Hi, I am not sure how my USB flash drive received a write protected status as there is no locking switch that i can see, tried formating the drive via windows 10 format and Aesus formatting software and neither worked. Does anyone know of a sure way to format a usb flash drive? If yes, plz let me know. TIA
No just saying, no one would understand that you meant EaseUS with that typo. Anyway, did you by any chance try do run a diskpart /clean command to completely wipe that USB stick and all its partitions? then try to recreate the partition?
@Pasta88 Ebay purchase from the land of gold east of "who cares"? They do like to advertise "a lot more" to a "lot less". Check if size actually is correct first.
Usually USB thumbdrive firmware switches the drive to read-only once its lifetime is up (spare sectors depleted). If the drive is old, that may be what happened.
Winhex or other hex editor might be able to write on it 0s and wipe everything and from there you need a partitioning tool. A good and free one useful for USB flash drives is Active Partition Manager from Lsoft but there are others like BootIce.
NAND based storage (ssd, flash drives) go read-only when they are in critical state. Backup your data and replace