Most Aero features are disabled by product policy for Embedded Embedded-SKU-POSReady7-ppdlic.xrm-ms Code: explorer-AeroShakeAllowed 0 explorer-AeroAnimationAllowed 0 Microsoft-Windows-DesktopWindowManager-Core-Flip3dAllowed 0 Microsoft-Windows-DesktopWindowManager-Core-LivePreviewAllowed 0 Microsoft-Windows-DesktopWindowManager-Core-ThumbnailsAllowed 0
I was wondering if those disabled features can be enabled somehow? Group Policy did nothing for that, like I was expecting.
No but you can remove the package which add the above license Code: WinEmb-SKU-POSReady7~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7601.17514 - WinEmb-SKU-POSReady7~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.1.7601.17514 if the OS is already installed, you may need to rebuild tokens.dat