Team, I just upgraded my Windows 10 2004 to 20H2 and I thought I would provide some info free of charge. Whilst the upgrade went smoothly there are some worrying after effects. There are a number of areas where I now get a message saying that these settings are hidden or managed by your organization. I would only expect this message on a PC in a domain which mine is not. I have a Microsoft Account. Just thought I would pass this on. Good luck everyone! HTH
Sorry, I know that it is not a detailed post but I thought it would be helpful to some people thinking of upgrading to have an early warning.
There is no warning in your post other then your words without any content nor context, many here are already running it from day 1 and nothing out of the order happened.
Here's some free info in return - don't use 3rd party software to debloat windows and/or disable stuff in windows.
It would be helpful for you to provide a screenshot and context for your statements. I haven't seen any messages like "hidden or managed" by your organization. The closest thing I have seen is on the activation page: "Windows is activated using your organization's activation service"
Team, After further investigation it seems that there is an issue on startup where the account information (mine is a Microsoft account I have been using for 20 years) is being misinterpreted as a domain account instead of a local account and that is why there are so many errors pointing out that the settings are managed by my organisation. It is as if I had joined a domain which of course I haven't. I have not use a debloat tool. To me it looks like a startup type error. HTH