I'm sorry to hear that, Alpha. I didn't know your issues were health-related. WHD, as a tool with all the features, is what everyone loves the most about your project. This is what I will always use when integrating updates into Windows. I understand why you want it to now be a downloader. Maybe one day when your health is better, you'll re-consider, only not work days and nights on your projects. That would stress anyone out. I was really looking forward to v1.1.8.6, as I do for all of your releases. Instead of adding extra features, you could simply fix bugs here and there. Right?
Alphawaves, take it easy m8. No need to stress & spend long ours on WHD. Everyone appreciates the project but don't let it consume your life. Wish you all the best...
Hey Alpha, I'm sorry that you have been having health problems, I too have been having more than my fair share of these for the past year or so. It really gets you down, doesn't it!?! I wish you all the best in life, and whatever you do. I have been a big fan of your WHD, and now find it indispensable. Many thanks for creating it, and spending so much time maintaining it. Be good, and take care of yourself.
Thanks.. I will still be providing support for my apps.. WHDownloader (Final) should be released later tonight..