Hi there, How do I use windows command line to delete all specific extension(.SRT) in Directory or folder. Thanks.
Why not just create a proper screen? the built-in snipping tool does a great job. I could also go get me some reading glasses But on topic: And include the folder showing the files you plan to delete? You can put a few in a folder and change the filenames if you want, as long as the .srt extension still is there.
Your success folder is directly in the user folder? are the .srt files in the success folder too? Try to use: Code: del /f /q "*.srt"
It‘s still very unclear where your files are exactly. You tried different folders in your screenshots, yet no files were found. Are you sure those files are directly in the root of those folders you tried? Or are you trying to delete files in *all* subfolders? This will delete all matching files recursively from your current path: Code: del /s *.srt Please be careful with this command, it will delete matching files from all subfolders! Have a look at all available parameters with „del /?“ to understand what those parameters do exactly.
Thank you very much ch4os, I need /s parameter to make it work, it work perfectly. Thanks En and other Gents.
open command prompt on windows & type any search query you want to search for suppose delete then your query to know about its commandline switches will be del /? or erase /? if you want to query for removing directories then it will be rmdir /? or rd /? (where rm stands for remove & dir stands for directory ) if you want to make directory then you query will be mkdir /? or md /? just put single space using spacebar then /? after your search query & it will result in all the switches you can use plus there usage (description) on right side .