Your word is snitch, I think what he did was great work. No different from an undercover reporter who exposes the bs in government like this ! Snowden is smart as opposed to those two retards who are vying for the presidency !
Sorry, I always thought it was Bill. Will have to look for another Presidential Candidate now. Maybe Joe Rogan could stand. He has a lot of talents.
I am mildly concerned about our choices for President. So why am I not alarmed? Because if the United States could withstand the literal insanity of Richard M. Nixon, it can withstand anybody.
Well, whatever you say about Trump, it's true that Bill Clinton practiced what Trump only said, yet the former was elected president twice, while the latter is considered unfit for the post. It's probably because actions count a lot more than words.
"Trump - one task to earn my vote." At the next debate, grab Hillary by her p***y. (And don't say you have no experience!)
His latest assertion is that Hillary was doped in the TV confrontations. So he's asked for a doping test before the last one. Seems a good idea to me.
Okay, just as long as we don't extend this concept to the voting booth. That would be a huge problem around here!
My Christmas gift came early, i.e. Shillary was sent packing. Trump was not my first choice by a long shot but I'm a never-Hillary.
I understand why people hated Hillary, but to say that Trump was ever going to do a better job than her is just silly. I have yet to see really anything positive come from Trump being president. I am open to debate in a non toxic and civilised manner. I am intereasted in hearing many sides of the argument!