Win10+ Setup Disk (Works with UEFI Secure Boot / BIOS / Install.wim over 4 GB)

Discussion in 'Scripting' started by freddie-o, Mar 21, 2019.

  1. freddie-o

    freddie-o MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    Can "System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox" automatically detect when a USB is plugged or unplugged?
  2. rpo

    rpo MDL Expert

    Jan 3, 2010
    Here is one of my "old" scripts (just deleted the echo statements and changed some variable names) :
    <# : standard way of doing hybrid batch + powershell scripts
    @set "__CMD__=%~f0" &set "__ARGS__=%*" &powershell -noprofile -c "iex([io.file]::ReadAllText(\"%~f0\"))" &exit/b
    #    This script must be executed with admin privilege
    #    Test Administrator privileges
    If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
    #    Restart the script to get Administrator privileges and exit
        Start-Process 'powershell.exe' -Verb runAs -ArgumentList ("-NoLogo -WindowStyle Normal -noprofile -file " + """" + $PSCommandPath + """")
    #    We have Administrator privileges
    $pswindow = $host.ui.rawui          # create a reference to the console’s UI.RawUI child object
    $newsize = $pswindow.buffersize    # set the buffer size
    $newsize.height = 3000                # 3000 lines
    $newsize.width = 150                # 150 characters
    $pswindow.buffersize = $newsize    # set the BufferSize properties
    $newsize = $pswindow.buffersize    # assign the BufferSize properties to a variable named $newsize
    $pswindow.buffersize = $newsize    # assign the values to the actual console window
    $newsize = $pswindow.windowsize    # set the window size
    $newsize.height = [Math]::Min(50, $host.ui.rawui.MaxWindowSize.height)
    $newsize.width = [Math]::Min(150, $host.ui.rawui.MaxWindowSize.Width)
    $pswindow.windowsize = $newsize
    $pswindow.windowtitle = "Create USB boot disk"
    $pswindow.foregroundcolor = "Yellow";$pswindow.backgroundcolor = "Blue"
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms # Load the class System.Windows.Forms
    # Filebrowser dialog
    $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{
       Multiselect = $false # One file can be chosen
        Filter = 'ISO images (*.iso)|*.iso' # Select iso files
    title="Select the .iso image"
    Function ErrorMessage
    Write-Host -NoNewline $msg  -ForegroundColor Red -backgroundColor White
    $HOST.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown") | out-null
    $wshell=New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
    #    Select the USB stick
    $form=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form # Create the screen form (window)
    # $Form.ControlBox = $false
    $Form.FormBorderStyle = "none"
    $form.Text="Available USB disk(s)"
    $Form.Width=640 ; $Form.Height=300
    $Form.startposition = "Manual"
    $form.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Point(10,10)
    $USBDiskList=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
    $USBDiskList.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Point(5,20)
    # $USBDiskList.backColor="blue" ; $USBDiskList.ForeColor="White"
    $USBDiskList.Font='Courier New,10'
    $Form.KeyPreview = $True
    $Form.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Enter"){$OKButton.PerformClick()}})
    $Form.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Escape"){$CancelButton.PerformClick()}})
    $OKButton=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button # Put the OK button on the form
    $OKButton.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(560,200)
    $OKButton.Text="OK";$OKButton.Font='Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
    $OKButton.Add_MouseHover({$OKButton.backcolor = [System.Drawing.Color]::CornflowerBlue})
    $OKButton.Add_MouseLeave({$OKButton.backcolor = [System.Drawing.Color]::LightYellow})
    $OKButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK
    $CancelButton=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button # Put the Cancel button on the form
    $CancelButton.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(460,200)
    $CancelButton.Text="Cancel";$CancelButton.Font='Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
    $CancelButton.Add_MouseHover({$CancelButton.backcolor = [System.Drawing.Color]::CornflowerBlue})
    $CancelButton.Add_MouseLeave({$CancelButton.backcolor = [System.Drawing.Color]::LightYellow})
    $CancelButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel
    $Label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.label
    $Label.AutoSize = $True
    $Label.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(20,60)
    $Label.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,20)
    $Label.BorderStyle = "None"
    $Label.Font = "Arial,10"
    # $Label.backColor="blue" ; $Label.ForeColor="White"
    $USBDisks=@() # array whith USB disk number
    $Disks=Get-Disk | Where-Object {($_.BusType -eq "USB") -and ($_.OperationalStatus -eq "Online")}
    While (!$Disks) {
        $Label.BorderStyle = "Fixed3D"
        $Label.Text="Please mount USB stick. Click ""OK"" when ready`r`nor ""Cancel"" to exit."   
        $result = $form.ShowDialog()
        if ($result -eq "Cancel"){exit}
        $Disks=Get-Disk | Where-Object {($_.BusType -eq "USB") -and ($_.OperationalStatus -eq "Online")}
    Foreach ($USBDisk in $Disks) {
        $FriendlyName=($USBDisk.FriendlyName).PadRight(30," ").substring(0,30)   
        $Partitions = Get-Partition | Where-Object { $_.DiskNumber -eq $USBDisk.DiskNumber}
        If ($Partitions) {
            Foreach ($Partition in $Partitions) {
            $Volumes=get-volume | Where-Object {$Partition.AccessPaths -contains  $_.path }
            Foreach ($Volume in $Volumes) {
                $USBDiskList.Items.Add((" {0,-30}|{1,1}:| {2,-30}| {3:n2} GB" -f $FriendlyName, ($Partition.DriveLetter), $Volume.FileSystemLabel.PadRight(30," ").substring(0,30), ($Partition.Size/1GB)))|out-null
        } Else {
            $USBDiskList.Items.Add((" {0,-30}| {1,1}| {2,-30}| {3:n2} GB" -f $FriendlyName, " ", " ",($USBDisk.Size/1GB)))|out-null       
    $Label.BorderStyle = "Fixed3D"
    $Label.Text="Select your device and click ""OK""`r`nor ""Cancel"" to exit."
    $result = $form.ShowDialog()
    if ($result -eq "Cancel"){exit}
    #    Clear the USB stick
    Clear-Disk $usb -RemoveData -RemoveOEM -Confirm:$false
    Stop-Service ShellHWDetection
    #    Create the fat32 boot partition
    $usbfat32=(New-Partition -DiskNumber $usb -Size 1GB -AssignDriveLetter -IsActive | Format-Volume -FileSystem FAT32 -NewFileSystemLabel "BOOTFAT").DriveLetter + ":"
    #    Create the ntfs intall partition
    $usbntfs=(New-Partition -DiskNumber $usb -UseMaximumSize -AssignDriveLetter | Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "INSTALL").DriveLetter + ":"
    Start-Service ShellHWDetection
    # Read-Host "Eject the iso if it is mounted. When ready press Enter"
    # $Volumes = (Get-Volume).Where({$_.DriveLetter}).DriveLetter
    # Read-Host "Mount the iso. When ready press Enter"
    # $ISO = (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Volumes -DifferenceObject (Get-Volume).Where({$_.DriveLetter}).DriveLetter).InputObject
    # $ISO = (get-volume| Where-Object {($_.DriveType -eq "CD-ROM") -and ($_.filesystemlabel -ne "") -and ($_.OperationalStatus -eq "OK")} |Out-GridView -Title 'Select Cd-Rom image' -OutputMode Single).DriveLetter + ":"
    # $wshell.Popup("Select the iso.",0,"ISO image") | Out-Null
    $ImagePath = $FileBrowser.FileName;
    If($FileBrowser.FileNames -like "*\*") {
    #  Check if iso already mounted
        $ISO = (Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath | Get-Volume).DriveLetter
    #    Mount iso
        IF (!$ISO) {Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath -StorageType ISO |out-null
        $ISO = (Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath | Get-Volume).DriveLetter}
    if ($ISO -eq ":") {
    # $wshell.Popup("No ISO image mounted or operation cancelled",0,"Error") | Out-Null;exit}
    ErrorMessage  "No ISO image mounted or operation cancelled. Press any key to exit.";exit}
    # Copy-Item -Path $ISO\* -Destination "$($usbntfs)" -Recurse -Verbose
    # Copy-Item -Path $ISO"\bootmgr" -Destination $usbfat32"\" -Verbose
    # Copy-Item -Path $ISO"\bootmgr.efi" -Destination $usbfat32"\" -Verbose
    # Copy-Item -Path $ISO"\boot" -Destination $usbfat32"\boot" -Recurse  -Verbose
    # Copy-Item -Path $ISO"\efi" -Destination $usbfat32"\efi" -Recurse  -Verbose
    # new-item $usbfat32"\sources" -itemType Directory
    # Copy-Item -Path $ISO"\sources\boot.wim" -Destination $usbfat32"\sources\boot.wim"  -Verbose
    robocopy $iso $usbntfs /e
    robocopy $iso"\" $usbfat32"\" bootmgr bootmgr.efi
    robocopy $iso"\boot" $usbfat32"\boot" /e
    robocopy $iso"\efi" $usbfat32"\efi" /e
    robocopy $iso"\sources" $usbfat32"\sources" boot.wim
    # Eject the mounted iso image
    # (New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application).Namespace(17).ParseName($ISO).InvokeVerb("Eject")
    DisMount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath |out-null
    Remove-item ($env:TEMP + "\script.ps1")     
  3. vigipirate

    vigipirate MDL Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2011
    #123 vigipirate, Aug 12, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2019
    hello v 1.3 not create boot fat 32 one partition ntfs ?
    sory no bug resolve problem
    usb in gpt and rufus ?
  4. vigipirate

    vigipirate MDL Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2011
    New-Partition : A parameter is not valid for this type of partition.

    Extended information: The parameters MbrType and IsActive cannot be used on a GPT disk. Activity ID: {d17b7f55-1468-47af-b5d0-43b329772c32} Au caractère Ligne:132 : 12 + $usbfat32=(New-Partition -DiskNumber $usb -Size 700MB -AssignDriveLet ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument : (StorageWMI:ROOT/Microsoft/Windows/Storage/MSFT_Disk) [New-Partition], CimException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : StorageWMI 41006,New-Partition
    New-Partition : A parameter is not valid for this type of partition.

    Extended information: The parameters MbrType and IsActive cannot be used on a GPT disk. Activity ID: {d17b7f55-1468-47af-b5d0-43b329772c32} Au caractère Ligne:132 : 12 + $usbfat32=(New-Partition -DiskNumber $usb -Size 700MB -AssignDriveLet ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument : (StorageWMI:ROOT/Microsoft/Windows/Storage/MSFT_Disk) [New-Partition], CimException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : StorageWMI 41006,New-Partition
  5. vigipirate

    vigipirate MDL Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2011
  6. rpo

    rpo MDL Expert

    Jan 3, 2010
    The error message is self-explicative : MbrType and IsActive cannot be used on a GPT disk.
  7. freddie-o

    freddie-o MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009

    Your USB disk is GPT. Convert it to MBR.
  8. freddie-o

    freddie-o MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    #129 freddie-o, Aug 13, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2019
    @rpo you think we should add "convert mbr" to the script?


    Also in the "ComboBox DropDownList" is it possible to show the USB disk/s instead of partitons?
    Or the disk/s (with) their partitions?
    so there's just 1 entry on the list.
  9. rpo

    rpo MDL Expert

    Jan 3, 2010
    "you think we should add "convert mbr" to the script?" : the main purpose of this script is to create a usb stick, so for me short answer : no. But you are free to add the convert.
    "in the "ComboBox DropDownList" is it possible to show the USB disk/s instead of partitons?" : this makes sense. Just comment or suppress the instructions dealing with partitions .
    Foreach ($USBDisk in $Disks) {
        $FriendlyName=($USBDisk.FriendlyName).PadRight(30," ").substring(0,30)
    #    $Partitions = Get-Partition | Where-Object { $_.DiskNumber -eq $USBDisk.DiskNumber}
    #    If ($Partitions) {
    #        Foreach ($Partition in $Partitions) {
    #        $Volumes=get-volume | Where-Object {$Partition.AccessPaths -contains  $_.path }
    #        Foreach ($Volume in $Volumes) {
    #            $USBDisks+=$USBDisk.DiskNumber
    #            $USBDiskList.Items.Add((" {0,-30}|{1,1}:| {2,-30}| {3:n2} GB" -f $FriendlyName, ($Partition.DriveLetter), $Volume.FileSystemLabel.PadRight(30," ").substring(0,30), ($Partition.Size/1GB)))|out-null
    #            }     
    #        }
    #    } Else {
            $USBDiskList.Items.Add((" {0,-30}| {1,1}| {2,-30}| {3:n2} GB" -f $FriendlyName, " ", " ",($USBDisk.Size/1GB)))|out-null
    #    }
  10. freddie-o

    freddie-o MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    But if you cannot create a Windows installation disk using a GPT disk, wouldn't "convert mbr" solve the problem?


    They would then have to do it manually or use a 3rd party tool.
  11. vigipirate

    vigipirate MDL Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2011
    it is rufus who put me the key usb gpt not mbr his for that I had this error sy it was written in the optional script why not again thank you for your work my problem is solved with a third party tool aomei partition
  12. rpo

    rpo MDL Expert

    Jan 3, 2010
    It seems the solution is easy :
    Clear-Disk $usb -RemoveData -RemoveOEM -Confirm:$false
    set-disk $usb -partitionstyle mbr
    Stop-Service ShellHWDetection |out-null
  13. freddie-o

    freddie-o MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009

    drive letter/s?
  14. rpo

    rpo MDL Expert

    Jan 3, 2010
    Only partitions have drive letters. For disks, you have a disk number.
  15. rpo

    rpo MDL Expert

    Jan 3, 2010
    The disknumber is $USBDisk.DiskNumber... But this number is not user friendly.
  16. freddie-o

    freddie-o MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    v1.4 draft

    <# : standard way of doing hybrid batch + powershell scripts
    @set "__CMD__=%~f0" &set "__ARGS__=%*" &powershell -noprofile -c "iex([io.file]::ReadAllText(\"%~f0\"))" &exit/b
    #    This script must be executed with admin privilege
    #    Test Administrator privileges
    If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole(544))
    #    Restart the script to get Administrator privileges and exit
         Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList ("/c call `"$Env:__CMD__`" $Env:__ARGS__") -Verb runAs
    #    We have Administrator privileges
    $pswindow = $host.ui.rawui          # create a reference to the console’s UI.RawUI child object
    $pswindow.windowtitle = "Script by: rpo/abbodi1406/BAU/freddie-o []"
    [console]::ForegroundColor = "yellow"
    [console]::BackgroundColor = "blue"
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms # Load the class System.Windows.Forms
    # Filebrowser dialog
    $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{
       Multiselect = $false # One file can be chosen
        Filter = 'ISO images (*.iso)|*.iso' # Select iso files
    $wshell=New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
    $Form=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form # Create the screen form (window)
    # Set the title and size of the window:
    $Form.Text='Windows Installation Disk v1.4'
    $Form.Width=475 ; $Form.Height=220
    $Form.AutoSize=$true # AutoSize property to make the form automatically stretch, if the elements on the form are out of bounds
    #    Select the USB disk
    # Create a drop-down list and fill it
    $USBDiskList=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
    $USBDiskList.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Point(30,35)
    $USBDisks=@() # array with USB disk number
    $Disks=Get-Disk | Where-Object {($_.BusType -eq "USB") -and ($_.OperationalStatus -eq "Online")}
    While (!$Disks) {
        $Result=$wshell.Popup("Plug in your USB disk first, then click ""OK"", to continue. `r`n`r`nTo close this script, click ""Cancel"".",0,"Plug in the USB disk",1+64)
            if ($result -eq 2) {Out-Null;exit}
        $Disks=Get-Disk | Where-Object {($_.BusType -eq "USB") -and ($_.OperationalStatus -eq "Online")}
    Foreach ($USBDisk in $Disks) {
        $FriendlyName=($USBDisk.FriendlyName).PadRight(30," ").substring(0,30)
            $USBDiskList.Items.Add((" {0,-80} {1,1} {3:n2} GB" -f $FriendlyName, " ", " ",($USBDisk.Size/1GB)))|out-null
    $SelectUSB=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label # Put the SelectUSB label on the form
    $SelectUSB.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(30,15)
    $SelectUSB.Text="Select USB disk";$SelectUSB.Font='Default Font,9'
    $SelectISOButton=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button # Put the SelectISO button on the form
    $SelectISOButton.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(295,135)
    $SelectISOButton.Text="Select ISO";$SelectISOButton.Font='Default Font,9'
    $SelectISOButton.Size=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(120,20)
    $SelectISOButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK
    $CancelButton=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button # Put the Cancel button on the form
    $CancelButton.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(155,135)
    $CancelButton.Text="Cancel";$CancelButton.Font='Default Font,9'
    $CancelButton.Size=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(120,20)
    $CancelButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel
    $result = $form.ShowDialog()
    if ($result -eq "Cancel"){$wshell.Popup("The script was cancelled.",0,"Cancel script",0+64) | Out-Null;exit}
    $ImagePath = $FileBrowser.FileName;
    if ($ImagePath -eq ""){$wshell.Popup("The script was cancelled.",0,"Cancel script",0+64) | Out-Null;exit}
    If($FileBrowser.FileNames -like "*\*") {
    #  Check if iso already mounted
        $ISO = (Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath | Get-Volume).DriveLetter
    #    Mount iso
        IF (!$ISO) {Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath -StorageType ISO |out-null
        $ISO = (Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath | Get-Volume).DriveLetter}
    if ($ISO -eq ":") {$wshell.Popup("The script was cancelled.",0,"Cancel script",0+64) | Out-Null;exit}
    $Result=$wshell.Popup("Warning! Your USB disk will be converted to MBR and reformatted. All data will be lost. `r`n`r`nAre you sure you want to continue? `r`n`r`nTo continue, click ""Yes"". To close this script, click ""No"".",0,"Create Windows installation disk",4+48)
    if ($result -eq 7) {DisMount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath |out-null;exit}
    #    Clear the USB stick
    Clear-Disk $usb -RemoveData -RemoveOEM -Confirm:$false
    set-disk $usb -partitionstyle mbr
    Stop-Service ShellHWDetection |out-null
    #    Create the fat32 boot partition
    $usbfat32=(New-Partition -DiskNumber $usb -Size 700MB -AssignDriveLetter -IsActive | Format-Volume -FileSystem FAT32 -NewFileSystemLabel "BOOT").DriveLetter + ":"
    #    Create the ntfs intall partition
    $usbntfs=(New-Partition -DiskNumber $usb -UseMaximumSize -AssignDriveLetter | Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "INSTALL").DriveLetter + ":"
    Start-Service ShellHWDetection
    robocopy $iso $usbntfs /e
    robocopy $iso"\" $usbfat32"\" bootmgr bootmgr.efi
    robocopy $iso"\boot" $usbfat32"\boot" /e
    robocopy $iso"\efi" $usbfat32"\efi" /e
    robocopy $iso"\sources" $usbfat32"\sources" boot.wim
    # Eject the mounted iso image
    DisMount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath |out-null
    #done - keep a comment on the last line so the previous useful crlf never gets eaten
  17. freddie-o

    freddie-o MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    #139 freddie-o, Aug 14, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
    @rpo Changed back so the ntfs partition is marked active
    What do you think about flat buttons...?
    <# : standard way of doing hybrid batch + powershell scripts
    @set "__CMD__=%~f0" &set "__ARGS__=%*" &powershell -noprofile -c "iex([io.file]::ReadAllText(\"%~f0\"))" &exit/b
    #    This script must be executed with admin privilege
    #    Test Administrator privileges
    If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole(544))
    #    Restart the script to get Administrator privileges and exit
         Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList ("/c call `"$Env:__CMD__`" $Env:__ARGS__") -Verb runAs
    #    We have Administrator privileges
    $pswindow = $host.ui.rawui          # create a reference to the console’s UI.RawUI child object
    $pswindow.windowtitle = "Script by: rpo/abbodi1406/BAU/freddie-o []"
    [console]::ForegroundColor = "yellow"
    [console]::BackgroundColor = "blue"
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms # Load the class System.Windows.Forms
    # Filebrowser dialog
    $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{
       Multiselect = $false # One file can be chosen
        Filter = 'ISO images (*.iso)|*.iso' # Select iso files
    $wshell=New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
    $Form=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form # Create the screen form (window)
    # Set the title and size of the window:
    $Form.Text='Windows Installation Disk v1.4'
    $Form.Width=475 ; $Form.Height=220
    $Form.AutoSize=$true # AutoSize property to make the form automatically stretch, if the elements on the form are out of bounds
    #    Select the USB disk
    # Create a drop-down list and fill it
    $USBDiskList=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
    $USBDiskList.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Point(30,35)
    $USBDisks=@() # array with USB disk number
    $Disks=Get-Disk | Where-Object {($_.BusType -eq "USB") -and ($_.OperationalStatus -eq "Online")}
    While (!$Disks) {
        $Result=$wshell.Popup("Plug in your USB disk first, then click ""OK"", to continue. `r`n`r`nTo close this script, click ""Cancel"".",0,"Plug in the USB disk",1+64)
            if ($result -eq 2) {Out-Null;exit}
        $Disks=Get-Disk | Where-Object {($_.BusType -eq "USB") -and ($_.OperationalStatus -eq "Online")}
    Foreach ($USBDisk in $Disks) {
        $FriendlyName=($USBDisk.FriendlyName).PadRight(30," ").substring(0,30)
            $USBDiskList.Items.Add((" {0,-80} {1,1} {3:n2} GB" -f $FriendlyName, " ", " ",($USBDisk.Size/1GB)))|out-null
    $SelectUSB=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label # Put the SelectUSB label on the form
    $SelectUSB.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(30,15)
    $SelectUSB.Text="Select USB disk";$SelectUSB.Font='Default Font,9'
    $SelectISOButton=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button # Put the SelectISO button on the form
    $SelectISOButton.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(295,135)
    $SelectISOButton.Text="Select ISO";$SelectISOButton.Font='Default Font,9'
    $SelectISOButton.Size=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(120,20)
    $SelectISOButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK
    $CancelButton=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button # Put the Cancel button on the form
    $CancelButton.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(155,135)
    $CancelButton.Text="Cancel";$CancelButton.Font='Default Font,9'
    $CancelButton.Size=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(120,20)
    $CancelButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel
    $result = $form.ShowDialog()
    if ($result -eq "Cancel"){$wshell.Popup("The script was cancelled.",0,"Cancel script",0+64) | Out-Null;exit}
    $ImagePath = $FileBrowser.FileName;
    if ($ImagePath -eq ""){$wshell.Popup("The script was cancelled.",0,"Cancel script",0+64) | Out-Null;exit}
    If($FileBrowser.FileNames -like "*\*") {
    #  Check if iso already mounted
        $ISO = (Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath | Get-Volume).DriveLetter
    #    Mount iso
        IF (!$ISO) {Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath -StorageType ISO |out-null
        $ISO = (Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath | Get-Volume).DriveLetter}
    if ($ISO -eq ":") {$wshell.Popup("The script was cancelled.",0,"Cancel script",0+64) | Out-Null;exit}
    $Result=$wshell.Popup("Warning! `r`n`r`nYour USB disk will be converted to MBR, repartitioned and reformatted. All data will be lost. `r`n`r`nAre you sure you want to continue? `r`n`r`nTo continue, click ""Yes"". To close this script, click ""No"".",0,"Create the Windows installation disk",4+48)
    if ($result -eq 7) {DisMount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath |out-null;exit}
    #    Clear the USB stick
    Clear-Disk $usb -RemoveData -RemoveOEM -Confirm:$false
    set-disk $usb -partitionstyle mbr
    Stop-Service ShellHWDetection |out-null
    #    Create the fat32 boot partition
    $usbfat32=(New-Partition -DiskNumber $usb -Size 700MB -AssignDriveLetter | Format-Volume -FileSystem FAT32 -NewFileSystemLabel "BOOT").DriveLetter + ":"
    #    Create the ntfs intall partition
    $usbntfs=(New-Partition -DiskNumber $usb -UseMaximumSize -AssignDriveLetter -IsActive | Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "INSTALL").DriveLetter + ":"
    Start-Service ShellHWDetection
    robocopy $iso $usbntfs /e
    robocopy $iso"\" $usbfat32"\" bootmgr bootmgr.efi
    robocopy $iso"\boot" $usbfat32"\boot" /e
    robocopy $iso"\efi" $usbfat32"\efi" /e
    robocopy $iso"\sources" $usbfat32"\sources" boot.wim
    # Eject the mounted iso image
    DisMount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath |out-null
    #done - keep a comment on the last line so the previous useful crlf never gets eaten
  18. freddie-o

    freddie-o MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    #140 freddie-o, Aug 14, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
    Updated the OP with Windows Installation Disk 1.4 beta