. Even the 3rd party Partition tools could not shuffle around all of the partitions to allow us to grow them.
  17. rpo

    rpo MDL Expert

    Jan 3, 2010
    Your problem is not related to Win 11 Boot And Upgrade FiX KiT
  18. Tazgrump2

    Tazgrump2 MDL Junior Member

    Dec 7, 2013
    You are correct, THE mbr TO gpt conversion performed by Paragon Disk Manager does not create all the necessary EFI partitions for Windows 11 upgrade/installation with ANY Tool. If the MBR original disk only had one EFI partition it keeps that EFI structure, There are two additional partitions necessary that are normally created during a clean install: a 499mb unnamed partition and a Healthy recovery partition. The drive I am working with has only a Healthy System partition of which I have increased its size from 100 MB to 610 MB. This should allow the installer/upgrader to complete, but alas it wants the missing Recovery and UnNamed 499 MB partitions in place, as well, so in my case, and anyone else with this situation, will result in failure to complete, as the installer does not what to do. What I am not sure of now, is whether could I create these, which I doubt, so I do not have to do the clean install.
    Thank you, RPO. :mad:
  19. TS2008

    TS2008 MDL Junior Member

    Mar 24, 2015
    Windows 11 only needs a 100MB ESP. The problem here is usually that unnecessary languages have been installed in the ESP (or other unneeded files) and in the end it's usually just a few KB free space missing to perform the Upgrade.

    All my Windows 10 an Windows11 Installations have only a 100MB ESP.