Without the log it is impossible to identify which package has failed. And, have you considered applying the tweak AFTER update?
No, I won't because I do it for initial image, not for Windows Update. BTW, Q: Do you know how to create C:\Users\All Users and Default User which are hidden and with special privileges?
No. Missing. Then it turns to create defaultuser0 upon completion of installation. Normal image: All Users Default User (Hidden, Pre-existent) Unstaged image: defaultuser0 (Visible, Created)
ME2. Watch carefully. All Users - missing Default Default User - missing --> defaultuser0 Public Desktop.ini
They are both 0KB. Guess they are links created by mklink.exe Also they don't matter when installing the image.
No, not empty. And not feeling right. Code: C:\windows\system32>dir /b "E:\Users\All Users" NVIDIA NVIDIA Corporation Package Cache Packages regid.1991-06.com.microsoft SoftwareDistribution ssh Thunder Network USOPrivate USOShared VMware C:\windows\system32>dir /b "E:\Users\Default User" Desktop Documents Downloads Favorites Links Music NTUSER.DAT Pictures Saved Games Videos Hidden & protected.
You show UUP coren_en-us.esd. It is Normal image, NOT Unstaged. The Unstaged does not have the following two hiiden and protected folders: All Users Default User