Windows 10 home upgrade to pro got Enterprise instead

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by bigbadjohn, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. bigbadjohn

    bigbadjohn MDL Novice

    Sep 26, 2010
    I upgraded Win 10 home to Pro instead got Enterprise unactivated
    I used a serial number from a Windows 7 pro computer for upgrade.

    Last week I upgraded 15 computers from home to pro 7 of them went to Enterprise not activated I bought them from MS store so it was easy to call MS and they fixed it, this time I used a win 7 pro serial to upgrade 2 laptops one went to Pro the other went to Enterprise I know it's not the fault of the serial it MS screw up, because I did not buy from store and used my own serial I cant call them so don't know what to do if it was my computer it would be easy
    do a clean install, but this is an accounting computer with lots of apps
    is there any way I can uninstall Enterprise or activate it permanently, without spico

    one other thing I tried to change my email on this site could not see how?
  2. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #2 Enthousiast, Dec 20, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2019
    1. You can simply insert the correct key and it will switch to the belonging SKU and activate it
    2. Never use kmspico, it's not updated, not supported and abandoned by its dev
    3. Never use KMS emulators in a business environment
    4. I have my doubts about the story about msft causing this
  3. kaljukass

    kaljukass MDL Guru

    Nov 26, 2012
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  4. bigbadjohn

    bigbadjohn MDL Novice

    Sep 26, 2010
    Yes I know its a likely story and everybody I have told is skeptical but it's true
    nearly 50% of the time computers were going to Enterprise this was with paying $145 cad with tax for each computer I tried everything rebooting first,
    so you're saying if I try a different pro key it might revert back, what would happen if I used the original Home key it's not posted on the bottom anymore
    it's embedded in the bios I think there is a way of extracting it.
    I believe Pro key has to be from a win 7 pro computer I tried with a win 10 pro key and it did not accept it.

    Another thing you will find hard to believe MS won't take your money.

    A little history past few weeks I upgraded 15 computers from home to pro 7 of them went to Enterprise not activated I bought them from MS store so it was easy to call MS and they fixed it, this time I used a win 7 pro serials that they had on old computers in the backroom to upgrade 2 laptops one went to Pro the other went to Enterprise I know it's not the fault of the serials it MS screw up because I did not buy from store and used existing serial I can't call them if it was my computer it would be easy
    do a clean install, but this is an accounting computer with lots of apps

    During the past 2 weeks, I had to enter multiple credit card info to pay for the upgrade I had to enter the detail as many as 30 times on each laptop before it would accept payment all credit cards were in good standing
    So I tried multiple times using one card then tried another so basically doing this killed a whole week of my time just to do a simple job
    and drove me around the bend this is why I tried using a win 7 pro serial
    I would never use kmspico as I know it's not a permanent fix

    thank you for the help
  5. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #5 Enthousiast, Dec 20, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2019
    No, you can revert back to home by entering the msdm bios key on pro or up.

    From Home (or CSL) to Pro and up is a full upgrade (by key).
    From Pro to any other SKU (not Home or CSL) is a license switch, it will instantly switch to the SKU belonging to the inserted key.

    You can readout the MSDM key manually by running this commandline in an elevated cmd:
    wmic path softwarelicensingservice get OA3xOriginalProductKey
    You can run any key thru this nice tool, to see what the key is and what it's meant for:
  6. bigbadjohn

    bigbadjohn MDL Novice

    Sep 26, 2010
    So basically I am screwed I can do a clean install or possibly go to the MS store and try and buy pro and get them to help but they will see it tried to upgrade to Enterprise.
    there is no easy way out.
    I was planning to use a different win pro key to see if it turns it into pro

    I have googled this getting Enterprise instead of pro and nothing comes up
  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Run the keys you "bought from ms" thru the pid checker i linked to, and see what you got, if it weren't pro keys, get your money back or exchange them for the correct keys you bought.

    You can simply enter any gVLK for enterprise, pro, education, pro-education or pro-workstation and it will change to the SKU, the key is for.

    If you bought them from genuine sources you should be able to get it fixed by the seller.
  8. bigbadjohn

    bigbadjohn MDL Novice

    Sep 26, 2010
    Thanks again

    There today went to screen were you change key it was not there only activate chose that there was an option to put the new key in used the same Win 7 pro key again, it took a few minutes
    10 Pro activated on the main screen.
    so that was a relief for doing such a stupid thing

    I still don't know why they went to Enterprise they buy Office O365 with some type of corporate licensing or because every key is tied to a specific product and there are millions of keys, a miss-match occurs, Just glad I don't have to do a reinstall they can't do without there computers for 5 mins.
    I was going to put it off until Monday decided to try today glad I did as I would be uneasy all weekend never thought it would be so easy
    as re-entering the key, Knowledge is power.
  9. bigbadjohn

    bigbadjohn MDL Novice

    Sep 26, 2010
    I think the only genuine sources is Microsoft there are a gazillion resellers on Google don't know if they're genuine.
    How is it they can sell for less than half price
  10. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Those probably are not resellers, but key sellers;)