Xp mode installed fine but not working

Discussion in 'Virtualization' started by magnus33, Nov 14, 2009.

  1. magnus33

    magnus33 MDL Member

    Aug 17, 2009
    Xp mode install perfectly in windows 7 ultimate 64bit.

    No errors at all and all directions fellowed such as they are.

    Problem is other then brief hard drive activity nothing else happens when i try to use xpmode.

    No errors nothing.

    M3N HT-Deluxe
    4 gigs
    two 8600 gt nvida cards
    Virtualization turned on in bio's

    Whats missing here?
  2. tum0r

    tum0r MDL Novice

    Aug 26, 2009
    I'm having a similar problem. I can install xp mode just fine, but it only works on first run. I can't ever get it open again. The virtual PC and XP mode icons are missing from the Window Virtual PC startup folder.

    Here's what I think is happening:

    I upgraded from vista with Virtual PC 2007 already installed. After getting the error message "Virtual PC cannot run on this version of Windows", I uninstalled with a third party uninstaller, wiping out necessary OS components for XP Mode (more importantly, Virtual PC, to run).

    I'm still trying to find a solution, I think I'm going to try a repair from my 7 install disc. I'll let you know if it works.....
  3. magnus33

    magnus33 MDL Member

    Aug 17, 2009
    #3 magnus33, Nov 15, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2009
    Tried a clean install twice and its still the same.

    Odd issue since there are no errors happening.

    Iam beginning to think this is bio's related.
  4. tum0r

    tum0r MDL Novice

    Aug 26, 2009
    The repair from disc option is a no go, I'm gonna tear the wims apart and figure out what files i'm missing. I have a thread open on the technet forums, but haven't gotten any good tips yet.
  5. tum0r

    tum0r MDL Novice

    Aug 26, 2009
    Turns out, I was only missing the start menu shortcuts. Those were easy to put back in. Hope this helps somebody.