there is lot of space in drive C: and no the connection is not set as metered windows update service is running so what is the problem
If you think everything is fine, just wait and see what happens next, because Windows 11 updates are usually downloaded in the background, and sometimes the same number on the panel can be half an hour or longer. True, this was not the case in previous versions. Most (but not all) updates are downloaded to the folder %windir%\ Softwaredistribution\Download From there, you can watch most of the downloaded files, but like I said above, not everything. You should also make sure that this folder is empty and pc restarted before downloading updates. The %windir%\servicing\LCU folder should also be emptied (it's recommended).
I removed softwaredistribution folder completely and rebooted update started downloading but now it's stuck at 53% let's wait and see
I had similar problems with Windows 11 Pro running on totally unsupported computers! Just, supported machines are not much better too! One thing you should do is set the Power Setting to Never instead of Sleep and/or Hibernate, and have the machine (Laptop & Netbook) on direct power connection all times while updating! On a Dell Laptop yesterday I needed the whole day to finish just 3 Updates from MS, and that laptop is fully supported by MS for Windows 11! And my Internet connection is 330/330MBps. Checked with using a different DNS server, instead of the one from my ISP, did not solve such problems! it's just that it really seems to be related to the MS own servers!
Even some ancient old crab (which you: Enthusiast did not like!) works quite well with Windows 11 Pro! A simple fact is, the use of those so-called 'Ancient old Crab' is, that there quite a lot of humans out there which did not have the money to obtain the even not latest Hardware! That's a fact in countries like Thailand, just to name one. Therefore also those technical service people need to use such old 'crab' to be able to serve their customer to its best.
It's ancient old CRAP, not Crab, it's Enthousiast, not Enthusiast. And now you keep ranting about the other crap about the world population being poor, that doesn't make windows 11 on ancient old crap justified, it only worsens their life.
i think it's better to avoid windows 11 on old hardware, while it's not totally a bad experience, it's not a good experience either, the OS is still new and needs lot of optimization, the new file explorer is slow compared to windows 10, even though i'm using an ssd drive the performance of the system as a whole is not that great, windows 7 is even better
In my opinion not be mandatory to avoid using it only on an old computer that is not compatible, but Windows 11 should be avoided on any computer for as long as possible. This should be mandatory for everyone. I haven't met anything so bad before.
Yeah, it should be! But isn't possible if you're in the Computer Service Business! I'm in such business and my customers dictate what I've to do because they pay for it! Besides that, my customers although providing the used Hardware too. If I not follow the given rules. my business will not last for a long time! All that you guys tell on this forum may ok for you, and many of you are not able to look beside your way, just that did not mean that others have to always follow YOUR way! I'm not you and never would, I've to follow my own way because it finances my Life and that of my family! Period.
There is nothing to do with hatering here. I always use the latest software and, if possible, hardware. The problem is whether it can be used depending on whether it works or not. And Windows 11 is one of those things that unfortunately doesn't work and is somewhere in its usability level in the early 2000s. It is a matter of whether or not to use, recommend or not recommend. Or rather, if one thing still doesn't work at all, it can't be used or recommended. However, the current Windows 10 (I have 19044.1503) is the best ever. Why should I recommend a worse version than the best one at the moment? That is the question. But at the same time, the current Windows 11 could be called the first test version of the Neanderthals. (Sorry! I very much hope that the Neanderthals are not very offended by this comparison). Spoiler: searching for suitable crystals for chip production
Sir i used his tweaks script plus this cleanup on my win11 22000.469 & really it become super fast now
The biggest concern might that vssadmin command removes windows backups, previous file versions, system restore points, etc. Overall it also takes away the ability to roll back installed windows updates, since it removes all backups except LCU.