Windows Vista DHCP/TCPIP.sys problem ("Local only")

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by krugern, Sep 16, 2008.

  1. krugern

    krugern MDL Novice

    Apr 12, 2008

    Currently I am having problems getting my Vista Ultimate back online. It simply won't get an IP from the DHCP. I have no other option than using DHCP from my ISP (Canal Digital, Norway), as they do not allow static IP atm.

    I had this problem back in April too. Whatever fixed it apparently does not apply as a fix anymore. I have edited the registry for each network adapter with no new luck. (The broadcastflag problem, DhcpConnEnableBcastFlagToggle 1 and DhcpConnForceBroadcastFlag 0).

    Lots of googling tells me there is a problem with the IP stack in Vista, bad coding or something.

    I lost connection again two days ago over the night after merely five months online after dealing with this problem the first time.

    Anyone else dealing with this problem? Got a good fix? I am doing as M$ says on their support pages. regedit DhcpConnEnableBcastFlagToggle 1 and DhcpConnForceBroadcastFlag 0 with no luck.

    I have disabled (as best as it's possible) IPv6 too.

    Both tried to update the ethernet driver, and uninstalling it - using the default driver - with no luck. Really drives me mad as I need to get online to hand in my work at school and stuff.