Hi im wanting to attempt a free upgrade to win 10 ( is it pro?) from windows 7 ultimate service pack 1 that has loads of updates to do but has been taking ages and i have a few questions. its activated and i know there is an end of life for windows 7 (updates still appear to be working albeit slowly. the win 7 is 32 bit and only 4 gig of my 8gb ram is usable so would like to go to 64 bit win is there an easier route to go in this upgrade? is it even still possible for free? do i have to link it to a microsoft account first? i dont know if it is or how to check. everything i do i have to google which takes ages cos as you know for any given search you get loads of waffle or unrelated finds. if anyone can give me a few pointers i would be most greatful the more info you give the less googling i will have to do lol. thanks in advance.
I recommend updating your system to at least 16 GB RAM and a state of the art CPU. Upgrade still possible via Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant (just google that. It's genuine Microsoft-Stuff and it still works)
thanks ive seen i have until 14th of jan ive just built a new pc with 16 gig of ram and a ryzen 5 2600 six core processor and a £250 plus gpu and thats my main pc the win 7 is my daughters pc used only foir text documents but shes neglected it and every time its turned on its too busy trying to download and install updates and seems slow.
Does anyone know if i need to fully install all win 7 updates before upgrading or as i imagine can i just go ahead with the update?
thanks for that sako549 its a desktop pc not a laptop. i may have built it or bought it from a fair 10 years ago or more i used to do 2 or 3 a year so cant be sure so i dont have to upgrade as such, just clean install of win 10 pro 64 and then my win 7 key works? how do i check my key is legit and authentic? (google here i come) she has data on the drives other partition she doesnt want to lose (plus user files transferred from her documents on the win 7 partition) so im gonna only install fresh windows to the present windows partition. there is enough space. but i do have loads of drives with space i can copy her data to if that makes things easier.
just checked with Ultimate PID Checker and with slmgr/ dli and im licensed and its genuine and authentic so here goes. i then want to fit an ssd and read good things about samsung magic software to simply clone the os partition
Nope! Sorry, I disagree. Using Samsung's Clone will create an exact image of the current hard drive onto the new blank SSD. This is not the route you want to follow. If you are installing a brand new (blank) SSD drive and going to use it as an OS drive, then here are the steps: 1- Disconnect all current drives (power off or disconnect their data cables). 2- Install your brand new SSD drive and hook it to port 0 (the first SATA port on the mobo; usually comes in a different color). 3- Download a fresh copy of Win10 Pro 64-bit ISO and burn it (image it) to a flash drive using anything like Rufus. 4- Boot the desktop using the newly created flash and install Win10. Key-in the 25 alphanumeric key and activate the newly installed OS. 5- Install Win10 Updates and drivers. Also, any software you want (Browsers, Office, etc...) Run Updates again. At this steps, the SSD will get C: as drive letter. 6- Connect the old drive (drives) to port 1 (second port on mobo). If you have any CD/DVD drive, hook it to the last port on mobo. At this steps, go to Disk Management and give it the drive letter you want. Usually will get D: or whatever drive letter you want to assign to each partition. 7- Check that all is good. His/her data are intact and accessible. P.S. I skipped step 0, because it's very obvious. Don't touch anything before having a 100% working backup. This is crucial. Good luck!
It wouldn't hurt to create a GenuineTicket.xml from you current Win7 installation which could be used to activate the Clean install of Win10x64 in case the your Win7 key isn't accepted. See the following thread for info: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...g-through-the-complete-upgrade-process.64770/
wish id read that last post pt1158, cos ive installed win 10 pro and it wont accept my win 7 ultimate oem key giving error 0 x 80041024 i didnt go the upgrade route and downloaded the media as if for for a new pc not an upgrade forget about the ssd ill do that in a months time i just want to get windows activated any help plz? also forgot to mention i was on 32 bit win 7 but went for win 10 pro 64 bit is that a problem?
How did you enter the ultimate key? No, slic, msdm, keys or hwid don't mind what architecture the OS is.
cheers will do that now# the syntax is incorrect i used the <xxxxx-xxxxblahblah> with the dashes and without i used the sideways v's comma and full stop key and not the brackets
aha i was putting the brackets in < > i now got Failed! Error 0x80041024. A critical error occured while converting genuine authorization tickets on disk licenses. Error code: 0x80041024. Failed! Error 0x80041024.
just win pro 64 not pro N its for my daughter before trying the install i tried to link the device to her online id. i had to create an id and the only device that showed up in credentials was a lap top from years ago. and when i tried the new install i entered her online id maybe its thinking this pc is nothing like the laptop
i dont know i was only given one option via the windows download tool ie home, pro, pro n so i selected pro id read somewhere that being linked to an online id was a big thing. well i tried to link the pc to her online id. so as to make it more identifiable. in my mind. dunno if in reality this mattered. i had to download an online id thingy and in one of the system windows it showed her as being signed in online