Win10+ Setup Disk 2.8 Spoiler About This fully automated script creates a customized Windows 10 or 11 Setup disk. For both UEFI/GPT and BIOS/MBR boot process. For systems that use UEFI with Secure Boot For Windows ISOs that have an install.wim over 4GB -- due to the 4GB limitation of FAT32. Works on a USB thumb drive or external hard drive Tested on Windows 10 & 11 64 bit What the script does Mounts your source Windows ISO. Converts your target USB disk to MBR partition scheme. Creates a FAT32partition. Copies all the necessary boot files/folders (“boot” folder, “efi” folder, “bootmgr”, “bootmgr.efi” and “boot.wim”) from the Windows ISO to the FAT32 partition then hides the partition. Creates an NTFS partition. Copies the entire contents of the Windows ISO to the NTFS partition. Adds Legacy BootMenuPolicy to the BCD store to show a progress bar while booting on Legacy BIOS systems. Advantages No need to split or convert a Windows 10 or 11 Install.wim that is over 4GB No need to disable Secure Boot Limitations You cannot create a Win10+ Setup Disk on Windows 10 versions 1507, 1511 or 1607 Host OS. These older versions of Windows 10 do not support reading and creating multiple partitions on removable storage devices. Note for Windows 11 Win10+ Setup Disk just creates the setup disk for installing Windows. In case your computer doesn't meet the minimum system requirements you will have to figure out bypassing it on your own Thanks to @BAU, @abbodi1406 et al. for their collaboration Changelog Spoiler 2.8 (Jan. 26, 2023) Removed the read-only attributes when executing "bcdedit" which was causing difficulties To initialize the USB disk, the first action is to invoke the disk management cmdlets, if it fails, diskpart is executed 2.7 (Apr. 6, 2022) Some improvements to the UI 2.6 (Nov. 28, 2021) Made improvements to the script and the UI 2.5 (Nov 23, 2021) Changed the name of the script Cleaned up the script Made some UI changes 2.4 (Jul 21, 2021) Can now create a Setup disk using a usb thumb drive or external hard drive 2.3 (Oct 18, 2020) Some improvement to how the script is executed 2.2 (Oct 17, 2020) Some cleaning and cosmetic changes 2.1 (Oct 11, 2020) Boot (Fat32) partition is now hidden so the Win10 Setup Disk only displays one drive letter Few modifications on how the script is executed 2.0 (Oct 3, 2020) Renamed the script to Win10 Setup Disk Few cosmetic changes 1.9.2 (Sep 12, 2019) Made some minor modifications to the UI. Also some changes to the script on how the ISO is selected. The consoles text and background colors are now consistent with one another. 1.9.1 (Sep 10, 2019) Separated the "Select ISO" and "Create Disk" buttons so you still have opportunity to change your choice of ISO before creating the installation disk. 1.9 (Sep 10, 2019) Changed the name of script to "Win10 Installation Disk" Made corrections and modifications to the script. 1.8.2 (Sep 9, 2019) Enabled Visual Styles 1.8.1 (Sep 8, 2019) Cleaned up the script and made some minor changes to the script and UI. 1.8 (Sep 6, 2019) Reverted to the original design and improved the UI to be more user-friendly. 1.7 (Aug 30, 2019) More fixes in the elevation of the script. More changes to the UI. Updated to a flat design. 1.6 (Aug 29, 2019) Corrected the script where it aborts when not run as Administrator. More changes to the UI. 1.5 (Aug 26, 2019) New user-friendly GUI. Shows a progress bar while booting on Legacy BIOS systems. (Added Legacy BootMenuPolicy to the BCD store.) 1.4 (Aug 15, 2019) Converts the USB disk to MBR scheme. (In case your USB disk was converted to GPT scheme. Otherwise the script will fail in creating the installation disk.) Sets the NTFS partition as Active for Legacy BIOS systems. Modified the USB drop down list to show the disk/s and its partitions. 1.3 (Aug 7, 2019) Did some "housekeeping" to clean the script. Modified the script to remove "cosmetics". 1.2 (Aug 5, 2019) Uses a GUI for creating the Windows installation disk. Uses a hybrid batch-powershell format to elevate and run the script 1.1 (Aug 2, 2019) Modified the script so it runs without echoing to a .ps1 file. Uses reg_takeownership to elevate script. 1.0 (Mar 13, 2019) First automated script. Script Code: <# : standard way of doing hybrid batch + powershell scripts @title Win10+ Setup Disk 2.8 &color 3E @set "__ARGS__=%*" &powershell -noprofile "$ScriptPath='%~f0';iex((Get-Content('%~f0') -Raw))" &exit/b #> # # Homepage: # Credits: @rpo, @freddie-o, @BAU & @abbodi1406 # # This script must be executed with admin privilege # # Test Administrator privileges If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) { $uac_error="Elevating UAC for Administrator Privileges failed" # The following test is to avoid infinite looping if elevating UAC for Administrator Privileges failed if ($env:__ARGS__ -eq $uac_error) { read-host "$uac_error`r`nRight click on the script and select ""Run as administrator""`r`nPress Enter to exit...";exit} # Restart the script to get Administrator privileges and exit Start-Process "$ScriptPath" $uac_error -Verb runAs; exit } $pswindow = $host.ui.rawui # create a reference to the console’s UI.RawUI child object $pswindow.windowtitle = ([string]($pswindow.windowtitle -split "^.* ")).trim() ; $ShortTitle=($pswindow.windowtitle -split " @ .*")[0] # Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms # Load the class System.Windows.Forms # Filebrowser dialog object $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ Multiselect = $false # One file can be chosen Filter = 'ISO images (*.iso)|*.iso' # Select only iso files } # Function MsgBox {[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($Args[0],$ShortTitle,$Args[1],$Args[2])} # Function Update_bcd ($usbpartition) { "Set bootmenupolicy Legacy for $usbpartition" & bcdedit /store "$usbpartition\boot\bcd" /set '{default}' bootmenupolicy Legacy |Out-Null & bcdedit /store "$usbpartition\EFI\Microsoft\boot\bcd" /set '{default}' bootmenupolicy Legacy |Out-Null remove-item "$usbpartition\boot\bcd.*" -force remove-item "$usbpartition\EFI\Microsoft\boot\bcd.*" -force } # clear-host $USB=$Null $Form=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form # Create the screen form (window) $Form.TopMost = $True # Set the title and size of the window: $Form.Text=$ShortTitle $Form.Font='Consolas,10' $Form.Width=420 ; $Form.Height=270 $Form.StartPosition = "CenterScreen" $Form.SizeGripStyle = "Hide" [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::EnableVisualStyles(); # Add a Source Windows ISO label on the form $SourceISO=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $SourceISO.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Point(20,30) $SourceISO.Size=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(200,20) $SourceISO.text="Source Windows ISO" $Form.Controls.Add($SourceISO) # Add the ISO file name on the form $ISOFile=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $ISOFile.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Point(20,50) $ISOFile.Text=" " $ISOFile.Size=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(364,24) $ISOFile.Backcolor = [System.Drawing.Color]::White $ISOFile.BorderStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle]::FixedSingle $Form.Controls.Add($ISOFile) # Add a Target USB Disk label on the form $TargetUSB=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $TargetUSB.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Point(20,100) $TargetUSB.Text="Target USB Disk" $TargetUSB.Size=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(200,20) $Form.Controls.Add($TargetUSB) # Create a USB Disk drop-down list and fill it $USBDiskList=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox $USBDiskList.DropDownStyle=[System.Windows.Forms.ComboBoxStyle]::DropDownList; $USBDiskList.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Point(20,120) $USBDiskList.Size=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(363,22) $Form.Controls.Add($SelectUSBDiskList) $USBDisks=@() # array with USB disk number # $Disks=$Null;While (!$Disks){ If(!($Disks=Get-Disk | Where-Object {($_.BusType -eq "USB") -and ($_.OperationalStatus -eq "Online")})){ If((MsgBox "Plug in your USB disk first. `n`nClick OK to continue." "OKCancel" "Information") -eq "Cancel") {exit}}} # Add a Select ISO button on the form $SelectISOButton=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $SelectISOButton.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Point(20,185) $SelectISOButton.Text="Select ISO" $SelectISOButton.Size=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(110,26) $Form.Controls.Add($SelectISOButton) # Add a Create Setup Disk button on the form $CreateDiskButton=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $CreateDiskButton.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Point(140,185) $CreateDiskButton.Text="Create Setup Disk" $CreateDiskButton.Size=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(155,26) $Form.Controls.Add($CreateDiskButton) $CreateDiskButton.Enabled = $false $CreateDiskButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK # Add a Cancel button on the form $CancelButton=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $CancelButton.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Point(305,185) $CancelButton.Text="Cancel" $CancelButton.Size=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(80,26) $Form.Controls.Add($CancelButton) $CancelButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel # $SelectISOButton.Add_Click({ If ($FileBrowser.ShowDialog() -ne "Cancel"){ # if Cancel, just ignore $Global:ImagePath = $FileBrowser.filename # return the file name $ISOFile.Text= Split-Path -Path $ImagePath -leaf # extract filename and extension (iso) if (($ISOFile.Text).length -gt 44) {$ISOFile.Text = $ImagePath.PadRight(100," ").substring(0,43)+"..."} $CreateDiskButton.Enabled = $true $CreateDiskButton.Focus()}}) Foreach ($USBDisk in $Disks) { $FriendlyName=($USBDisk.FriendlyName).PadRight(40," ").substring(0,39) $USBDisks+=$USBDisk.DiskNumber $USBDiskList.Items.Add(("{0,-39}{1:n2} GB" -f $FriendlyName,($USBDisk.Size/1GB)))|out-null If ($Partitions) { Foreach ($Partition in $Partitions) { If(!$Partition.DriveLetter){$AccessPath=" "} Else {$AccessPath=$Partition.DriveLetter+":"} $Volumes=get-volume | Where-Object {$Partition.AccessPaths -contains $_.path } Foreach ($Volume in $Volumes) { $USBDisks+=$USBDisk.DiskNumber $USBDiskList.Items.Add(("{0,0}({1,2}){2,-32}[{3:n2} GB]" -f " ", ($AccessPath), $Volume.FileSystemLabel.PadRight(25," ").substring(0,25), ($Partition.Size/1GB)))|out-null } } } } $form.Controls.Add($USBDiskList) $USBDiskList.SelectedIndex=0 # $Groupbox=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Groupbox # Add a group box on the form $Groupbox.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Point(7,0) $Groupbox.Text="" $Groupbox.Size=New-Object System.Drawing.Size(390,225) $Form.Controls.Add($Groupbox) # @" 1.) Select "Source Windows ISO" 2.) Select "Target USB disk" 3.) Start "Create Setup Disk" "@| Write-Host # if($form.ShowDialog() -eq "Cancel") {MsgBox "The script was cancelled." "OK" "Information"|out-Null;exit} # # At this point the mounted USB disk and the iso image file path are defined # $USB=$USBDisks[$USBDiskList.SelectedIndex] # If((MsgBox "WARNING! `n`nYour USB disk will be converted to MBR scheme, repartitioned and reformatted.`n`nAll partitions and data currently stored in the USB disk will be erased.`r`n`r`nAre you sure you want to continue?" "YESNO" "Warning") -eq "NO"){exit} # Mount the image file if not already mounted and get the drive letter # # Check if iso already mounted by getting driveletter If($ISO=(Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath | Get-Volume).DriveLetter){$Mounted=$True} Else # Mount iso and get drive letter {$Mounted=$False; Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath -StorageType ISO |out-null If(!($ISO=(Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath | Get-Volume).DriveLetter)){Exit}} $ISO=$ISO+":" # Clear-Host Stop-Service ShellHWDetection -erroraction silentlycontinue|out-null # Clear the USB disk Try{Clear-Disk $USB -RemoveData -RemoveOEM -Confirm:$False Set-Disk $USB -PartitionStyle MBR} Catch{"Select disk $USB`nclean`nconvert MBR`nrescan`nexit`n"|diskpart} # Create the fat32 boot partition $usbfat32=(New-Partition -DiskNumber $usb -Size 1GB -AssignDriveLetter | Format-Volume -FileSystem FAT32 -NewFileSystemLabel "BOOT").DriveLetter + ":" # Create the NTFS intall partition $usbntfs=(New-Partition -DiskNumber $usb -UseMaximumSize -AssignDriveLetter -IsActive | Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "SETUP").DriveLetter + ":" Start-Service ShellHWDetection -erroraction silentlycontinue|out-null # Copy needed files to the fat32 boot partition robocopy $iso"\" $usbfat32"\" bootmgr bootmgr.efi /a-:R robocopy $iso"\boot" $usbfat32"\boot" /e /a-:R robocopy $iso"\efi" $usbfat32"\efi" /e /a-:R robocopy $iso"\sources" $usbfat32"\sources" boot.wim /a-:R Update_BCD $usbfat32 # Remove the drive letter to hide the device Get-Volume -DriveLetter $usbfat32.substring(0,$usbfat32.Length-1) | Get-Partition | Remove-PartitionAccessPath -accesspath $usbfat32 # Copy needed files to the NTFS install partition robocopy $iso $usbntfs /e /a-:R Update_BCD $usbntfs # Eject the mounted iso image if it was loaded by the script If(!$Mounted){DisMount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath |out-null} MsgBox (($ShortTitle -split " @.*")[0]+" was created successfully.") "OK" "Information" |Out-Null;exit Download
That's handy, added to watched threads. I actually enabled TPM and secure boot for the sake of BIOS security so it's nice if I don't have to turn if off for installs. My image is actually still under the limit, but at some point it will exceed it.
1. After statement 30, add : Code: echo if ^($ISO -eq ":"^) {$wshell.Popup^("No ISO image mounted or operation cancelled",0,"Error"^) ^| Out-Null;exit} 2. The script elevates itself to run as admin if necessary
Like so? Code: @echo off rem This script must be executed with admin privilege ( echo # This script must be executed with admin privilege echo # Test Administrator privileges echo If ^(-NOT ^([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent^(^)^).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"^)^) echo { echo # Restart the script to get Administrator privileges and exit echo Start-Process 'powershell.exe' -Verb runAs -ArgumentList ^("-NoLogo -WindowStyle Maximized -noprofile -file " + """" + $PSCommandPath + """"^) echo exit echo } echo # We have Administrator privileges echo [console]::ForegroundColor = "Yellow" echo [console]::BackgroundColor = "blue" echo clear-host echo $wshell=New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell echo $wshell.Popup^("Plug in the USB stick",0,"USB stick"^) ^| Out-Null echo # Select the USB stick echo $usb = ^(Get-Disk ^| Where-Object {^($_.BusType -eq "USB"^) -and ^($_.OperationalStatus -eq "Online"^)} ^| Out-GridView -Title 'Select USB Drive to Format' -OutputMode Single^).number echo if ^($usb -eq $null^) {$wshell.Popup^("No USB stick online or operation cancelled",0,"Erro"^) ^| Out-Null;exit} echo # Clear the USB stick echo Clear-Disk $usb -RemoveData -RemoveOEM -Confirm:$false echo Stop-Service ShellHWDetection echo # Create the fat32 boot partition echo $usbfat32=^(New-Partition -DiskNumber $usb -Size 600MB -AssignDriveLetter -IsActive ^| Format-Volume -FileSystem FAT32 -NewFileSystemLabel "BOOT"^).DriveLetter + ":" echo # Create the ntfs intall partition echo $usbntfs=^(New-Partition -DiskNumber $usb -UseMaximumSize -AssignDriveLetter ^| Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "ISO"^).DriveLetter + ":" echo Start-Service ShellHWDetection echo $wshell.Popup^("Mount the iso image",0,"ISO image"^) ^| Out-Null echo $ISO = ^(get-volume^| Where-Object {^($_.DriveType -eq "CD-ROM"^) -and ^($_.filesystemlabel -ne ""^) -and ^($_.OperationalStatus -eq "OK"^)} ^|Out-GridView -Title 'Select Cd-Rom image' -OutputMode Single^).DriveLetter + ":" echo if ^($ISO -eq ":"^) {$wshell.Popup^("No ISO image mounted or operation cancelled",0,"Error"^) ^| Out-Null;exit} echo robocopy $iso $usbntfs /e echo robocopy $iso"\" $usbfat32"\" bootmgr bootmgr.efi echo robocopy $iso"\boot" $usbfat32"\boot" /e echo robocopy $iso"\efi" $usbfat32"\efi" /e echo robocopy $iso"\sources" $usbfat32"\sources" boot.wim echo # Eject the mounted iso image echo ^(New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application^).Namespace^(17^).ParseName^($ISO^).InvokeVerb^("Eject"^) echo Remove-item ^($env:TEMP + "\script.ps1"^) )>"%temp%\script.ps1" powershell "%temp%\script.ps1" -ExecutionPolicy Bypass OK updated the OP script and download link
Changed the way to select the iso image by introducing a file browser dialog : Code: @echo off ( echo # echo # This script must be executed with admin privilege echo # echo # Test Administrator privileges echo If ^(-NOT ^([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent^(^)^).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"^)^) echo { echo # Restart the script to get Administrator privileges and exit echo Start-Process 'powershell.exe' -Verb runAs -ArgumentList ^("-NoLogo -WindowStyle Maximized -noprofile -file " + """" + $PSCommandPath + """"^) echo exit echo } echo # We have Administrator privileges echo # echo [console]::ForegroundColor = "Yellow" echo [console]::BackgroundColor = "blue" echo # echo # Filebrowser dialog echo Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms echo $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ echo Multiselect = $false # One file can be chosen echo Filter = 'ISO images ^(*.iso^)^|*.iso' # Select iso files echo } echo # echo clear-host echo $wshell=New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell echo $wshell.Popup^("Mount the USB stick`r`nand click ""OK"" when ready.",0,"USB stick"^) ^| Out-Null echo # Select the USB stick echo $usb = ^(Get-Disk ^| Where-Object {^($_.BusType -eq "USB"^) -and ^($_.OperationalStatus -eq "Online"^)} ^| Out-GridView -Title 'Select USB Drive to Format' -OutputMode Single^).number echo if ^($usb -eq $null^) {$wshell.Popup^("No USB stick online or operation cancelled",0,"Error"^) ^| Out-Null;exit} echo # Clear the USB stick echo Clear-Disk $usb -RemoveData -RemoveOEM -Confirm:$false echo Stop-Service ShellHWDetection echo # Create the fat32 boot partition echo $usbfat32=^(New-Partition -DiskNumber $usb -Size 1GB -AssignDriveLetter -IsActive ^| Format-Volume -FileSystem FAT32 -NewFileSystemLabel "BOOTFAT"^).DriveLetter + ":" echo # Create the ntfs intall partition echo $usbntfs=^(New-Partition -DiskNumber $usb -UseMaximumSize -AssignDriveLetter ^| Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "INSTALL"^).DriveLetter + ":" echo Start-Service ShellHWDetection echo $wshell.Popup^("Select the iso.",0,"ISO image"^) ^| Out-Null echo # echo [void]$FileBrowser.ShowDialog^(^) echo # echo $ImagePath = $FileBrowser.FileName; echo $ISO=":" echo If^($FileBrowser.FileNames -like "*\*"^) { echo # Check if iso already mounted echo $ISO = ^(Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath ^| Get-Volume^).DriveLetter echo # Mount iso echo IF ^(!$ISO^) {Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath -StorageType ISO ^|out-null echo $ISO = ^(Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath ^| Get-Volume^).DriveLetter} echo $ISO=$ISO+":" echo } echo if ^($ISO -eq ":"^) {$wshell.Popup^("No ISO image mounted or operation cancelled",0,"Error"^) ^| Out-Null;exit} echo robocopy $iso $usbntfs /e echo robocopy $iso"\" $usbfat32"\" bootmgr bootmgr.efi echo robocopy $iso"\boot" $usbfat32"\boot" /e echo robocopy $iso"\efi" $usbfat32"\efi" /e echo robocopy $iso"\sources" $usbfat32"\sources" boot.wim echo # Eject the mounted iso image echo DisMount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath ^|out-null )>"%temp%\script.ps1" powershell "%temp%\script.ps1" -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Nice What do you think of this? No more "Mount the USB stick and click "OK" when ready." Also what do you think about the "$USBDiskForm" the size of the Windows "Run" window? Spoiler @echo off ( echo # echo # This script must be executed with admin privilege echo # echo # Test Administrator privileges echo If ^(-NOT ^([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent^(^)^).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"^)^) echo { echo # Restart the script to get Administrator privileges and exit echo Start-Process 'powershell.exe' -Verb runAs -ArgumentList ^("-NoLogo -WindowStyle Normal -noprofile -file " + """" + $PSCommandPath + """"^) echo exit echo } echo # We have Administrator privileges echo # echo [console]::ForegroundColor = "Yellow" echo [console]::BackgroundColor = "blue" echo # echo Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms # Load the class System.Windows.Forms echo # Filebrowser dialog echo $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{ echo Multiselect = $false # One file can be chosen echo Filter = 'ISO images ^(*.iso^)^|*.iso' # Select iso files echo } echo # echo clear-host echo # Select the USB stick echo $USBDiskForm=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form # Create the screen form ^(window^) echo # $USBDiskForm ^|gm;pause echo # Set the title and size of the window: echo $USBDiskForm.Text='Available USB disk^(s^)' echo $USBDiskForm.Width=900 ; $USBDiskForm.Height=200 echo $USBDiskForm.AutoSize=$true # AutoSize property to make the form automatically stretch, if the elements on the form are out of bounds echo # Create a drop-down list and fill it echo $USB=$Null echo $USBDisks=@^(^) # array whith USB disk number echo $Disks=Get-Disk ^| Where-Object {^($_.BusType -eq "USB"^) -and ^($_.OperationalStatus -eq "Online"^)} echo if ^($Disks.count -eq 0^){"No USB disk available";exit} echo $USBDiskList=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox echo # $USBDiskList^|gm echo $USBDiskList.Width=560 echo Foreach ^($USBDisk in $Disks^) { echo $FriendlyName=^($USBDisk.FriendlyName^).PadRight^(30," "^).substring^(0,30^) echo $Partitions = Get-Partition ^| Where-Object { $_.DiskNumber -eq $USBDisk.DiskNumber} echo If ^($Partitions^) { echo Foreach ^($Partition in $Partitions^) { echo $Volumes=get-volume ^| Where-Object {$Partition.AccessPaths -contains $_.path } echo Foreach ^($Volume in $Volumes^) { echo $USBDisks+=$USBDisk.DiskNumber echo $USBDiskList.Items.Add^(^(" {0,-30}| {1,1}:| {2,-30}| {3:n2} GB" -f $FriendlyName, ^($Partition.DriveLetter^), $Volume.FileSystemLabel.PadRight^(30," "^).substring^(0,30^), ^($Partition.Size/1GB^)^)^)^|out-null echo } echo } echo } Else { echo $USBDisks+=$USBDisk.DiskNumber echo $USBDiskList.Items.Add^(^(" {0,-30}| {1,1}| {2,-30}| {3:n2} GB" -f $FriendlyName, " ", " ",^($USBDisk.Size/1GB^)^)^)^|out-null echo } echo } echo $USBDiskList.DropDownStyle=[System.Windows.Forms.ComboBoxStyle]:ropDownList; echo $USBDiskList.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Point^(5,40^) echo $USBDiskList.SelectedIndex=0 echo $USBDiskList.width=950;$USBDiskList.height=20 echo $USBDiskList.backColor="blue" ; $USBDiskList.ForeColor="White" echo $USBDiskList.Font='Courier New,15,style=Bold' echo $USBDiskForm.Controls.Add^($USBDiskList^) echo $OKButton=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button # Put the OK button on the form echo $OKButton.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Size^(890,100^) echo $OKButton.Text="OK";$OKButton.Font='Microsoft Sans Serif,10,style=Bold' echo $OKButton.width=60;$OKButton.height=30; echo $USBDiskForm.Controls.Add^($OKButton^) echo $OKButton.Add_Click^({$global:OK=$true;$USBDiskForm.close^(^)}^) echo $CancelButton=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button # Put the Cancel button on the form echo $CancelButton.Location=New-Object System.Drawing.Size^(800,100^) echo $CancelButton.Size=New-Object System.Drawing.Size^(120,20^) echo $CancelButton.Text="Cancel";$CancelButton.Font='Microsoft Sans Serif,10,style=Bold' echo $CancelButton.width=60;$CancelButton.height=30; echo $USBDiskForm.Controls.Add^($CancelButton^) echo $CancelButton.Add_Click^({$global:OK=$False;$USBDiskForm.close^(^)}^) echo [void]$USBDiskForm.ShowDialog^(^) # Display the form on the screen echo if ^(!$global:OK^){$wshell.Popup^("Operation cancelled",0,"Error"^) ^| Out-Null;exit} echo $USB=$USBDisks[$USBDiskList.SelectedIndex] echo # Clear the USB stick echo Clear-Disk $usb -RemoveData -RemoveOEM -Confirm:$false echo Stop-Service ShellHWDetection echo # Create the fat32 boot partition echo $usbfat32=^(New-Partition -DiskNumber $usb -Size 1GB -AssignDriveLetter -IsActive ^| Format-Volume -FileSystem FAT32 -NewFileSystemLabel "BOOTFAT"^).DriveLetter + ":" echo # Create the ntfs intall partition echo $usbntfs=^(New-Partition -DiskNumber $usb -UseMaximumSize -AssignDriveLetter ^| Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "INSTALL"^).DriveLetter + ":" echo Start-Service ShellHWDetection echo # Read-Host "Eject the iso if it is mounted. When ready press Enter" echo # $Volumes = ^(Get-Volume^).Where^({$_.DriveLetter}^).DriveLetter echo # Read-Host "Mount the iso. When ready press Enter" echo # $ISO = ^(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Volumes -DifferenceObject ^(Get-Volume^).Where^({$_.DriveLetter}^).DriveLetter^).InputObject echo # $ISO = ^(get-volume^| Where-Object {^($_.DriveType -eq "CD-ROM"^) -and ^($_.filesystemlabel -ne ""^) -and ^($_.OperationalStatus -eq "OK"^)} ^|Out-GridView -Title 'Select Cd-Rom image' -OutputMode Single^).DriveLetter + ":" echo $wshell=New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell echo $wshell.Popup^("Select the iso.",0,"ISO image"^) ^| Out-Null echo # echo [void]$FileBrowser.ShowDialog^(^) echo # echo $ImagePath = $FileBrowser.FileName; echo $ISO=":" echo If^($FileBrowser.FileNames -like "*\*"^) { echo # Check if iso already mounted echo $ISO = ^(Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath ^| Get-Volume^).DriveLetter echo # Mount iso echo IF ^(!$ISO^) {Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath -StorageType ISO ^|out-null echo $ISO = ^(Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath ^| Get-Volume^).DriveLetter} echo $ISO=$ISO+":" echo } echo if ^($ISO -eq ":"^) {$wshell.Popup^("No ISO image mounted or operation cancelled",0,"Error"^) ^| Out-Null;exit} echo # Copy-Item -Path $ISO\* -Destination "$($usbntfs)" -Recurse -Verbose echo # Copy-Item -Path $ISO"\bootmgr" -Destination $usbfat32"\" -Verbose echo # Copy-Item -Path $ISO"\bootmgr.efi" -Destination $usbfat32"\" -Verbose echo # Copy-Item -Path $ISO"\boot" -Destination $usbfat32"\boot" -Recurse -Verbose echo # Copy-Item -Path $ISO"\efi" -Destination $usbfat32"\efi" -Recurse -Verbose echo # new-item $usbfat32"\sources" -itemType Directory echo # Copy-Item -Path $ISO"\sources\boot.wim" -Destination $usbfat32"\sources\boot.wim" -Verbose echo robocopy $iso $usbntfs /e echo robocopy $iso"\" $usbfat32"\" bootmgr bootmgr.efi echo robocopy $iso"\boot" $usbfat32"\boot" /e echo robocopy $iso"\efi" $usbfat32"\efi" /e echo robocopy $iso"\sources" $usbfat32"\sources" boot.wim echo # Eject the mounted iso image echo # ^(New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application^).Namespace^(17^).ParseName^($ISO^).InvokeVerb^("Eject"^) echo DisMount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ImagePath ^|out-null echo Remove-item ^($env:TEMP + "\script.ps1"^) )>"%temp%\script.ps1" powershell "%temp%\script.ps1" -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Normal
1. 'No more "Mount the USB stick and click "OK" when ready."' If no USB stick is mounted, the script will terminate : the popup is just a reminder for the user. Workaround : introduce a wait loop until the stick is mounted. 2. ' "$USBDiskForm" the size of the Windows "Run" window?" : what do you suggest?
No I just took out these lines. Code: echo $wshell=New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell echo $wshell.Popup^("Mount the USB stick`r`nand click ""OK"" when ready.",0,"USB stick"^) ^| Out-Null So it skips the "Mount the USB stick and click "OK" when ready." pop up window and goes straight to the "$USBDiskForm" When you click "Run" in the Start menu... the little run window
Got this error Spoiler Code: Exception setting "windowsize": "Window cannot be taller than 44. Parameter name: value.Height Actual value was 50." At C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\script.ps1:16 char:77 + ... ze.height = 50; $newsize.width = 150;$pswindow.windowsize = $newsize + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], SetValueInvocationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExceptionWhenSetting