Windows constantly use ssd at 1% is that normal?

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Carol666, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. Carol666

    Carol666 MDL Member

    Aug 12, 2015
    As the tile says on standby no apps running my win 10 home use constantly ssd at 1% and it never go really to 0%
    I checked resource monitor and apps that use ssd writing and reading are system, ready boot.etl (should that one be even running on ssd??) etwrteventlog-system.etl and some other services.

    Is that normal?

    The same when it comes to graphic card sometimes it jumps to 3% even no apps running is that normal?

    In windows 8.1 and 7 when I didn't use anything ssd was 0% and the same graphic I see in win 10 less cpu use as it stays most of the time at 1% on standby where in 8.1 sometimes it was jumping to 5% and more
  2. AcuraTML

    AcuraTML Guest

    #2 AcuraTML, Aug 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2015


    I suggest you look into it, ASAP

    and I suggest you call the hardware support line and ask what is the nest steps

    example firmware flashes and updates if any for your ssd and video card directly from the manufacture
  3. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    So, 0%?? how could that?

    Windows itself is running, therefore, will need some resources which include CPU, Memory and Storage! 0% is simply impossible!

    The only real question would be: How accurate are the real use of resources are?! And the answer would be: NEVER accurate to 100%!
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  4. freiwald

    freiwald MDL Senior Member

    Jul 27, 2015
    windows 10 enterprise ltsb here with ssd. most of the time i got 0% even with chrome open. so always 1% isn't right
  5. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    From a logical point of view, it couldn't be just 0%!! As stated in my post above, Windows itself will need the use of some resources and that's simply more than 0%!

    To be straight: 0 (ZERO) percent is simply NOTHING! Period. While even 0.001% is more than 0%! What I simply mean is, that the show of 0% isn't true at all, some percentage is in use! And that's also what I meant in my post that the show of any percentage is never accurate to 100%!
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  6. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @Carol666: How much RAM do you have in your system? Windows uses something called a swap file. When you do not have a lot of Memory, the disk is used to "make up the difference", so to speak.

    If the disk light is always on, then check your machine for virii. Use malwarebytes free, along with CCleaner to keep your machine running well.

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  7. freiwald

    freiwald MDL Senior Member

    Jul 27, 2015
    i was just looking at my taskmanager and while being in idle, it took 0% 90% of the time. thats what it says for me but then again i killed almost most of the useless services running in the background, got no store, no apps and got telemetry disabled as good as i could.
    something is working in the background for him. let it be the store, some apps, some data mining or just some services... but 1% ALL THE TIME isn't right. especially if it wasn't the same case with windows 7 or 8.
    of course the system needs to work in the background but like i said 90% of the time it's at 0%... not like for him all the time 1%

    you should take a look into the resourcemonitor tool and look up what is using your ssd. maybe it's because it's the home edition with all those "nice" apps and store and whatelse crap there is running in the background.
  8. Carol666

    Carol666 MDL Member

    Aug 12, 2015
    Using the same app called rainmeter to display system info, in windows 8.1 ssd use was always zero and win 10 stays 1% the same with graphic card. I know system runs background services and apps that's normal the thing is that win 8.1 was showing zero per cent ssd use when on standby means win 8.1 was using less ssd.

    I have 8gb ram and win 10 use around 0.6gb on standby
    Win 8.1 was using about the same
  9. Carol666

    Carol666 MDL Member

    Aug 12, 2015
    @scandal1981 I have disabled telemetry removed defender and loads of other crap. Maybe that's the reason I get higher write to ssd as kernel is asking for missing apps or something. Tomorrow is Saturday and most probably the day I'm deleting windows 10 forever and ever.
  10. Carol666

    Carol666 MDL Member

    Aug 12, 2015
    @miachela 8gb ram and I use cleaner and it's fresh install so there should be no malwares yet
  11. freiwald

    freiwald MDL Senior Member

    Jul 27, 2015
    just take a look into the resource monitor and look what program/service is using your ssd. it's not hard to narrow down. just look what is writing/reading from your disk in resource monitor. maybe it's just a false information from "rainmeter"... everest/aida have similiar problems too with old versions of it.
    clearly no reason to say windows 10 is s**t and you gonna uninstall it. if there is really something reading/writing and not just an error from rainmeter... you can find the cause.
  12. Carol666

    Carol666 MDL Member

    Aug 12, 2015
    @Freiwald I have said that in the first post.

    Ready boot
    Windows crating some logs
  13. odiebugs1

    odiebugs1 MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2015
    #14 odiebugs1, Aug 21, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2015
    Relax, if you're that worried open resource and hit the read an write to bring up the highest usage.
    Have you uninstalled all tiles, the system needs to work and even if you have 64g memory, the load of any new data will be seen.
    Extract a 3g file and see what happens, it won't be zero.
    How do you think windows looks for updates, the microsoft fairy comes along and runs update. I'm not even going to list everything that the system is doing.

    Sorry freiwald, didn't mean to post same.

    Also, most SSD's can have 20 GB writes per day for 5 years, and still have a life of a few years.
  14. Carol666

    Carol666 MDL Member

    Aug 12, 2015
    @odiebugs1 the highest usage write and read is by ready boot and I wonder why if i have ssd?

    I unsinatlled all tiles, store, telemetry, defender, and updates are disabled,

    The system doesn't connect to the net by itself much as it was with the fresh install it still sen a few bytes and that's all.

    I'm sure there are still Microsofts apps running in the background. Because of when I was using win 8.1 ssd was constantly 0 looking at rainmeter on standby the same gpu. I think I will just go back as I don't want my ssd to get bad to quickly because of stinky Microsoft apps will keep writing it's logs and other crap trying to send it over the net.
  15. freiwald

    freiwald MDL Senior Member

    Jul 27, 2015
    #16 freiwald, Aug 21, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2015
    yes readyboot was running for me as well but i haven't nocticed any write/read behaviour from it.
    go to
    and set "start" on "0". after that go to
    C:\Windows\Prefetch\ReadyBoot and delete the .etl file. reboot, check if file is there again, if not check your ssd write/read usage.
    hope this is helping

    i had readybooSt and superfetch deactivated so i don't know why readyboot was still active... i disabled it and have no errors, same boot time and so on.

    edit if it does not work there was also a scheduled task which i disabled... but i can't find it anymore
  16. odiebugs1

    odiebugs1 MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2015
    It's because you have a SSD that it's working. It's pre loading files to disk, serving as a fast cache for the disk.

    Try what Freiwald posted, you might never see any difference.
  17. freiwald

    freiwald MDL Senior Member

    Jul 27, 2015
    it's not needed with a ssd. there a several techsites reporting it. idon't know why ms thinks it's good to let it run in the background if you don't need it at all
  18. Carol666

    Carol666 MDL Member

    Aug 12, 2015
    OK I'm looking now at resource monitor

    Ready boot had the highest write read should even read boot be running on ssd? It's called readyboot.Etl I deleted that file from under Windows/prefetch

    Second app is called etwrteventlog-system.etl what's that for and why is it rubbing constantly it's located c/Windows/sys32/logfiles/wmi/rtbackup/etwrteventlog-system.etl deleted it and other etl that were there there's that rtbackup folder that's where logs are collected at least some.

    Other are ntfs master table that one won't touch
  19. odiebugs1

    odiebugs1 MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2015
    Correct, but RAM is faster than a SSD. And I have seen hundreds of people who are obsessed with boot times, actually it seems that everyone have a pet peeve about something and go to extremes for the meager.