[Unexpected new founding] MMAgent, a good way to determine wherther the system is Client or Server. This way, nobody can fake. Except one can make ApplicationPreLauncht work on Server(, then the one must be able to modify MMAgent).
No it isn't. Appwiz.cpl or this pc ----> manage, follows SKUwitch, mmagent does not (according to users who tried). I didn't have time to look in to this, but must be something different
Well, not exactly something I consider high in my priority list. Academically it's an interesting problem, practically I couldn't care less of those settings
In spite of license & key (your SKUwitch), it works on Client system only. This is about "ApplicationPreLaunch". As for "file history", it won't work on Server, even though using official package. e.g. Code: Microsoft-Windows-FileHistory-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.20348.1
Q: Would "ApplicationPreLaunch" work on Client in Server structure? If it won't work, perhaps It is controlled by some mmagent file.
Q: Where is Microsoft-Windows-FileHistory-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.20348.1? A: In Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-Package.esd (from UUP).
My SKUwitch does its job perfectly, as always do, but it can't do anything if a required service/file is missing. And looks like it's the case. I think I have (half) solved The error it's because a required driver rdyboost is not installed at all on servers Install it and the CIM error will be gone As you can see, no error but the value is still false. Now maybe SKUwitch will do the rest of the job (not tried yet), or maybe something else is missing.
Many server things works on Client SKUs, and many client things works on ServerSKUs. Also many things are blocked on management, not on runtime, so a setting may stick. For example RRAS is not configurable on client SKUs but if you configure it in server mode, it continues to work after switching to client. Speaking of servers only few SKU can be promoted to domain controllers, but only dcpromo.exe is blocked, so if you configure, say server standard as domain controller, then you switch to say RDSH, you have still a fully functional domain controller. But you can't demote it because demotion is done via dcpromo.exe, just like promotion. The whole matter is a big "it depends"
Q: What's the structure of Next Client LTSC? A: It's in the latest 25XXX Preview's Sessions.xml. (Not 23XXX which is a copy of 22624.)
Test Reconstruct 22000.2057 Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC amd64 zh-TW (for Win32Calc) Code: ======================================================================================================== 22000.2057 Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC amd64 zh-TW has been successfully reconstructed on 2023/6/14 ======================================================================================================== Mission took 0:21:45.10 (1305.10s total) Code: WIM XML Information: --------------------------- <WIM> <TOTALBYTES>4359547228</TOTALBYTES> <IMAGE INDEX="1"> <DIRCOUNT>30088</DIRCOUNT> <FILECOUNT>103933</FILECOUNT> <TOTALBYTES>16314085651</TOTALBYTES> <HARDLINKBYTES>7252014179</HARDLINKBYTES> <CREATIONTIME> <HIGHPART>0x01D99E20</HIGHPART> <LOWPART>0xEDF9F328</LOWPART> </CREATIONTIME> <LASTMODIFICATIONTIME> <HIGHPART>0x01D99E21</HIGHPART> <LOWPART>0x0AFBC2D6</LOWPART> </LASTMODIFICATIONTIME> <WIMBOOT>0</WIMBOOT> <WINDOWS> <ARCH>9</ARCH> <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME> <EDITIONID>IoTEnterpriseS</EDITIONID> <INSTALLATIONTYPE>Client</INSTALLATIONTYPE> <SERVICINGDATA> <GDRDUREVISION>0</GDRDUREVISION> <PKEYCONFIGVERSION>10.0.22000.653;2016-01-01T00:00:00Z</PKEYCONFIGVERSION> <IMAGESTATE>IMAGE_STATE_GENERALIZE_RESEAL_TO_OOBE</IMAGESTATE> </SERVICINGDATA> <PRODUCTTYPE>WinNT</PRODUCTTYPE> <PRODUCTSUITE>Terminal Server</PRODUCTSUITE> <LANGUAGES> <LANGUAGE>zh-TW</LANGUAGE> <FALLBACK LANGUAGE="zh-TW">en-US</FALLBACK> <DEFAULT>zh-TW</DEFAULT> </LANGUAGES> <VERSION> <MAJOR>10</MAJOR> <MINOR>0</MINOR> <BUILD>22000</BUILD> <SPBUILD>2057</SPBUILD> <SPLEVEL>0</SPLEVEL> <BRANCH>co_release</BRANCH> </VERSION> <SYSTEMROOT>WINDOWS</SYSTEMROOT> </WINDOWS> <NAME>Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021</NAME> <DESCRIPTION>Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021</DESCRIPTION> <FLAGS>IoTEnterpriseS</FLAGS> <DISPLAYNAME>Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC</DISPLAYNAME> <DISPLAYDESCRIPTION>22000.2057 Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC</DISPLAYDESCRIPTION> </IMAGE> </WIM> [Outcome] Code: Win32Calc installed. But no shortcut in "All Apps".
Win32Calc shortcut on 10 and 11, different locations. [10] C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Calculator.lnk [11] C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Calculator.lnk So, to use Win32Calc, for Windows 10, use the one from Windows 10 Server. for Windows 11, use the one from Windows 11 Server. PS: 22000 Win32Calc, between 10 and 11. i.e. Single amd64 package. Q: Which build of 11 Server Preview is between 10 and 11?
Test Reconstruct 22000.1 Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC amd64 zh-TW (for Win32Calc based on #11836) Code: ======================================================================================================= 22000.1 Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC amd64 zh-TW has been successfully reconstructed on 2023/6/14 ======================================================================================================== Mission took 0:6:41.91 (401.91s total) [Outcome] Code: 22000.1_Professional_to_IoTEnterpriseS_amd64\install.wim\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Calculator.lnk PS: 1. I don't have appropriate Win32Calc build for 22000.1, the shortcut is made by "copy". Code: if not exist "%MT%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Calculator.lnk" if exist "%MT%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Calculator.lnk" ( copy /y "%MT%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Calculator.lnk" "%MT%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" >NUL 2>&1 ) 2. This image cannot be installation tested for automatic OOBE feature update.
The Calculator shortcut appeared, but displayed in en-US. Q: How to change shortcut language into system language? PS: If Win32Calc package is original, no such problem.
Two more ways for 22000 Win32Calc shortcut to display in system language: [Hassle way] 25XXX Win32Calc + it's language packs [Easy way] A Server Preview build in between 10 & 11 [20348] 10, amd64 ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Calculator.lnk [22000] In between 10 & 11, amd64 ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Calculator.lnk [22621] 11, amd64 + WOW64 (e.g. 25227.1000) ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Calculator.lnk