OMG ME ME ME!!! As a gamer and enthusiast in the gaming sector of life, I've worked at gaming "pubs" and been playing CSGO since vanilla... (1.4). 1) I cannot disrespect the ultimate contest of human vs human in an online challenge so #1 obviously goes to CS:GO. The most played first person shooter in the WORLD! Long live the Counter Strike. 2) TWO! I know a bunch of you will disagree but I can guarantee EVERY single one of you have played it... Solitare. I know lame but brutally honest I must be with this important task! 3) NUMBER THREE! Again for the sheer masses that it's pacified (and endangered by angry girlfriends!) WoW: World of Warcraft! Warlock 1 hit script anyone? What an epic journey. At least till they brought in the fluffy muppets. =( I digress... 4) NUMBER FOUR! Now this is purely opinion as is was but if you played this you know it was fun as Hell... at least for a time. GTA: GRAND THEFT AUTO. 5) And last but not least: NUMBER FIVE! Drum roll please! At number 5, it squeaks in amonst a huge group of awsome games but I do humbly believe that BORDERLANDS 2 was an epic ride and true grit game aimed at the adventurous souls and kindred spirits who favor a face full of pixels and sudo carnage as apposed to healthier things lol... thanks for reading this... Corsair out! ps: look me up on CS:GO as "✪ EviL" we'll shoot someone in the face together!
Yakuza Kiwami 2 Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Clan Quest Mod Fallout 4 (heavily modded) Spider Solitaire Minesweeper
kerbal space program tetris might and magic 2 descent flight simulator x a top 10 would include sim city 2000 carmageddon reincarnation super mario bros 3 unreal tournament 99 the sentinel
Borderlands 2 Death Stranding Need for Speed Heat Shadow of the Tomb Raider Hellblade Senuas Sacrifice
Here are mine: Left 4 Dead Stardew Valley Terraria Don't Starve Papers, please I never get tired of them and they all run on potatoes (like mine) which is great
1) Elder Scrolls series 2) Half Life series 3) D&D games like Baldirs Gate , Icewind Dale and NWN ... They're all great! 4) Unreal Tournament 2004 and to a lesser extent UT3 5) Wolfenstein series especially RTCW
Here's mine: 1. Wing Commander 1 and 2, Wing Commander Privateer 2. Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Valhalla 3. Horizon Zero Dawn 4. Civilization series 5. GTA San Andreas
1. SimCity 2000 2. Civilization II 3. Day of the Tentacle 4. Prince of Persia (original) 5. The Incredible Machine