Just using windows in general, If I want to delete files for example, I don't need any messages telling me I don't have access rights. If I want to run something, I don't need to be asked a hundred times if I really want to run it. I don't need Microsoft scanning every file for malware of whatnot (they even flagged their Office deployment scripts as an example of how accurate it is... Stuff like that.
Usually this won't happen, only when you are trying to delete files that should not be deleted. When does this happen? Just disable defender if you really know what you do.
@ibay770 @Enthousiast answered your questions in general, there is a buttload of threads regaring your initial post on this forum. If you answer his questions he will respond. However, if you'r looking for ways to "weaponize" software in any way beyond, with help from the community, we will hand you over! Kind regards
I don't want shortcuts, I want the whole user running as system the way it does in audit mode. Or the way some winPE have done it.
Thanks God we have you, a super expert that solves any problem for any user. With useful messages like the quoted one.
I wish it was a WinME discussion, that version, ran everything as system, and none of the security trash present on the later OS.