I tried using windows update, but it scans too many updates, I think there must be a superseded update. But I can't find out. In less than four years (2012-2016), Windows 8 has scanned more updates than Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, This is not normal. So I want you to provide updates before 2016. I integrated all updates into x64 install.wim, file size 6GB+, it's too large. ... The same way integrated into win7 x64 install.wim only 4GB+, win8.1 5GB+ I downloaded the latest wsusscn2.cab and used the Windows update mini tool to scan out about 100 updates in offline mode. But online mode scans out over 200 updates. Why does this problem occur? Do I trust the wsusscn2.can database or the online Windows Update? Although I believe more in online windows update. But I prefer less updates. So it's contradictory.
Well, can you take a long screenshot? I want to see all 142 updates KBs, and then I can download them myself. Thanks.
Why are you interested in an OS that reached EOS 1-2 years after it was released and replaced by 8.1?
I like to collect, I started from Windows 95, to the current discontinued Windows 8.1, each Windows uses the latest hotfixes and updates.
The rollups from 2012 to 2014 have different files that are not exist in the rollups after 2016.09, so they are necessary to install to fix several security issues.
@kkhww I mount Windows 8, do offline Integration using the DISM command. After installing SSU (KB2981685 or KB5016263), all subsequent updates cannot be integrated. Installing either of these two, or both, will give this error. I changed to another version of DISM, the same error occurs. The dism.log is too long, I figured out what I think is the critical error, it's below. I don't know what to do. Code: DISM Failed. ERROR: 0x800f082f CBS Failed to unload offline registry CBS Exec: Cannot finalize session because an exclusive session is pending. [HRESULT = 0x800f082f - CBS_E_EXCLUSIVE_WOULD_MERGE]
You need to install kb2771431 ssu update First in order to install other updates. But this update needs online operation and can't be intergrated offline, so I'LL provide you the one which can be installed offline later. And remember that you should install other later SSUs (except kb2771431) after the installation of other updates and before the installation of the latest LCU ROLLUPS.
Thanks for your help! I found a vbs script on the Internet to modify the update.mum of KB2771431 to support offline integration. Follow your steps: 1. Integrate KB2771431 (Success) 2. Integrate other updates (Success) 3. Integrate other SSU (Only one SSU is integrated, I guess it will be wrong to install more than one SSU) 4. Integrate RollupFix (The problem still persists, cannot be integrated)
After installing any ssu, stop first. Use Nsudo Launcher, open registry in TRUSTEDINSTALLER. Mount your mounted OS's SOFTWARE registry hive, turn to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\OS's SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\SessionsPending Set the value of Exclusive to 0. Unmount the registry. THIS CAN SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM. AFTER INSTALLING OTHER UPDATES, SET THE value of EXCLUSIVE to 3 again.
Set the Exclusive value to 0 in the registry, can this value be kept forever, without changing it to 3 ?