Order Your Survival Supplies Survival Kits Storable Foods Medical Supplies Nuclear Fallout Protection Protective Clothing Water Purification BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE Remember which side was telling the truth all along http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2012.html
The truth of this new cycle is being unveiled to those who are open to it with each passing moment ..
A great book on the delusions and madness of crowds. Available perhaps on Gutenberg and on torrents: Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extraordinary_Popular_Delusions_and_the_Madness_of_Crowds
well im not ota booze yet, will give it another chance- don't wana quit drinking becuz im gona have one hellva hangover if dis world aint gona end lol
Don't worry there will be end of world rumors and what not this year, will just need to change date on thread topic.
well justin beiber said he wasnt coming back to the UK again.... i think this year is shaping up to be very good already
The thread date is a year out. It could happen this year if the Korean situation gets out of hand and anyone significant takes sides. So far it doesn't look that way but you never know.
There is a definitive point of literally the end of the world, and that is when the sun approaches it's last days and swells, eventually swallowing the Earth. Long before this happens though, by a couple of billion years, the sun will get too hot as its energy output increases through the fusion of heavier elements, and Earth won't be habitable anyway. The sun swallowing the Earth is a definitive point in time, the increase of temperature is something that will occur over hundreds of thousands of millennia (that is correct believe it or not). I am talking around 3 billion years time, give or take 500 million years. Of course, that is a long way in the future, long before then if we keep progressing we could just increase the orbit of Earth around the sun, or tow it to a new solar system. It would probably be a museum piece or a sacred planet by then! So, how to increase the time until the sun gets too hot, or swallows the Earth? Simple (well not really). All you have to do is remove matter from the sun over time, the heavier elements first. The less massive a star is, the smaller and less dense the core is. The lower density core means that the rate of fusion is decreased, meaning a lower solar output and longer lifespan. This is why the smaller the star, the longer it lives, and why very massive stars die quite quickly. You could easily get several more billion years out of the sun by doing this. Then, you could simply replace the heavier elements with fresh hydrogen, like keeping fuel to a fire. Unfortunately for all this we only have about 2.5 billion years to come up with an effective implementation of this plan. Better start preparing now!
You would think that a civilization that has been around for a couple billion years would have the technology to leave the planet they are living on and find another rather than trying to change the structure of a star. The Sun is the last thing we have to worry about, there are many ways that humans can be wiped off Earth without the intervention of the Sun. One way is that we destroy ourselves through war or a gamma ray burst does a nice job of frying us or even better yet an asteroid flattens us. There are also black holes, super volcanoes and super viruses to help.
hm we are just a few billion eggs in one basket, unless we find a way for some of us to leave this abused old planet..