I'm looking for the standalone WDK10 (ISO) installer, the online installer doesn't cover my needs. Is there a place that i can download?
No, for someone else who actually answer my question and not send me to get what i said i don't want to get.
Same thing in this case. There is no ISO but as I told you, you can make one. What you were looking for does not officially exist. A Google search would have told you all this. The lazy is strong with you.
I don't give a s*** if it's official or not. I asked if there is a place where i can download it and i get a reply who solves my question. I also receive your non related opinion about what i should do, think or behave if the question (my problem) was different as you seems to think it should be. I asked where i can get one because i knew there is no official iso available. Guess why? Because i searched for it before i open this thread, you are not the only one able to use search sites. I didn't ask how i can do an .iso because i don't want to do it and in the case i would do it, i will simply do it no need to ask here. Not so lazy, i bothered to reply you even when your replies are not related to my question and provide a "solution" that i explicitly said i want to avoid. IDK Maybe the futility is strong on you replying to questions with unrelated solutions expecting ppl to change their questions to your convenience or thoughts. If you don't like a thread subject or don't have a solution for what was asked simply don't reply: you will save some OP time replying to you. P.S.: Forgive me for no posting more rolling eyes emojis, i was losting the focus!