2012 End of the world or not??

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by ambidav, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. Spider-Vice

    Spider-Vice MDL Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    No need to be so dramatic. There are solar maximums every X years, they happen and it's been worse before, around 40 or 50 years ago where aurora borealis' went down to the latitudes of Portugal, no one died, the civilization is still here. Sure it might provoke some problems in aircraft and satellites, for now, nothing more. They have a level of intensity, where higher is more rare.
    We've also had ice-ages, volcano eruptions which changed climate forever, and whatnot. What worries me more is the racionality of the civilization, well with this I mean the economical crisis', wars, bills like SOPA and ACTA, etc.
  2. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    It's an organic evolutionary thing not technological. We're in the Technosphere right now a machine based world. This "enlightening" of the world returns us to where there is a path beyond technology and our soul or the worlds soul is that cosmic technology. It's an upgrade of sorts

    And don't worry guys if the tech stuff doesn't work we'll have our new telepathy to stay in touch

    Can you hear me now :eek:...lol
  3. tomvar

    tomvar MDL Novice

    Jun 28, 2011
    Certainly not, because I'm waiting for the Windows 33 ...
  4. SCBrigth

    SCBrigth MDL Senior Member

    May 9, 2009
    #144 SCBrigth, Jan 26, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2012
    I'm trying, I'm trying to hear :yoda:

    Sorry, no luck yet :druff: let the electromagnetic field increase...

    Anyway, if all the world's communications fall, if the electronics goes down and we have to go back to using candle light will not be a big problem.

    The big question is how to feed 7 billion people with no way to preserve food.

    Agriculture and livestock, in the way that it is structured, has no way of supplying the world with no inventory preserved. It's a big logistical problem.


    At least could be a beautiful sight :)
    @canouna: link edited (missing www).
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  5. prescient

    prescient MDL Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    #145 prescient, Jan 26, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2012
    yes but why this event is coming with the Maya calendar thing ? and when people talked about it
    last year nasa denied then now they admit !!! dont u find it strange ?
    did the Maya and the pharaohs worship the sun for nothing ? id they consider it to be god dose
    that means they believe its alive ? and intelligent ? why did RA make a ship to travel to the sun in the after
    life? did the sun spoke to them somehow ? is RA god agree because we dont worship him ?
    there is many gods around like playing skyrim and every god says well if you slaves dont worship me
    am gonna wrack havoc on ure arses . even if u never have herd my name before ..

    hey redroad look at my new skyrim Indian character Dohiyi , his a sherooke , haw do we say
    Dohiyi like in dohi-why-e or Dohewe


    btw my mother name is India

    got a new link from cnn

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  6. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    With the fall of the technosphere comes the rise of miracles

    It's hard to believe but we are loved by greater things that have been watching this historical cycle from it's beginning to it's end and a re-birth of the world. Entry into Pre/Post History

    Again the mayan calender can measure any duration of time. But it is not duration based. It's a frequency that told by the indiginous, is at the root or heart of creation. Within creation we have galaxies/suns/planets w/ their orbital bodies called moons and all life on planets so to worship or "pay attention" to the sun, a big part of our worlds ascension process seems better than worshiping your golf clubs

    God is in Golf clubs too :eek:
  7. prescient

    prescient MDL Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    well put in few shots in the hole for me then
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  8. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011

    Attached Files:

  9. prescient

    prescient MDL Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    #149 prescient, Jan 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    its ok maybe i can get u to hear this song . this is the best singer in our
    known recorded history . it was the last song he did after long years he spend in building the structure of
    the Arabic music he passed shortly after all his knowledge is in this song.

    it says i love you , u know why ? the answer is without why .
    we came to this world we dont know why or where we are going or what do we want :clap3:
    roads ,roads are painted for our steps we walk it in our stranger nights .
    one day it makes us happy another day it hurt us . and we never knew why . and as we came we came
    and without our choice we came .
    as your eyes took my nights and ruled it and i found my home after i have been lost and those eyes of yours
    i found my soul in the arms of ure heart i sleep and dream and wake with ure love .
    even in my worst suffering i love u , u know why ? without why .

    hey you , you are the one whom my time has throw me in the sea of your eyes and forgot me. and told me forget me . the sea of your eyes is deep ,the sea of your eyes is deep, but in it is the best nights of my life .
    i got lost and i lost mt world . between my happiness and sadness , my world is a song ? no.
    my world is a moan ? no .

    its something else its something else . my world is ure love . something i feel i touch i see but no words can
    describe it .

    my love oh my love everything in u is my love ure hair is my night your face is my moon ure love is my life
    journey and my destiny but there is a moan in the heart that has never was empty from fear .
    it says slow down my Joyce and slow down the one who is doomed with love not matter haw much he Joyce is also doomed

    i am afraid that the birds of love would leave its nest and migrate away i am affraid the sea of warmth
    would weak up to be ice on a winter night . am afraid that tomorrow would come and take us from our nights
    in a road of suffering that many other lovers had lost their way in it .
    u know why all this fear ? because u are the soul in the world i live in and me without you my life
    will all be lost .

    its not logical my love at all that the destiny that has inspired me to your love , would turn into an evil hater

    its not logical that our love , my life. can be so cruel and forget his love ones
    after we have been in his arms every night and make us stand out side
    his door step .


    its not logical my love at all that the destiny that has inspired me to your love , would turn into an evil hater :,(

    gooo away sadness go away sadness dont dare come near us
    we are lovers our love is worming and covering us and its our soul land and sky so tell me from where you gonna come to us .

    over our house the stars are gathered with love on our door a flower tree
    on every window 1000 candle lighting so sadness tell me haw u gonna
    sadness tell me haw u gonna enter ? go away sadness go away


    eyes of heart the most beautiful eyes lets live and enough suffering
    lets make our whole life a night , a night away from suffering and sadness
    and Lust . and if someone blames us we will say if it wasnt for love their
    wouldnt be any human on earth .
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  10. RawData

    RawData MDL Member

    Mar 4, 2008
    I can't find it now, but last year I saw a funny picture about 2012. In it, there was two mayas in front of calendar stone plate full of inscriptions. One maya was with tools in his hand and other standing next to him saying: What you mean "No room for 'start over at the beginning' symbols in the end? In couple of thousand years someone's going to have a fit!" :biggrin5:

    That picture told everything there is to know about this 2012 panic.
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  11. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #151 timesurfer, Jan 27, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2012
    The panic is from the athiest, scholar, and scientific minded based community. If one listens closely to the shaman (Prophecy Medium/Interpreter) of the group he is not deeming everyone to doom but acknowledging an awakening on a group or planetary level

    An ascension of the world not the end of it

    Very hard for some to grasp this cause to the athiest, scholar, and scientific minded based community it like thinking it's like thinking the world is flat till they actually know it's round-like...lol

    Silly Humans...
  12. RawData

    RawData MDL Member

    Mar 4, 2008
    The panic is from all of you puny mortals. I have decided to live forever. So far, it's working just fine. :icecream:
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  13. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #153 timesurfer, Jan 27, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2012
    Ah crap another R29k :suicide:

    How much is the monthly membership to worship you? I am on fixed income :p...lol

    Do you except monthly payments or weekly :rolleyes:...lol

    Have mercy my Lord RawData :worthy:...lol
  14. prescient

    prescient MDL Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    i think you guys are drifting further back . we are done long time ago talking about prophecy .
    it is brought to our attention now that those explosions on the sun are happening and will be stronger
    by that exact date that they denied and joked about before . thats a score of 1:0 for the shamans lol
    its a shame nasa is facing such defeat . . haw we are supposed to believe them now ? on haw strong
    those blasts will be ?
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  15. ambidav

    ambidav MDL Guru

    May 14, 2008
    #155 ambidav, Jan 28, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Are you ready to go home to 5D Earth

  16. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Which part of cycle don't you understand. :biggrin5:
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  17. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Someone is resisting prophecy's in the 2012 prophecy thread :eek:...lol

    Yes I am ;)
  18. prescient

    prescient MDL Member

    Jan 20, 2012

    omg a staff
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  19. prescient

    prescient MDL Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    #159 prescient, Jan 28, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    money also turns real resources to papers that we cant eat , they consume all the real resources like wood and
    food and others to papers . and they mass piles of it while the real resources gets extinct .
    like if somone have a forest and he use a small amount of wood in the winter to warm his house and he gives
    some of that wood to others in exchange for food or clothes for ex .. then when money comes in he will ok
    i want the money i dont care about the woods i will cut all the woods i have then he puts all the wood he cuts
    in a store (bank) then the wood gets ruined for a reason or its price comes down so there is no use for it
    anymore because its all turned to some stamped papers .
    now his forest is gone and demolished into another useless material (low value currency ) but the winter
    will come hard next year and the forest is not able to produce new trees . so there he is the little sucker
    setting next to his piles of gold dying of cold and hunger because no one want to even talk or help him.
    and when he pray god will tell him harvest the seeds you planted . did you ever see big companies throwing
    food and burrining goods just because its prices went down and the want to equal the supply and demand
    to fix the price

    dont throw the rocks in the well kaboom
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  20. prescient

    prescient MDL Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    #160 prescient, Jan 28, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    this sound like a message from aliens or a god message m its pretty and true but i have many questions about this
    reservation and the landing zone of this 5D place . and i know the makers of this movie dose not know it either .
    ok they talked about the peace and harmoney of the 60s and we all love the singers who got killed promtting
    for it . evil has won and who is to stop it ? 2012 ? man wake up they are about to blackout the internet
    on you .

    you wanna see your 5D Hell ? please do watch

    where is their tickets to 5D thing man? what do you want those children's to do ?
    what power do u have to help them ? cosmic vibrations? you are the box it self .

    way to go russia keep it up your end is near
    why is russia considered an alley to democracy and freedom?

    100 person dies daily in syria and Russia says kill them all . as usual .
    they never have enough after all they did to the east Europe country in the name of their so called great foul empire but they still fight and kill to keep their beloved smallest communist region even if they wiped its population
    i am amazed haw the west is still considering Russia an alley to new world order and one of the 5 great nations with vito rights .

    they did it with saddam and ghadafy haw long shall they play on 2 lines ? acting like a west country
    and protecting terror?

    mann cancel my subscription to the resurrection ,send my credential to the house of detention
    i have some friends inside , the face in the mirror wont stop the gal in the window wont jump
    a feast of friends alive she cried . waitting 5 me . ouuuutside

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