I am the only one who uses my Desktop...I do not need a password but today I was asked to change to one...How can I disable this prompt? Thank you Alan
I just use a domain. Policies are applied as soon as the PC joins the domain, (and passwords comes from server).
Settings --> Accouts ----> Sign-in Options----> Password ----> change Than make sure you "Uncheck/Change" this option - see below.... Hope this helps Spoiler: Screen Shot
PS option Code: for specific user powershell -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -command "Set-LocalUser -Name 'Administrator' -PasswordNeverExpires 1" for all users powershell -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -command "Get-CimInStance Win32_UserAccount | Set-CimInstance -Property @{PasswordExpires=\"False\"} -PassThru" Wmic option [from Last11.Pro.x64.PE_2022H2 ISO] Code: wmic UserAccount set PasswordExpires=False wmic path Win32_UserAccount set PasswordExpires=False Wmic option [from abbodi1406 script] Code: FOR /F "TOKENS=2 DELIMS==" %%A IN ('"WMIC /NAMESPACE:\\ROOT\CIMV2 PATH Win32_UserAccount GET Name /VALUE"') DO ( CALL WMIC /NAMESPACE:\\ROOT\CIMV2 PATH Win32_UserAccount WHERE Name='%%A' SET PasswordExpires=FALSE )