WMIC - any experts on this little life-changing functionality that may yet noose me?

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by goscuter1, Jun 28, 2011.

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  1. goscuter1

    goscuter1 MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2011
    #1 goscuter1, Jun 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    So I've been getting hacked via pretty unbelievable / sophisticated / insanity-inducing method/s for five months now.

    Today, I find this wmic.exe in my %windir%. Every time I find another thing, I think I'm saved, but whoever is doing this is obviously some kind of freak genius.

    But this is unbelievable, this WMIC functionality.

    [global switches] <command>
    The following global switches are available:
    /NAMESPACE           Path for the namespace the alias operate against.
    /ROLE                Path for the role containing the alias definitions.
    /NODE                Servers the alias will operate against.
    /IMPLEVEL            Client impersonation level.
    /AUTHLEVEL           Client authentication level.
    /LOCALE              Language id the client should use.
    /PRIVILEGES          Enable or disable all privileges.
    /TRACE               Outputs debugging information to stderr.
    /RECORD              Logs all input commands and output.
    /INTERACTIVE         Sets or resets the interactive mode.
    /FAILFAST            Sets or resets the FailFast mode.
    /USER                User to be used during the session.
    /PASSWORD            Password to be used for session login.
    /OUTPUT              Specifies the mode for output redirection.
    /APPEND              Specifies the mode for output redirection.
    /AGGREGATE           Sets or resets aggregate mode.
    /AUTHORITY           Specifies the <authority type> for the connection.
    /?[:<BRIEF|FULL>]    Usage information.
    For more information on a specific global switch, type: switch-name /?
    The following alias/es are available in the current role:
    ALIAS                    - Access to the aliases available on the local system
    BASEBOARD                - Base board (also known as a motherboard or system board) management.
    BIOS                     - Basic input/output services (BIOS) management.
    BOOTCONFIG               - Boot configuration management.
    CDROM                    - CD-ROM management.
    COMPUTERSYSTEM           - Computer system management.
    CPU                      - CPU management.
    CSPRODUCT                - Computer system product information from SMBIOS. 
    DATAFILE                 - DataFile Management.  
    DCOMAPP                  - DCOM Application management.
    DESKTOP                  - User's Desktop management.
    DESKTOPMONITOR           - Desktop Monitor management.
    DEVICEMEMORYADDRESS      - Device memory addresses management.
    DISKDRIVE                - Physical disk drive management. 
    DISKQUOTA                - Disk space usage for NTFS volumes.
    DMACHANNEL               - Direct memory access (DMA) channel management.
    ENVIRONMENT              - System environment settings management.
    FSDIR                    - Filesystem directory entry management. 
    GROUP                    - Group account management. 
    IDECONTROLLER            - IDE Controller management.  
    IRQ                      - Interrupt request line (IRQ) management. 
    JOB                      - Provides  access to the jobs scheduled using the schedule service. 
    LOADORDER                - Management of system services that define execution dependencies. 
    LOGICALDISK              - Local storage device management.
    LOGON                    - LOGON Sessions.  
    MEMCACHE                 - Cache memory management.
    MEMORYCHIP               - Memory chip information.
    MEMPHYSICAL              - Computer system's physical memory management. 
    NETCLIENT                - Network Client management.
    NETLOGIN                 - Network login information (of a particular user) management. 
    NETPROTOCOL              - Protocols (and their network characteristics) management.
    NETUSE                   - Active network connection management.
    NIC                      - Network Interface Controller (NIC) management.
    NICCONFIG                - Network adapter management. 
    NTDOMAIN                 - NT Domain management.  
    NTEVENT                  - Entries in the NT Event Log.  
    NTEVENTLOG               - NT eventlog file management. 
    ONBOARDDEVICE            - Management of common adapter devices built into the motherboard (system board).
    OS                       - Installed Operating System/s management. 
    PAGEFILE                 - Virtual memory file swapping management. 
    PAGEFILESET              - Page file settings management. 
    PARTITION                - Management of partitioned areas of a physical disk.
    PORT                     - I/O port management.
    PORTCONNECTOR            - Physical connection ports management.
    PRINTER                  - Printer device management. 
    PRINTERCONFIG            - Printer device configuration management.  
    PRINTJOB                 - Print job management. 
    PROCESS                  - Process management. 
    PRODUCT                  - Installation package task management. 
    QFE                      - Quick Fix Engineering.  
    QUOTASETTING             - Setting information for disk quotas on a volume. 
    RDACCOUNT                - Remote Desktop connection permission management.
    RDNIC                    - Remote Desktop connection management on a specific network adapter.
    RDPERMISSIONS            - Permissions to a specific Remote Desktop connection.
    RDTOGGLE                 - Turning Remote Desktop listener on or off remotely.
    RECOVEROS                - Information that will be gathered from memory when the operating system fails. 
    REGISTRY                 - Computer system registry management.
    SCSICONTROLLER           - SCSI Controller management.  
    SERVER                   - Server information management. 
    SERVICE                  - Service application management. 
    SHADOWCOPY               - Shadow copy management.
    SHADOWSTORAGE            - Shadow copy storage area management.
    SHARE                    - Shared resource management. 
    SOFTWAREELEMENT          - Management of the  elements of a software product installed on a system.
    Press any key to continue, or press the ESCAPE key to stopSOFTWAREFEATURE          - Management of software product subsets of SoftwareElement. 
    SOUNDDEV                 - Sound Device management.
    STARTUP                  - Management of commands that run automatically when users log onto the computer system.
    SYSACCOUNT               - System account management.  
    SYSDRIVER                - Management of the system driver for a base service.
    SYSTEMENCLOSURE          - Physical system enclosure management.
    SYSTEMSLOT               - Management of physical connection points including ports,  slots and peripherals, and proprietary connections points.
    TAPEDRIVE                - Tape drive management.  
    TEMPERATURE              - Data management of a temperature sensor (electronic thermometer).
    TIMEZONE                 - Time zone data management. 
    UPS                      - Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) management. 
    USERACCOUNT              - User account management.
    VOLTAGE                  - Voltage sensor (electronic voltmeter) data management.
    VOLUME                   - Local storage volume management.
    VOLUMEQUOTASETTING       - Associates the disk quota setting with a specific disk volume. 
    VOLUMEUSERQUOTA          - Per user storage volume quota management.
    WMISET                   - WMI service operational parameters management. 
    For more information on a specific alias, type: alias /?
    CLASS     - Escapes to full WMI schema.
    PATH      - Escapes to full WMI object paths.
    CONTEXT   - Displays the state of all the global switches.
    QUIT/EXIT - Exits the program.
    For more information on CLASS/PATH/CONTEXT, type: (CLASS | PATH | CONTEXT) /?
    NAMESPACE             : root\cimv2
    ROLE                  : root\cli
    NODE(S)               : J-PC
    IMPLEVEL              : IMPERSONATE
    [AUTHORITY            : N/A]
    AUTHLEVEL             : PKTPRIVACY
    LOCALE                : ms_409
    PRIVILEGES            : DISABLE
    TRACE                 : OFF
    RECORD                : C:\OMFG.XML
    INTERACTIVE           : ON
    FAILFAST              : OFF
    OUTPUT                : STDOUT
    APPEND                : C:\OMG.TXT
    USER                  : N/A
    AGGREGATE             : ON
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="NICConfig"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="SysDriver"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="TapeDrive"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="NTEventLog"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="UserAccount"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Job"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="SoftwareElement"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Volume"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="NetProtocol"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="QuotaSetting"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Group"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="BIOS"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="UPS"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Server"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="VolumeUserQuota"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="ShadowCopy"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="RDAccount"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Port"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="PrinterConfig"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Environment"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Registry"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="BootConfig"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="DesktopMonitor"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="QFE"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="PrintJob"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="DiskDrive"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="VolumeQuotaSetting"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="RDToggle"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Startup"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="OS"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="IRQ"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Share"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="ComputerSystem"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="ShadowStorage"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Service"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="RDNIC"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="LOGON"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="NTDOMAIN"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="RDPermissions"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="PortConnector"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="IDECONTROLLER"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="MEMCACHE"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="TimeZone"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="LogicalDisk"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="MemoryChip"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="SoundDev"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Product"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="DMAChannel"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="DeviceMemoryAddress"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="FSDir"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="NIC"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Temperature"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="DESKTOP"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="DiskQuota"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="DataFile"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="DCOMAPP"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Process"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="BaseBoard"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="LoadOrder"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="PageFileSet"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Partition"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="SysAccount"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="PageFile"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="SystemSlot"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="SystemEnclosure"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="WMISet"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Voltage"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="RecoverOS"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="CDROM"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="NTEvent"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Printer"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="OnBoardDevice"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="SoftwareFeature"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="MemPhysical"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="NetUse"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="CPU"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="Alias"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="NetLogin"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="NetClient"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="SCSICONTROLLER"
    Instance deletion successful.
    Deleting instance \\J-PC\ROOT\cli:MSFT_CliAlias.FriendlyName="CSProduct"
    Instance deletion successful.
    [global switches] <command>
    The following global switches are available:
    /NAMESPACE           Path for the namespace the alias operate against.
    /ROLE                Path for the role containing the alias definitions.
    /NODE                Servers the alias will operate against.
    /IMPLEVEL            Client impersonation level.
    /AUTHLEVEL           Client authentication level.
    /LOCALE              Language id the client should use.
    /PRIVILEGES          Enable or disable all privileges.
    /TRACE               Outputs debugging information to stderr.
    /RECORD              Logs all input commands and output.
    /INTERACTIVE         Sets or resets the interactive mode.
    /FAILFAST            Sets or resets the FailFast mode.
    /USER                User to be used during the session.
    /PASSWORD            Password to be used for session login.
    /OUTPUT              Specifies the mode for output redirection.
    /APPEND              Specifies the mode for output redirection.
    /AGGREGATE           Sets or resets aggregate mode.
    /AUTHORITY           Specifies the <authority type> for the connection.
    /?[:<BRIEF|FULL>]    Usage information.
    For more information on a specific global switch, type: switch-name /?
    Command-aliases are not available.
    CLASS     - Escapes to full WMI schema.
    PATH      - Escapes to full WMI object paths.
    CONTEXT   - Displays the state of all the global switches.
    QUIT/EXIT - Exits the program.
    For more information on CLASS/PATH/CONTEXT, type: (CLASS | PATH | CONTEXT) /?
    NAMESPACE             : root\cimv2
    ROLE                  : root\cli
    NODE(S)               : J-PC
    IMPLEVEL              : IMPERSONATE
    [AUTHORITY            : N/A]
    AUTHLEVEL             : PKTPRIVACY
    LOCALE                : ms_409
    PRIVILEGES            : DISABLE
    TRACE                 : OFF
    RECORD                : C:\OMFG.XML
    INTERACTIVE           : ON
    FAILFAST              : OFF
    OUTPUT                : STDOUT
    APPEND                : C:\OMG.TXT
    USER                  : N/A
    AGGREGATE             : ON
    Um, like I deleted every ALIAS, disabled privileges and interactive. Is that enough? I'm exhausted (obviously going to read more on it, but need all the help I can get)....
  2. 100

    100 MDL Expert

    May 17, 2011
    I have no idea what you're trying to say here, but if you think wmic is some kind of malware/hacking tool: it's not.
  3. stayboogy

    stayboogy MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2011
  4. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    Yeah WMI is pretty powerful, I use it a lot in Office 2010 Toolkit (but not via WMIC). Someone probably used it in a script to gather/steal info about your PC for some purpose.
  5. stayboogy

    stayboogy MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2011
    goscuter1, my offer still stands to help you. :cool:

    if you indeed really want / need help, and if you haven't screwed your machine beyond normal use capabilities...
  6. goscuter1

    goscuter1 MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2011
    Yes it is. I'd explain to you why, if you understood the nature of Windows Installer 5.0 and .NET Namespace. But I literally only want to converse with people who understand true functionality. Everyone else, sorry, but please hold off being stupidly ignorant for awhile. I've wasted far too many months proving what people say is impossible, to have much patience with an idiot world who allow an idiot computer-illiterate (me) to suffer in ways that have ruined my life...heading into a 6th month...forcing me to find pages like this myself:

    [can't post links yet, 20 posts needed]MSDN Microsoft Library - Windows Installer]

    You may peruse this box.net folder, to which I've started to upload bits and pieces of the MOUNTAINS of evidence I have everywhere (much of which I discover, in annoyance, has been corrupted): box. net /shared /ic98jn49j6jnyamapgv2

    It was in the wbem folder, correct. Which is in System32 folder. As if folders even matter, with hardlinks and junction points and libraries and hidden partitions and blech.

    I understand what things are supposed to be used for. Women and children aren't supposed to be raped and molested. And yet, they are. Do you understand that this is a world where intent doesn't matter so much as potential for exploitation?

    Thank you for your kind offer of help, and I would take you up on it, as I have 10 corrupted systems and could easily not touch one whilst you kindly went through the process - but presently they are all back with their manufacturers as they're all within warranty, especially the ones corrupted 10 minutes after I bought them. The manufacturers (and I'm talking about MSi and HP and ASUS) are pretending to be dumber than is plausible. And refusing to answer direct questions about negative LBA, Namespace, OEM partitioning and Virtual Encrypted Hidden volumes.

    I need help, like...I need it in ways I've never needed help before. I'm really kind of scared, honestly. But please first look at the small collection of the box.net samples of evidence first, and be at least aware of the true functionality of...well, everything on the MSDN development page (it's all being used, I think). I'm more than willing to pay for your time (although I appreciate your intentions are likely not financially-motivated) - but I cannot afford to spend any more time with experts (paid or unpaid) who allow me to find pages like the Windows Installer 5.0 page myself, 5 months or less after I employed or accepted offers of assistance from them.

    Like, whatever this horrifying thing is, you MUST understand I am not even remotely exaggerating, when I swear to you an ActiveX object and desktop.ini file was zapped into my brand new HP Pavilion's FreeDOS OS, 10 min after I purchased it. I'm assuming, from my deactivated HTC Desire as I was in public, in the mall, 20 miles from my home network, and it did this whilst the HP Pavilion's networking was deactivated hard and soft, in BIOS and external F12 switch. The Blue light - that HORRIBLE Blue light - just lights up regardless, and I know I'm dead again.

    Oh, about WMIC. Deleting those ALIAS'es does nothing, good nor bad. I've done it lots, and a lot more. But deleting a non-default virtual Bluetooth driver or hidden .NET 1.0, 1.1 or 2.0 file...?

    Why not, is a pretty f good question. considering it installed my system from nothing but a Genuine Advantage disc, which remains in the drive. Do you...get what I'm pointing out here? See how the variables are the same, but the same outcome is claimed impossible by Microsoft?
  7. Trinket

    Trinket MDL Senior Member

    Feb 20, 2010
    Dude, are you sure you got it all together?

    What ON EARTH are you even talking about up there? You sound like some kind of paranoid survivalist. So what do you think, that Microsoft is going to come to your house and lay claim to your life? How can the stuff you have uploaded there ruin your life? I'm sorry man, but I really think you have a problem and need to find some help. I'm serious, I'm not mocking you. I really think you need to consider getting some help, and I'm not talking about fixing your PC's. And if it really does drive you crazy as you claim, burn those damn PC's, send them back, whatever, and just live a little while without a computer. Become a carpenter or something. But nothing is worth what you're displaying here.
  8. goscuter1

    goscuter1 MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2011
    #8 goscuter1, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Brand new HP Pavilion (2nd brand new one). Genuine Advantage Windows 7 Ultimate installed over FreeDOS. Not a single SINGLE thing else. Output of .NET Removal Utility (excerpt from 45 pages).

    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Beginning of new cleanup utility session
    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Build created on January 17, 2011
    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Detected operating system: Windows 7 (x64)
    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Install state for .NET Framework 1.0: not installed.
    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Install state for .NET Framework 1.1: not installed.
    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Install state for .NET Framework 2.0: installed with service pack 2.
    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Install state for .NET Framework 3.0: installed with service pack 2.
    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Install state for .NET Framework 3.5: installed with service pack 1.
    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Install state for .NET Framework 4 Client: not installed.
    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Install state for .NET Framework 4 Full: not installed.
    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions' because the OS condition does not match
    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions (Tablet PC and Media Center)' because the OS condition does not match
    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions (Windows Server 2003)' because the OS condition does not match
    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions (Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008)' because the OS condition does not match
    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Not adding product '.NET Framework 2.0' because the OS condition does not match
    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Not adding product '.NET Framework 3.0' because the OS condition does not match
    [06/30/11,22:51:25] Not adding product '.NET Framework 3.5' because the OS condition does not match
    [06/30/11,22:51:48] Starting cleanup for product .NET Framework - All Versions (Windows 7)
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Section [Stop Services - .NET Framework Common] - start parsing entries
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry msiserver, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Attempting to stop the service 'msiserver'
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] The service 'msiserver' was already stopped
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry httpfilter, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Attempting to stop the service 'httpfilter'
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] ***WARNING*** Failed to open the service 'httpfilter'
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry msftpsvc, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Attempting to stop the service 'msftpsvc'
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] ***WARNING*** Failed to open the service 'msftpsvc'
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry nntpsvc, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Attempting to stop the service 'nntpsvc'
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] ***WARNING*** Failed to open the service 'nntpsvc'
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry smtpsvc, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Attempting to stop the service 'smtpsvc'
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] ***WARNING*** Failed to open the service 'smtpsvc'
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry w3svc, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Attempting to stop the service 'w3svc'
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] ***WARNING*** Failed to open the service 'w3svc'
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry iisadmin, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Attempting to stop the service 'iisadmin'
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] ***WARNING*** Failed to open the service 'iisadmin'
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Section [Stop Services - .NET Framework Common] - stop parsing entries
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Section [Product Codes - .NET Framework 4] - start parsing entries
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD51849B9702}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD51849B9702}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD51849B9702}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {8E34682C-8118-31F1-BC4C-98CD9675E1C2}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {3C3901C5-3455-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {3C3901C5-3455-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {3C3901C5-3455-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Section [Product Codes - .NET Framework 4] - stop parsing entries
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Section [Product Codes - .NET Framework 1.1] - start parsing entries
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {CB2F7EDD-9D1F-43C1-90FC-4F52EAE172A1}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {CB2F7EDD-9D1F-43C1-90FC-4F52EAE172A1}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {CB2F7EDD-9D1F-43C1-90FC-4F52EAE172A1}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Section [Product Codes - .NET Framework 1.1] - stop parsing entries
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Section [Product Codes - .NET Framework 1.0] - start parsing entries
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {B43357AA-3A6D-4D94-B56E-43C44D09E548}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {B43357AA-3A6D-4D94-B56E-43C44D09E548}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {B43357AA-3A6D-4D94-B56E-43C44D09E548}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {20F1FFAF-1BFF-450C-A8C7-03D1BE24B950}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {20F1FFAF-1BFF-450C-A8C7-03D1BE24B950}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {20F1FFAF-1BFF-450C-A8C7-03D1BE24B950}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {660BA74D-476A-4644-8EA3-27018B64B9C0}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {660BA74D-476A-4644-8EA3-27018B64B9C0}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {660BA74D-476A-4644-8EA3-27018B64B9C0}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {1FE28984-90B9-46B1-ABB1-75D1F4B321FE}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {1FE28984-90B9-46B1-ABB1-75D1F4B321FE}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {1FE28984-90B9-46B1-ABB1-75D1F4B321FE}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {6B908BF7-A583-4962-B068-69657D87CD56}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {6B908BF7-A583-4962-B068-69657D87CD56}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {6B908BF7-A583-4962-B068-69657D87CD56}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {015F2BEE-F15C-41F7-9637-47A5353A0E29}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {015F2BEE-F15C-41F7-9637-47A5353A0E29}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {015F2BEE-F15C-41F7-9637-47A5353A0E29}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {0D0AB9F0-3428-4444-9589-E4CA5DCA6AEE}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {0D0AB9F0-3428-4444-9589-E4CA5DCA6AEE}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {0D0AB9F0-3428-4444-9589-E4CA5DCA6AEE}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {6633E9ED-A6B5-4BA9-8A99-F8EF35A80F0F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {6633E9ED-A6B5-4BA9-8A99-F8EF35A80F0F}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {6633E9ED-A6B5-4BA9-8A99-F8EF35A80F0F}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {0388908D-56C8-4B0F-8EEE-777189680CEF}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {0388908D-56C8-4B0F-8EEE-777189680CEF}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {0388908D-56C8-4B0F-8EEE-777189680CEF}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {CDC9D357-66D4-47D2-8036-19403C68B8C2}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {CDC9D357-66D4-47D2-8036-19403C68B8C2}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {CDC9D357-66D4-47D2-8036-19403C68B8C2}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {06DFD541-F304-4A86-9F0F-24B772290C74}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {06DFD541-F304-4A86-9F0F-24B772290C74}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {06DFD541-F304-4A86-9F0F-24B772290C74}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {DDCBC011-AE9A-40B0-8C8C-77A8BE460A15}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {DDCBC011-AE9A-40B0-8C8C-77A8BE460A15}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {DDCBC011-AE9A-40B0-8C8C-77A8BE460A15}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {2BE71C4B-DDFC-4782-A3A5-B8E3DA53EF1B}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {2BE71C4B-DDFC-4782-A3A5-B8E3DA53EF1B}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {2BE71C4B-DDFC-4782-A3A5-B8E3DA53EF1B}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {51E18B09-2816-4D8F-908F-7CF7ECE0F51B}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {51E18B09-2816-4D8F-908F-7CF7ECE0F51B}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {51E18B09-2816-4D8F-908F-7CF7ECE0F51B}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {30F00D74-F3A2-4512-8EAA-E14DA2F90434}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {30F00D74-F3A2-4512-8EAA-E14DA2F90434}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {30F00D74-F3A2-4512-8EAA-E14DA2F90434}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {B53745D2-36BB-4650-8AFF-DB3C298F9F68}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {B53745D2-36BB-4650-8AFF-DB3C298F9F68}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {B53745D2-36BB-4650-8AFF-DB3C298F9F68}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {47C5B6D7-83C4-49FA-8E5E-7834058AE6A8}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {47C5B6D7-83C4-49FA-8E5E-7834058AE6A8}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {47C5B6D7-83C4-49FA-8E5E-7834058AE6A8}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {676641D8-83BE-4E3C-8DDB-D4CDBFAB92F8}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {676641D8-83BE-4E3C-8DDB-D4CDBFAB92F8}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {676641D8-83BE-4E3C-8DDB-D4CDBFAB92F8}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {846232AE-EF8E-43F2-8540-B150A9EAE004}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {846232AE-EF8E-43F2-8540-B150A9EAE004}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {846232AE-EF8E-43F2-8540-B150A9EAE004}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {AFAA5561-090E-415D-985E-146099716875}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {AFAA5561-090E-415D-985E-146099716875}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {AFAA5561-090E-415D-985E-146099716875}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {20797E0C-8E4B-4285-97A6-685F3A4F0016}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {20797E0C-8E4B-4285-97A6-685F3A4F0016}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {20797E0C-8E4B-4285-97A6-685F3A4F0016}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {6653C7BA-C2A5-4DF1-93E8-5E4FF66AD04C}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {6653C7BA-C2A5-4DF1-93E8-5E4FF66AD04C}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {6653C7BA-C2A5-4DF1-93E8-5E4FF66AD04C}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {3FCBA11D-C023-42AA-87D2-14F3B330EC2F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {3FCBA11D-C023-42AA-87D2-14F3B330EC2F}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {3FCBA11D-C023-42AA-87D2-14F3B330EC2F}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {E5D371F1-463D-4D30-9FE9-EC73A093F78E}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {E5D371F1-463D-4D30-9FE9-EC73A093F78E}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {E5D371F1-463D-4D30-9FE9-EC73A093F78E}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Found entry {54C8254E-D68E-490C-9126-57999F4B1BBF}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:49] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {54C8254E-D68E-490C-9126-57999F4B1BBF}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {54C8254E-D68E-490C-9126-57999F4B1BBF}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Found entry {4498E2C0-8F1F-41D0-ADB3-C00B2E43FF59}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Launching process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {4498E2C0-8F1F-41D0-ADB3-C00B2E43FF59}' now
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Process 'C:\Users\j\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {4498E2C0-8F1F-41D0-ADB3-C00B2E43FF59}' exited with return code 0
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Section [Product Codes - .NET Framework 1.0] - stop parsing entries
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Section [Directories - .NET Framework Common] - start parsing entries
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Found entry %11%\URTTemp, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Section [Directories - .NET Framework Common] - stop parsing entries
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Section [Directories - .NET Framework 1.0] - start parsing entries
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Found entry %10%\Assembly\GAC\Accessibility\1.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Found entry %10%\Assembly\GAC\cscompmgd\7.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Found entry %10%\Assembly\GAC\CustomMarshalers\1.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Found entry %10%\Assembly\GAC\IEExecRemote\1.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Found entry %10%\Assembly\GAC\IEHost\1.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Found entry %10%\Assembly\GAC\IIEHost\1.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Found entry %10%\Assembly\GAC\ISymWrapper\1.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:51:50] Found entry %10%\Assembly\GAC\Microsoft.JScript\7.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a, performing action now
    The following errors occurred with your submission
    The text that you have entered is too long (151028 characters). Please shorten it to 60000 characters long.
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\ConsumerCommands.xml, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\CORPerfMonExt.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\CORPerfMonSymbols.h, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\corperfmonsymbols.ini, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\csc.exe, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\csc.exe.config, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\csc.rsp, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\cscomp.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\cscompmgd.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\ctype.nlp, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\culture.nlp, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\CustomMarshalers.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\cvtres.exe, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\cvtres.exe.config, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\diasymreader.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\EULA.rtf, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\EventLogMessages.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\fusion.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\gdiplus.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\IEExec.exe, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\ieexec.exe.config, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\IEExecRemote.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\IEHost.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\IIEHost.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\ilasm.exe, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\ilasm.exe.config, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\InstallPersistSqlState.sql, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\InstallSqlState.sql, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\InstallSqlStateTemplate.sql, performing action now
    The following errors occurred with your submission
    The text that you have entered is too long (151028 characters). Please shorten it to 60000 characters long.
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.EnterpriseServices.Thunk.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.EnterpriseServices.tlb, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.ldo, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Management.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Messaging.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Runtime.Remoting.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Security.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.ServiceProcess.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.tlb, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Web.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Web.Mobile.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Web.RegularExpressions.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Web.Services.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Windows.Forms.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Windows.Forms.ldo, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Windows.Forms.tlb, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.XML.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Xml.ldo, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\UninstallPersistSqlState.sql, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\UninstallSqlState.sql, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\UnInstallSqlStateTemplate.sql, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\vbc.exe, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\vbc.exe.config, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\vsavb7.olb, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\VsaVb7rt.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\WMINet_Utils.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\xjis.nlp, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\XPThemes.manifest, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\1033\alinkui.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\1033\cscompui.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\1033\repairRedist.htm, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\1033\SetupENU1.txt, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\1033\SetupENU2.txt, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\1033\vbc7ui.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\1033\Vsavb7rtUI.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\ASP.NETClientFiles\SmartNav.htm, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\ASP.NETClientFiles\SmartNav.js, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\ASP.NETClientFiles\WebUIValidation.js, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\CONFIG\DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry %10%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\MUI\0409\mscorsecr.dll, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Section [Files - .NET Framework 1.1] - stop parsing entries
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Section [Files - .NET Framework 4] - start parsing entries
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Section [Files - .NET Framework 4] - stop parsing entries
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Section [Registry - .NET Framework 1.0] - start parsing entries
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\Full\v1.0.3705, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\Full\v1.0.3705'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\policy\v1.0, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\policy\v1.0'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\policy\v1.0*, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\PendingUpdates\v1.0.3705, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\PendingUpdates\v1.0.3705'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\Product\Microsoft .NET Framework Full v1.0.3705 (1033), performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\Product\Microsoft .NET Framework Full v1.0.3705 (1033)'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\Product\Microsoft .NET Framework Full v1.0*, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\.NETFramework\1.0, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\.NETFramework\1.0'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\7.0\Setup\Microsoft .NET Framework SDK (English), performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\7.0\Setup\Microsoft .NET Framework SDK (English)'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\M886906, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\M886906'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\S867461, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\S867461'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft .NET Framework Full v1.0.3705 (1033), performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft .NET Framework Full v1.0.3705 (1033)'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft .NET Framework Full v1.0*, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{B43357AA-3A6D-4D94-B56E-43C44D09E548}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{B43357AA-3A6D-4D94-B56E-43C44D09E548}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{20F1FFAF-1BFF-450C-A8C7-03D1BE24B950}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{20F1FFAF-1BFF-450C-A8C7-03D1BE24B950}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{660BA74D-476A-4644-8EA3-27018B64B9C0}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{660BA74D-476A-4644-8EA3-27018B64B9C0}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{1FE28984-90B9-46B1-ABB1-75D1F4B321FE}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{1FE28984-90B9-46B1-ABB1-75D1F4B321FE}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{6B908BF7-A583-4962-B068-69657D87CD56}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{6B908BF7-A583-4962-B068-69657D87CD56}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{015F2BEE-F15C-41F7-9637-47A5353A0E29}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{015F2BEE-F15C-41F7-9637-47A5353A0E29}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{0D0AB9F0-3428-4444-9589-E4CA5DCA6AEE}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{0D0AB9F0-3428-4444-9589-E4CA5DCA6AEE}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{6633E9ED-A6B5-4BA9-8A99-F8EF35A80F0F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{6633E9ED-A6B5-4BA9-8A99-F8EF35A80F0F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{0388908D-56C8-4B0F-8EEE-777189680CEF}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{0388908D-56C8-4B0F-8EEE-777189680CEF}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{CDC9D357-66D4-47D2-8036-19403C68B8C2}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{CDC9D357-66D4-47D2-8036-19403C68B8C2}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{06DFD541-F304-4A86-9F0F-24B772290C74}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{06DFD541-F304-4A86-9F0F-24B772290C74}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{DDCBC011-AE9A-40B0-8C8C-77A8BE460A15}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{DDCBC011-AE9A-40B0-8C8C-77A8BE460A15}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2BE71C4B-DDFC-4782-A3A5-B8E3DA53EF1B}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2BE71C4B-DDFC-4782-A3A5-B8E3DA53EF1B}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{51E18B09-2816-4D8F-908F-7CF7ECE0F51B}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{51E18B09-2816-4D8F-908F-7CF7ECE0F51B}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{30F00D74-F3A2-4512-8EAA-E14DA2F90434}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{30F00D74-F3A2-4512-8EAA-E14DA2F90434}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{B53745D2-36BB-4650-8AFF-DB3C298F9F68}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{B53745D2-36BB-4650-8AFF-DB3C298F9F68}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{47C5B6D7-83C4-49FA-8E5E-7834058AE6A8}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{47C5B6D7-83C4-49FA-8E5E-7834058AE6A8}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{676641D8-83BE-4E3C-8DDB-D4CDBFAB92F8}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{676641D8-83BE-4E3C-8DDB-D4CDBFAB92F8}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{846232AE-EF8E-43F2-8540-B150A9EAE004}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{846232AE-EF8E-43F2-8540-B150A9EAE004}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{AFAA5561-090E-415D-985E-146099716875}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{AFAA5561-090E-415D-985E-146099716875}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{20797E0C-8E4B-4285-97A6-685F3A4F0016}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{20797E0C-8E4B-4285-97A6-685F3A4F0016}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{6653C7BA-C2A5-4DF1-93E8-5E4FF66AD04C}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{6653C7BA-C2A5-4DF1-93E8-5E4FF66AD04C}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{3FCBA11D-C023-42AA-87D2-14F3B330EC2F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{3FCBA11D-C023-42AA-87D2-14F3B330EC2F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{E5D371F1-463D-4D30-9FE9-EC73A093F78E}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{E5D371F1-463D-4D30-9FE9-EC73A093F78E}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{54C8254E-D68E-490C-9126-57999F4B1BBF}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{54C8254E-D68E-490C-9126-57999F4B1BBF}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{4498E2C0-8F1F-41D0-ADB3-C00B2E43FF59}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{4498E2C0-8F1F-41D0-ADB3-C00B2E43FF59}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{14303301-758B-402B-9A0D-2C6A591680DB}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{14303301-758B-402B-9A0D-2C6A591680DB}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{78705f0d-e8db-4b2d-8193-982bdda15ecd}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{78705f0d-e8db-4b2d-8193-982bdda15ecd}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{871F8A30-15A2-11D6-8711-0002B3281F8B}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{871F8A30-15A2-11D6-8711-0002B3281F8B}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{E0479D2A-6152-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{E0479D2A-6152-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{C6DEC649-5EE7-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{C6DEC649-5EE7-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{89060A35-6131-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{89060A35-6131-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{9E3D43C7-6137-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{9E3D43C7-6137-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{3D09EE93-5D6A-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{3D09EE93-5D6A-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{D091F4B9-5D6E-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{D091F4B9-5D6E-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{DAA0F985-5EBF-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{DAA0F985-5EBF-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{3116B137-5BA3-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{3116B137-5BA3-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{83138AC2-5BC4-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{83138AC2-5BC4-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{67718879-5BCD-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{67718879-5BCD-11D6-B6EA-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{103AD30C-5251-11D6-B6E3-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{103AD30C-5251-11D6-B6E3-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{5525D5F2-565C-11D6-B6E6-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{5525D5F2-565C-11D6-B6E6-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{63EE33A3-57EF-11D6-B6E9-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{63EE33A3-57EF-11D6-B6E9-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{81B52903-4C11-11D6-B6E1-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{81B52903-4C11-11D6-B6E1-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{72206F5D-5173-11D6-B6E1-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{72206F5D-5173-11D6-B6E1-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{7F35405A-5236-11D6-B6E3-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{7F35405A-5236-11D6-B6E3-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{E44627A9-4795-11D6-B6E1-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{E44627A9-4795-11D6-B6E1-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{3C291718-481C-11D6-B6E1-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{3C291718-481C-11D6-B6E1-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{55F56962-481C-11D6-B6E1-00B0D049139F}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{55F56962-481C-11D6-B6E1-00B0D049139F}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{83E454BB-2D58-11D6-8712-0002B3281F8B}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{83E454BB-2D58-11D6-8712-0002B3281F8B}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{5270A84E-2D71-11D6-8712-0002B3281F8B}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{5270A84E-2D71-11D6-8712-0002B3281F8B}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{1A5CEB5C-4290-11D6-8713-0002B3281F8B}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{1A5CEB5C-4290-11D6-8713-0002B3281F8B}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{77E822CE-FF68-41D8-A2DA-4B5C3F86E970}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{77E822CE-FF68-41D8-A2DA-4B5C3F86E970}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{16C313AD-C510-4E3D-BA7D-9DF92E8A2E37}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{16C313AD-C510-4E3D-BA7D-9DF92E8A2E37}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{ACE40B00-3252-402A-9D83-5B7A3F4E7933}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{ACE40B00-3252-402A-9D83-5B7A3F4E7933}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{23FEF888-BF90-4682-A37E-D3BA9D38A662}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{23FEF888-BF90-4682-A37E-D3BA9D38A662}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{3993F349-2431-4BC3-A47D-36AA417C55B5}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{3993F349-2431-4BC3-A47D-36AA417C55B5}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{95790D73-3F38-4AE9-A125-D3D3D39810F9}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{95790D73-3F38-4AE9-A125-D3D3D39810F9}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{DAF84604-C5A0-46A0-8B8A-A03A84843BDA}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{DAF84604-C5A0-46A0-8B8A-A03A84843BDA}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{C196A47D-AED6-415A-B7E7-F000FC71A002}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{C196A47D-AED6-415A-B7E7-F000FC71A002}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{FA466DA1-3E72-422C-BD4B-ECE301C017C4}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{FA466DA1-3E72-422C-BD4B-ECE301C017C4}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{E021051F-6884-4B2B-A799-819E02F55C72}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{E021051F-6884-4B2B-A799-819E02F55C72}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{7BADBB70-F686-4AB4-916F-85DF8FD2DCD3}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{7BADBB70-F686-4AB4-916F-85DF8FD2DCD3}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{C572183A-60D9-42FE-B1FE-70A15F3CD34E}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{C572183A-60D9-42FE-B1FE-70A15F3CD34E}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{82D65646-977B-4FA7-882D-D4A3871A53AA}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{82D65646-977B-4FA7-882D-D4A3871A53AA}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{29905673-2797-4E0A-850E-46A8EEECD20E}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{29905673-2797-4E0A-850E-46A8EEECD20E}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{15659781-8852-4D8C-887E-669B2810FAB9}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{15659781-8852-4D8C-887E-669B2810FAB9}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{3196A75B-A807-466C-9176-7EB20CC6639E}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{3196A75B-A807-466C-9176-7EB20CC6639E}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{8EBAC9DF-8DFA-41F9-9748-17F0059930C7}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{8EBAC9DF-8DFA-41F9-9748-17F0059930C7}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{A403B171-8A0D-4281-86CC-EF25A71B46A1}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{A403B171-8A0D-4281-86CC-EF25A71B46A1}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{CA5D7E9C-E370-428C-9404-7BA1E505731A}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{CA5D7E9C-E370-428C-9404-7BA1E505731A}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{9D4C3384-4BB0-4FEE-A77B-951372B30FCD}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{9D4C3384-4BB0-4FEE-A77B-951372B30FCD}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{752FCCBC-8F52-415A-95DE-A4209712935E}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{752FCCBC-8F52-415A-95DE-A4209712935E}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{A9B067C8-DFEA-4B28-B853-1A7FD879049C}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{A9B067C8-DFEA-4B28-B853-1A7FD879049C}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{5B8C9AA3-0754-4C48-9E64-11C824EBFBFD}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{5B8C9AA3-0754-4C48-9E64-11C824EBFBFD}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{F4EB94E3-72E7-448C-83F6-FD02F15594A3}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{F4EB94E3-72E7-448C-83F6-FD02F15594A3}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{666EEE98-CA86-4965-8E03-21CFF2C7E73E}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{666EEE98-CA86-4965-8E03-21CFF2C7E73E}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{A841A553-6144-4B5C-86B0-42F4C015759C}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{A841A553-6144-4B5C-86B0-42F4C015759C}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{B55A4EA2-0459-431B-B38C-651369811AC6}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{B55A4EA2-0459-431B-B38C-651369811AC6}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{E5896761-3E2A-486E-B3F3-45CE00519EA6}, performing action now
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{E5896761-3E2A-486E-B3F3-45CE00519EA6}'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{7150D0A8-89E4-4399-B022-9BD2D2A1D5E4}, performing action now
    The following errors occurred with your submission
    The text that you have entered is too long (151028 characters). Please shorten it to 60000 characters long.
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Deleting registry key 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended'
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Section [Registry - .NET Framework 4 (Wow6432Node)] - stop parsing entries
    [06/30/11,22:52:32] Cleanup succeeded for product .NET Framework - All Versions (Windows 7)
    I can reproduce this single log back-to-back. to back. if you cannot figure out how, I don't want to talk to you. Go away, you dullards.
  9. stayboogy

    stayboogy MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2011
    #9 stayboogy, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    NET framework removal tool? why are you running that? NET framework is for development, goscuter1, it is not malware/spyware/virus at all. a ton of good apps are made using it and it is required to run them if they were made by it. it comes with windows for crying out loud.

    why are you running NET framework removal tool in the first place? if you want help, and i'm not being rude dude only trying to help you seriously :), just do what i said and don't do anything else, and don't post craziness because in all honesty you are making yourself look bad and a little maniacal. disable all antivirus and run hijackthis, and send me the log in a PM. you are freaking out over nothing.

    to be honest, at this point you have probably screwed your machine to the point of no return and for no good reason. i'm not an expert, but i'm clearly more experienced than you (not being rude just honest and trying to help) and if you want help and not to be written off as crazy--which i'm sure is what is happening with everyone else you have consulted on such because you have made no sense at any point trying to explain your problem at all therefore they haven't helped you and aren't going to even try--then i suggest you just do what i've asked. also, i'm not downloading anything you post, ever, ok. so either you post a hijackthis log run as administrator in txt format in a PM to me, or you will just be stuck where you are. as i've said, i'm not being rude or disrespectful, but you have insulted very intelligent members here already with no good reason for doing so and most have lost their patience for dealing with you, but i have not just yet.

    this is the last time i'm going to offer, after that you will just have to do whatever it is you have been doing, which i might add has not got you far at all and has caused you more problems than you had originally if you had a problem at all.

    what's it going to be? would you like my help, or not? don't reply just send me the log if the answer is yes and we will go from there.

    my opinion is that you should just do a clean install anyway as there is no telling what you have removed in your escapades that is needed to keep your machine running like it should. but if you won't do that, send me the log.

  10. Trinket

    Trinket MDL Senior Member

    Feb 20, 2010
    #10 Trinket, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2011
    goscuter1, you seem to think those mentions of Active Setup are viruses or MS hacking you or whatever, but you are not understand at all what you're seeing there. A lot of these actions are routine actions, like Local hive keys checking against current user hive keys, etc., it is not all viruses and weird stuff that you're talking about. In searching for your queries I found you posting the same stuff in different places, and it just doesn't make any sense. So please, take the advice offered and do something constructive. You clearly have not the slightest clue about software so to dive neck-deep into all this stuff without understanding the first thing, yes, it will drive you nuts. So do yourself and others a favor and take it down a notch or 6 and just calm down already. No one is out to get you. And again, if things are THAT bad, renounce computers, or else put Ubuntu on your computers, or what have you. But not like this man, nothing should be like this :)
  11. goscuter1

    goscuter1 MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2011
    I'm sorry, are you insane? Have a look at the excerpt from 45 pages I posted and see if you can't figure it out. ??? Why do I attract these insane responses. This is downright ludicrous.

    For crying out loud, does Genuine Advantage Windows 7 come with every single .NET Framework and every single Visual Basic? Which cannot be removed with the official removal tools or instructions for removal. Use your eyes. READ.

    Answer my direct questions. Or kindly shut up.

    You don't download from box.net unless you want to. There is a reason I'm using it, for it's preview functionality. But do you have to download what I quoted in a code box above? You're an embarrassment.

    You've lost patience? You've provided no answers yet. You don't even know about functionality freely available. You refuse to answer direct questions and refuse to address evidence submitted. And you have the nerve to fling words like "insult" around?

    If I thought there was a 1% chance you were CAPABLE of helping instead of time-wasting, your name would be added to the hundreds of time-wasters who are incapable of answering SIMPLE and DIRECT questions posed, with supporting evidence.

    It's pretty damn rude, if you want to talk about insults, not to READ what has been clearly stated.

    I am INCAPABLE of doing a clean install. You could not clean install onto any of my 10 destroyed systems (7 of which are effectively brand new). I would place a $10,000 escrow on this wager. I'm DEADLY serious.
  12. Trinket

    Trinket MDL Senior Member

    Feb 20, 2010
    #12 Trinket, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2011
    PFFF... I will install ALL 10 of your systems within 3 hours... you seriously don't know what you're talking about. This is a good reminder that not Everyone should own a computer :)

    Look sir, you talk all day long, but still haven't produced the information asked of you. So no one will help you. So far, your exposition has been incomprehensible. What do you think you're seeing in those logs you're posting? What? You can't answer because you don't understand the first thing you're seeing.

    You are only interested in talking with people on your terms, but your terms are completely ignorant of computing. To say your systems cannot be installed is just crazy. You may not be able to, but many here are. But you want it your way. And it will get you nowhere.

    I think the 'insult' part has to do with you putting words like "stupidly ignornant," "idiots," and "dullards" in your mouth toward people who were only inquiring toward your problems. Even towering ignorance of computers does not allow you to do that...
  13. stayboogy

    stayboogy MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2011
    look, goscuter1, i've now lost my patience with you.

    your last post is an insult to my intelligence, goscuter1, and has not made you look any more mentally capable (in fact even less so if that is even possible) than any of your other posts. the only insanity here is your idiocy, ranting, and insults.

    you are going to have all your problems long after this discussion is over dude, and you ruining perfectly good machines is not even half of what i'm talking about.

    i could say more, but i shall refrain. learn some common courtesy and respect, LITERALLY TAKE A CHILL PILL and hope you don't get banned from this good site.

  14. goscuter1

    goscuter1 MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2011
    19th post to reach ridiculous post min for links
  15. goscuter1

    goscuter1 MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2011
    20th post to reach ridiculous post min for links
  16. goscuter1

    goscuter1 MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2011
    #16 goscuter1, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  17. goscuter1

    goscuter1 MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2011
    #17 goscuter1, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    I just ran the Windows Phone SDK 7.1 Removal Utility 4 times in a row in 13 seconds.

    I have never heard of this product it's removing from my system. I don't own a Windows Phone.

    Explain this output or kindly get lost. For the dullards, look at the output. I had to remove ohalf of it due to:

    Children can read. Why are you pretending you cannot READ? Look for the lines highlighted in red. There are four of them. No one is too stupid to misunderstand or not 'get' this. Anyone pretending to be that stupid should be shot.

    [07/05/11,16:26:20] Beginning of new cleanup utility session
    [07/05/11,16:26:20] Build created on July 1, 2011
    [07/05/11,16:26:20] Detected operating system: Windows 7 (x64)
    [07/05/11,16:26:21] Starting cleanup for product Windows Phone SDK 7.1
    [07/05/11,16:26:21] Section [Product Codes - XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh] - start parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:21] Found entry {A4CC18F6-DB05-4B03-B724-4128322FA85F}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:21] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {A4CC18F6-DB05-4B03-B724-4128322FA85F}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:21] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:21] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {A4CC18F6-DB05-4B03-B724-4128322FA85F}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:21] Found entry {CC8F9957-33DC-4E7E-A690-8602DC21219E}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:23] Section [Product Codes - Windows Phone SDK 7.1] - stop parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:23] Section [Registry - Windows Phone SDK 7.1] - start parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:23] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vm\Servicing\10.0\xcor2,Version, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:23] Deleting registry value 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vm\Servicing\10.0\xcor2 - Version'
    [07/05/11,16:26:23] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2FEF1A1C-6893-4BE9-8711-F6A13BAC6279}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:23] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2FEF1A1C-6893-4BE9-8711-F6A13BAC6279}'
    [07/05/11,16:26:23] Section [Registry - Windows Phone SDK 7.1] - stop parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:23] Section [Registry - Windows Phone SDK 7.1 (Wow6432Node)] - start parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:23] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vm\Servicing\10.0\xcor2,Version, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:23] Deleting registry value 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vm\Servicing\10.0\xcor2 - Version'
    [07/05/11,16:26:23] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2FEF1A1C-6893-4BE9-8711-F6A13BAC6279}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:23] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2FEF1A1C-6893-4BE9-8711-F6A13BAC6279}'
    [07/05/11,16:26:23] Section [Registry - Windows Phone SDK 7.1 (Wow6432Node)] - stop parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:23] Cleanup succeeded for product Windows Phone SDK 7.1
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Starting cleanup for product Windows Phone SDK 7.1
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Section [Product Codes - XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh] - start parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Found entry {A4CC18F6-DB05-4B03-B724-4128322FA85F}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {A4CC18F6-DB05-4B03-B724-4128322FA85F}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {A4CC18F6-DB05-4B03-B724-4128322FA85F}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Found entry {CC8F9957-33DC-4E7E-A690-8602DC21219E}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {CC8F9957-33DC-4E7E-A690-8602DC21219E}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {CC8F9957-33DC-4E7E-A690-8602DC21219E}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Found entry {B1BE0B99-3121-4ED3-8244-C47AA66247BD}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {B1BE0B99-3121-4ED3-8244-C47AA66247BD}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {B1BE0B99-3121-4ED3-8244-C47AA66247BD}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Found entry {D6D1A277-FA23-4920-9318-0CB3E66CAD88}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {D6D1A277-FA23-4920-9318-0CB3E66CAD88}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {D6D1A277-FA23-4920-9318-0CB3E66CAD88}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Found entry {A240191E-4302-435E-86FC-A5717EF0CF38}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {A240191E-4302-435E-86FC-A5717EF0CF38}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {A240191E-4302-435E-86FC-A5717EF0CF38}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Found entry {4B1BA0F5-D664-46DF-9646-5ACC0ACB2E6C}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {4B1BA0F5-D664-46DF-9646-5ACC0ACB2E6C}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {4B1BA0F5-D664-46DF-9646-5ACC0ACB2E6C}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Found entry {3F4EB5FE-B5BE-4069-A5A8-6D9262E1B379}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {3F4EB5FE-B5BE-4069-A5A8-6D9262E1B379}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {3F4EB5FE-B5BE-4069-A5A8-6D9262E1B379}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Found entry {05CDC06E-4C55-4EAE-9401-8EF62F60CB69}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {05CDC06E-4C55-4EAE-9401-8EF62F60CB69}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {05CDC06E-4C55-4EAE-9401-8EF62F60CB69}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Found entry {6A7387C0-B74F-47D0-A217-B384E55FE0C9}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {6A7387C0-B74F-47D0-A217-B384E55FE0C9}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:24] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {6A7387C0-B74F-47D0-A217-B384E55FE0C9}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Found entry {EE3A5B79-C147-4BD9-952A-E894298C2ACA}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {EE3A5B79-C147-4BD9-952A-E894298C2ACA}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {EE3A5B79-C147-4BD9-952A-E894298C2ACA}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Found entry {A9B35A19-8867-4630-BCBF-7D1E5AE70596}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {A9B35A19-8867-4630-BCBF-7D1E5AE70596}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {A9B35A19-8867-4630-BCBF-7D1E5AE70596}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Found entry {89690B51-2E21-4E93-914E-F9CAC5B24A84}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {89690B51-2E21-4E93-914E-F9CAC5B24A84}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {89690B51-2E21-4E93-914E-F9CAC5B24A84}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Found entry {D69C8EDE-BBC5-436B-8E0E-C5A6D311CF4F}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {D69C8EDE-BBC5-436B-8E0E-C5A6D311CF4F}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {D69C8EDE-BBC5-436B-8E0E-C5A6D311CF4F}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Found entry {3A089FFA-C018-4E47-8CE9-6A82731E0E3A}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {3A089FFA-C018-4E47-8CE9-6A82731E0E3A}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {3A089FFA-C018-4E47-8CE9-6A82731E0E3A}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Found entry {329A7487-4301-4AFE-BD92-119F887C2F78}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {329A7487-4301-4AFE-BD92-119F887C2F78}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {329A7487-4301-4AFE-BD92-119F887C2F78}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Found entry {18110446-9F4B-4DB5-8781-5DBB0EB4B8E6}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:25] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {18110446-9F4B-4DB5-8781-5DBB0EB4B8E6}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:26] Section [Product Codes - Windows Phone SDK 7.1] - stop parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:26] Section [Registry - Windows Phone SDK 7.1] - start parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:26] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vm\Servicing\10.0\xcor2,Version, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:26] Deleting registry value 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vm\Servicing\10.0\xcor2 - Version'
    [07/05/11,16:26:26] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2FEF1A1C-6893-4BE9-8711-F6A13BAC6279}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:26] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2FEF1A1C-6893-4BE9-8711-F6A13BAC6279}'
    [07/05/11,16:26:26] Section [Registry - Windows Phone SDK 7.1] - stop parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:26] Section [Registry - Windows Phone SDK 7.1 (Wow6432Node)] - start parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:26] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vm\Servicing\10.0\xcor2,Version, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:26] Deleting registry value 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vm\Servicing\10.0\xcor2 - Version'
    [07/05/11,16:26:26] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2FEF1A1C-6893-4BE9-8711-F6A13BAC6279}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:26] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2FEF1A1C-6893-4BE9-8711-F6A13BAC6279}'
    [07/05/11,16:26:26] Section [Registry - Windows Phone SDK 7.1 (Wow6432Node)] - stop parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:26] Cleanup succeeded for product Windows Phone SDK 7.1
    [07/05/11,16:26:27] Starting cleanup for product Windows Phone SDK 7.1
    [07/05/11,16:26:27] Section [Product Codes - XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh] - start parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:27] Found entry {A4CC18F6-DB05-4B03-B724-4128322FA85F}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:27] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {A4CC18F6-DB05-4B03-B724-4128322FA85F}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:31] Section [Product Codes - Windows Phone SDK 7.1] - stop parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:31] Section [Registry - Windows Phone SDK 7.1] - start parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:31] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vm\Servicing\10.0\xcor2,Version, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:31] Deleting registry value 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vm\Servicing\10.0\xcor2 - Version'
    [07/05/11,16:26:31] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2FEF1A1C-6893-4BE9-8711-F6A13BAC6279}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:31] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2FEF1A1C-6893-4BE9-8711-F6A13BAC6279}'
    [07/05/11,16:26:31] Section [Registry - Windows Phone SDK 7.1] - stop parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:31] Section [Registry - Windows Phone SDK 7.1 (Wow6432Node)] - start parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:31] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vm\Servicing\10.0\xcor2,Version, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:31] Deleting registry value 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vm\Servicing\10.0\xcor2 - Version'
    [07/05/11,16:26:31] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2FEF1A1C-6893-4BE9-8711-F6A13BAC6279}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:31] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2FEF1A1C-6893-4BE9-8711-F6A13BAC6279}'
    [07/05/11,16:26:31] Section [Registry - Windows Phone SDK 7.1 (Wow6432Node)] - stop parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:31] Cleanup succeeded for product Windows Phone SDK 7.1
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Starting cleanup for product Windows Phone SDK 7.1
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Section [Product Codes - XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh] - start parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {A4CC18F6-DB05-4B03-B724-4128322FA85F}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {A4CC18F6-DB05-4B03-B724-4128322FA85F}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {A4CC18F6-DB05-4B03-B724-4128322FA85F}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {CC8F9957-33DC-4E7E-A690-8602DC21219E}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {CC8F9957-33DC-4E7E-A690-8602DC21219E}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {CC8F9957-33DC-4E7E-A690-8602DC21219E}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {B1BE0B99-3121-4ED3-8244-C47AA66247BD}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {B1BE0B99-3121-4ED3-8244-C47AA66247BD}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {B1BE0B99-3121-4ED3-8244-C47AA66247BD}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {D6D1A277-FA23-4920-9318-0CB3E66CAD88}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {D6D1A277-FA23-4920-9318-0CB3E66CAD88}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {D6D1A277-FA23-4920-9318-0CB3E66CAD88}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {A240191E-4302-435E-86FC-A5717EF0CF38}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {A240191E-4302-435E-86FC-A5717EF0CF38}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {A240191E-4302-435E-86FC-A5717EF0CF38}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {4B1BA0F5-D664-46DF-9646-5ACC0ACB2E6C}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {4B1BA0F5-D664-46DF-9646-5ACC0ACB2E6C}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {4B1BA0F5-D664-46DF-9646-5ACC0ACB2E6C}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {3F4EB5FE-B5BE-4069-A5A8-6D9262E1B379}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {3F4EB5FE-B5BE-4069-A5A8-6D9262E1B379}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {3F4EB5FE-B5BE-4069-A5A8-6D9262E1B379}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {05CDC06E-4C55-4EAE-9401-8EF62F60CB69}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {05CDC06E-4C55-4EAE-9401-8EF62F60CB69}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {05CDC06E-4C55-4EAE-9401-8EF62F60CB69}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {6A7387C0-B74F-47D0-A217-B384E55FE0C9}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {6A7387C0-B74F-47D0-A217-B384E55FE0C9}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {6A7387C0-B74F-47D0-A217-B384E55FE0C9}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {EE3A5B79-C147-4BD9-952A-E894298C2ACA}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {EE3A5B79-C147-4BD9-952A-E894298C2ACA}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {EE3A5B79-C147-4BD9-952A-E894298C2ACA}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {A9B35A19-8867-4630-BCBF-7D1E5AE70596}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {A9B35A19-8867-4630-BCBF-7D1E5AE70596}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {A9B35A19-8867-4630-BCBF-7D1E5AE70596}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {89690B51-2E21-4E93-914E-F9CAC5B24A84}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {89690B51-2E21-4E93-914E-F9CAC5B24A84}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {89690B51-2E21-4E93-914E-F9CAC5B24A84}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {D69C8EDE-BBC5-436B-8E0E-C5A6D311CF4F}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {D69C8EDE-BBC5-436B-8E0E-C5A6D311CF4F}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {D69C8EDE-BBC5-436B-8E0E-C5A6D311CF4F}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {3A089FFA-C018-4E47-8CE9-6A82731E0E3A}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {3A089FFA-C018-4E47-8CE9-6A82731E0E3A}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {3A089FFA-C018-4E47-8CE9-6A82731E0E3A}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {329A7487-4301-4AFE-BD92-119F887C2F78}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {329A7487-4301-4AFE-BD92-119F887C2F78}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {329A7487-4301-4AFE-BD92-119F887C2F78}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {18110446-9F4B-4DB5-8781-5DBB0EB4B8E6}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {18110446-9F4B-4DB5-8781-5DBB0EB4B8E6}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {18110446-9F4B-4DB5-8781-5DBB0EB4B8E6}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {F5377581-DEE7-43F5-BB1B-0E4E1BCF8CFD}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {F5377581-DEE7-43F5-BB1B-0E4E1BCF8CFD}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {F5377581-DEE7-43F5-BB1B-0E4E1BCF8CFD}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Found entry {0B2D8882-40C9-4199-BF00-FCC43DFD326F}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {0B2D8882-40C9-4199-BF00-FCC43DFD326F}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:32] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {0B2D8882-40C9-4199-BF00-FCC43DFD326F}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Found entry {8A9BF300-15A3-4C0A-9226-F6AEEDB83651}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {8A9BF300-15A3-4C0A-9226-F6AEEDB83651}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {8A9BF300-15A3-4C0A-9226-F6AEEDB83651}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Found entry {6DC0ECCF-67E9-4EB7-BB92-0C75C0B8BC0A}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {6DC0ECCF-67E9-4EB7-BB92-0C75C0B8BC0A}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {6DC0ECCF-67E9-4EB7-BB92-0C75C0B8BC0A}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Found entry {39902505-DAA6-42A1-AAAC-F5079232B600}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Launching process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {39902505-DAA6-42A1-AAAC-F5079232B600}' now
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Process successfully launched. Waiting 60 seconds for it to complete.
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Process 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\msizapw.exe TP {39902505-DAA6-42A1-AAAC-F5079232B600}' exited with return code 0
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Section [Product Codes - Windows Phone SDK 7.1] - stop parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Section [Registry - Windows Phone SDK 7.1] - start parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vm\Servicing\10.0\xcor2,Version, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Deleting registry value 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vm\Servicing\10.0\xcor2 - Version'
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2FEF1A1C-6893-4BE9-8711-F6A13BAC6279}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2FEF1A1C-6893-4BE9-8711-F6A13BAC6279}'
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Section [Registry - Windows Phone SDK 7.1] - stop parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Section [Registry - Windows Phone SDK 7.1 (Wow6432Node)] - start parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vm\Servicing\10.0\xcor2,Version, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Deleting registry value 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vm\Servicing\10.0\xcor2 - Version'
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Found entry HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2FEF1A1C-6893-4BE9-8711-F6A13BAC6279}, performing action now
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Deleting registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{2FEF1A1C-6893-4BE9-8711-F6A13BAC6279}'
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Section [Registry - Windows Phone SDK 7.1 (Wow6432Node)] - stop parsing entries
    [07/05/11,16:26:33] Cleanup succeeded for product Windows Phone SDK 7.1
    I can do this, with every one of these filthy non-working utilities, endlessly - back-to-back -deleting the same registry keys over and over.

    Explain how that is possible. Or admit you know nothing.
  18. bphlpt

    bphlpt MDL Junior Member

    Aug 2, 2010
    #18 bphlpt, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2011
    @goscuter1, I, like everyone else, am very confused. I'm curious enough to listen if you want to start at the beginning. First, you were born... Sorry, seemed like a little humor might be helpful.

    Yes, I'm another person asking questions, while hopefully providing an answer or two, but you are the one with the months of experience with your system and it's problems. We've only spent a few minutes reading your thread and we need to catch up. We are making an effort to help and we're trying to be polite. I know you are frustrated, but please treat us the same way. You know the saying about getting more with sugar...?

    Please read my entire post through once before you begin to respond. I've given you the same courtesy and read through this entire thread. And just as you have asked us to give a direct response to your questions, which we will if we know the answer, please do the same for us and don't just tell us to "use our eyes and read" or tell us to "figure it out". But if that's the kind of answer that you want from us... I know for you it's the umpteenth time you've told this story, but it's the first time for us. And while some people might be rash enough to start throwing "answers" at you, I for one would like to understand the problem a little bit better so hopefully I, or someone else with more knowledge than I have, can give you the help you need.

    To let you know I'm trying to pay attention, bottom line it seems you're a gamer that's trying to get your system as streamlined as possible to run as fast as possible, and at some point it starts crashing out and you think it's caused by your graphics driver crashing. (You deleted that part of your post) Not that it's not, but have you overclocked at all, and if so could that be what's causing the crash either directly or due to heat build up? I could have misunderstood or misremembered what you have since deleted, but I had to ask.

    You say that a child can understand the various logs and files you mention, but in the xml file you deleted you pointed out the contradiction of 'It's strange that MS Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable is not supported, on an operating system which contains a newer version of the same "not supported" product.' And you seem to have posted the files here for a reason. If you understood what they were saying, wouldn't it be more efficient for you to simply summarize them, explain the problem, and ask us how to fix it, rather than ask us to interpret the file to see if we can come up with the same results in five minutes that you already have after months of struggle? And if you don't know exactly what the problem is either, then maybe if we both have a little bit of patience we can figure it out together.

    Seriously though, You brought the computer home from the store. Did it have OS and software preinstalled? What exactly? Did you get rid of it all? Why? Often there is a lot of junk that comes preinstalled that you can/should get rid of, but that seems a little extreme to erase it all, but there are valid reasons to do that, so what were yours?

    I wasn't aware that HP offered FreeDOS as a preinstalled option, even though your statement that files were "zapped into my brand new HP Pavilion's FreeDOS OS, 10 min after I purchased it." implies that is the case, or did YOU put FreeDOS on it? Again, why? Maybe you purchased your system from some reseller that sold it that way? Sounds VERY strange to me in this day and age for a PC to come with any flavor of DOS preinstalled, but I learn something new every day. Sometimes two things. LOL If you were going to install windows on it, why put FreeDOS on it first? Did you set it up to dual boot or something? That's mighty ambitious for a confessed computer-illiterate. [As an aside, you say you're a computer-illiterate, but you then say "I'd explain to you why, if you understood the nature of Windows Installer 5.0 and .NET Namespace." implying that YOU DO understand those things. Sorry, you can't have it both ways. Yes, I know that if you can read and have a decent intellect, which you seem to, that all of these things can be learned, but not normally by a child or by someone who is computer-illiterate. Besides, once you learned those things you wouldn't be considered computer-illiterate anymore, would you?] But you seem very well educated, at least you write very well, so what were you trying to do?

    For FreeDOS to be set up at purchase to be able to handle the HP's wireless connection in order to be capable of communicating with your HTC Desire is also news to me. I guess that's the second thing I learn today, and it's still very early. But I really don't think that FreeDOS is capable of that on it's own, so there must have been other software on there in addition to FreeDOS. What? I don't know if FreeDOS uses ActiveX objects and desktop.ini, but Windows does, so was Windows on there as purchased as well? If so, at least the desktop.ini is a normal basic file that is part of the Windows operating system that has nothing at all to do with being connected to any other device or network. Unless you specifically tell it not to, and it sometimes is annoyingly difficult to find the right option, a desktop.ini file will eventually end up in every directory that Windows has access to. You can delete them, they're not required, and you can prevent Windows from rewriting them, but why bother? They're small and they do no harm and they are useful to some who like to customize the look of various icons, as one example of a legitimate use for those files. You can look inside them using Notepad if you don't believe me and see for yourself. They are harmless.

    And, at least in Windows, desktop.ini is a HIDDEN file. How did you find it and why were you looking?

    Then you installed Windows 7 Ultimate (x64 from reading the various logs) using a Genuine Advantage Windows 7 Ultimate disk. Good. You used a valid, legitimate disk for your installation. So many people use a warez disk then come looking for help. And again, did you install as dual boot with FreeDOS or did you leave Windows as the only OS on the disk? And if Windows was already on the system, why were you reinstalling? There are very good reasons to do so, but what were yours? And if it's the only OS left, do you see why we're confused about the FreeDOS part since you could have just installed Windows directly from the Genuine Advantage Windows 7 Ultimate disk? Maybe it came with the dual boot package preinstalled? Seems like a rather unique setup.

    So anyway, now you have Windows installed on your PC. Then you seem to be saying that your systems get corrupted within the first 10 minutes. And you know that because, what? "The Blue light - that HORRIBLE Blue light..."? And what do you think the blue light means? I don't know, it's not my system, it's yours. Any other symptoms? Assuming by your implication that the blue light means some kind of network/wireless connectivity that you are concerned about, there could be a valid reason for that as well. I'm not sure how HP's system is set up, but that light could be software or hardware controlled, and could either mean that an available signal was discovered, that it has established a protocol handshake and is ready to communicate, or that an active communication is in progress. Unless you know FOR A FACT which one of those situations is true, I would be wary but not overreact. There is monitoring software available that you can use to assure yourself of what exactly is going on.

    Any other symptoms of problems besides a blue light and desktop.ini files showing up that led you to believe that something was wrong? Is that when the crashes started? Why do you suspect the driver? Just because it was the last thing you installed?

    So you then thought you needed to run the .NET Removal Utility. Why? I have used the tool written by Aaron Stebner and posted here - h t tp://blogs.msdn.com/b/astebner/archive/2006/05/30/611355.aspx (I don't have 20 posts either, LOL) but I do not believe it is intended for use in Windows 7 to remove .NET. It was made to be used primarily in XP to remove a botched .NET install so you could start over and reinstall. I could be wrong, but I sincerely believe that .NET is now so intrinsically a part of Windows 7 that you should not and can not remove it all. And yes, Windows 7 comes with all versions of .NET, except 4 and maybe not 1.0, as well as most if not all of the versions of Visual Basic runtimes, (and until you have installed SP1 and all the appropriate updates since then NONE of them are up to date) and there are many different pieces of software that require one versus the other. Unfortunately, they are NOT cumulative. If you have enough different software installed you will eventually need them all. [It's like media codecs. There is no single codec that can allow you to handle all types of audio and video files that you will eventually run into. You either need a codec pack or a player that has them all included inside it.] You could remove .NET from XP and Win2K completely, but I don't think you can from Windows 7. But admittedly, I haven't tried. .NET is required for so many other programs these days that most people go the other way and try to add all the various versions on to their systems that they can. Sometimes that's helpful and sometimes it just bogs down your system, so I can understand if you just wanted to make your system as streamlined as possible. What were your reasons?

    What were your reasons for getting excited about the MSDN Microsoft Library - Windows Installer page? Did you find good helpful information there or were you scared by what you read? What's the deal? And the stuff about WMIC, negative LBA, Namespace, OEM partitioning and Virtual Encrypted Hidden volumes? What about them? And again, that doesn't make you sound very computer-illiterate to me.

    Once you've tried to remove/delete/disable enough things, then apparently it quit working and you tried to get windows to repair things and you got the "WINDOWS CANNOT REPAIR YOUR SYSTEM." message and you wondered what the conspiracy is to cause that? I mean the exact same disk was just used to install the system just a little bit ago, so why can't it repair it now? Well, I know it sounds like a really lame excuse, but the Windows repair routine just isn't smart enough. It can only repair the windows installation when there are certain types of errors. If the OS is what the repair routine considers too damaged, then it gives up. It's basically telling you that you're better off just starting over and reinstalling from the beginning. If the repair routine was made smart enough to repair any possible error, then the code required to do that would probably be too large to fit on the disk, and have cost Microsoft too much time and money for them to feel it was worthwhile to develop and would still not be perfect no matter how hard they tried. It's no different that when you're in a car wreck. Beyond a certain point it's not worth trying to fix - it's totaled.

    About the Windows Phone SDK 7.1. (SDK = Software Development Kit) Yes I know you say you didn't put it on your system, but you did add a driver for your graphics card. It's possible it could have been an "extra" included with a full install of that driver, or as an "extra" for a full install of some game you installed, or if someone else did the install of windows for you they might have had that bundled in as part of your original driver package, or if you or anyone else installed software for your HTC Desire phone it could have been included as part of that package. There are often dependencies back and forth for various SDK's and .NET packages so any of them could have triggered that to be automatically installed as part of some Microsoft update. But regardless of how it got there, how did you discover it and why did you want to remove it? As to why did it seem like you couldn't, even after running the removal routine multiple times? I can make a good guess - either permissions and/or services/files in use. Windows 7 is a real stickler and frankly a b***h when it comes to removing things at times. Sometimes it at least is "nice" enough to let you know that it can't delete something, other times it acts like and thinks it succeeded when it really didn't. Sometimes rebooting immediately before and after running the removal routine will work. Sometimes they are only effective when run in safe mode, but then some of them won't run in safe mode. Sometimes you have to use a combination approach and there are also various specialized installer package cleanup routines, from Microsoft and from others that are helpful. I wish there was a "one size fits all" but there is not. I have run into cases myself where I was trying to delete a registry key, trying all the various tools available, and was only able to do so by booting into safe mode and deleting it by hand with regedit. I never figured out what was keeping me from doing it any other way.

    As to the claim that no one could do a "clean install" on some of your systems, I think we have a misunderstanding about that term. All that means is that you reformat your drive and install from scratch - period. It doesn't mean the install is effective and all your hardware and software works, just that you start fresh, not depending on any previously installed information. Using that definition, how can it NOT be done? If it doesn't work it often points to something being incompatible, either hardware or software.

    I think I have addressed/answered/questioned all the various points that have been mentioned so far in this thread. If you'll be so kind as to answer our questions we will be happy to answer yours as best we can. If you've already answered a question, please remind us and/or point out specifically where we can find the answer. Even in a thread that's only a couple of pages long we could have missed something. We don't do it on purpose or to be obtuse. We are trying to help you.

    Good luck in finding your problem. If you find out what it was, please let us know. Then at least we'll be better able to help the next person with the problem.

    Cheers and Regards
  19. Trinket

    Trinket MDL Senior Member

    Feb 20, 2010
    #19 Trinket, Jul 4, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2011
    You know what Goscuter, you are in luck having nice people try to help you. As for me, you can take your unique brand of ... somewhere else. If you want to destroy your quality of life over a NET framework hickup, go ahead. I can show you a log of NET framework compilations, which will contains 'errors' and mismatches. If you see it, you will probably freak out. But this compiling is what it does in the background, unless you force it with a .bat file or something (as I do).

    As for now, I'm going to sit here and wait for Microsoft to come and get me... and let all my fears come to fruition. Even that would be better, wouldn't it? You need help dude, you really need some help. It's not help with computers that you need. Just remember, if it is all this HORRIBLE as you describe, then why don't you get rid of all your computers? It's not like you can use any, anyway, according to you. So what would be the loss? Just see yourself as blessed that you are the only person on the earth not knows what is 'really going on'. Being a prophet is lonely enough, but especially so if you treat other people like s**t, as you do. Get some help man, and let this stupid computer crap go. Get an iPad if you trust them more. Or live without computers.
  20. stayboogy

    stayboogy MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2011
    Trinket, don't worry i just reported this guy--he won't be here much longer i suspect.