Struggling to install Win7-64 bit on UEFI laptop

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by goodflood, Feb 10, 2018.

  1. goodflood

    goodflood MDL Member

    Feb 16, 2011
    Hello folks!

    I have been struggling to install windows 7 for over a week... working at it for a few hours daily.

    I am asking for help here because I have read a lot of solutions (at mdl) and not sure on how I should proceed.

    My mobo has Kabylake processor intel i3 7 GEN...

    Disabling UEFI, I get the ACPI non-compliance error.
    Enabling UEFI, I get the boot manager error... /efi/microsoft/boot/bcd ... 0xc000000d

    I have a 3 page thread here with screenshots of my BIOS and other info on Seven Forums Windows 7 help and support Installation & Setup » ACPI non-compliance

    With my UEFI settings, there is no CSM mode.

    What are my options to get Win 7 on my newer UEFI system?

    1. Simplix Pack needs the ridiculously large WAIK Supplement... 1.3 GB

    2. Alternative Windows 7 Integator ... does not come with drivers.

    3. Windows 7 Image Updater - SkyLake\KabyLake\CoffeLake\Ryzen Threadripper does this work?

    After struggling for so long, I am looking for something that works, and possibly if there is a choice, simple with fewer downloads : )

  2. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Is it a selfbuild system? then it will have a csm or legacy bios mode.

    Win 7 image updater misses a lot of updates, it uses win 10 iso as base, so it will work for booting but no promises about a working windows after install. You just as easily can put a win 7 install.wim in a win 10 iso yourself.

    What do you mean by SImplix pack needing waik? Never needed it.
  3. mehdibleu

    mehdibleu MDL Expert

    Jun 14, 2017
    did you disable the option "secure boot" in the bios ? if no, that could explain why you're getting these errors while booting from usb drive so make sure this option is disabled.
  4. goodflood

    goodflood MDL Member

    Feb 16, 2011
    @ Enthousiast:

    No, it is not a self-built system; I bought it from from System76. I can disable UEFI, and install something if I want; maybe that is CSM / LEGACY BIOS mode (it says diasbled, but no thing else mentioned).

    My WIn7 ISO is en_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677332... <== that exactly, SHA1 verified.

    "no promises about a working windows after install" -- no problem... I want to get some experts to say "NO, it will not work" - and I will be satisfied and move on.

    Yes, I saw that somewhere, put win 7 install.wim in win 10 iso (ISO as created using Rufus) -- it did install, but I got a boot error... asking me to restart... in safe mode, with networking, etc.

    I saw a tutorial stating that I needed WAIK before starting with the simplix pack... if not true, can you tell me the steps?

    @ Mehdibleu:

    Yes, secure boot is disabled along with fastboot being disabled.

    PS: I will post the link to sevenforums where I have screen shots once I make 5 posts : )
  5. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    If it's not a real OEM (acer, asus, etcetc) i consider it selfbuild :)

    No need for rufus, just extract the iso to a FAT32 formatted usb drive for booting both, UEFI and Legacy BIOS or format the usb drive NTFS for Legacy BIOS only..

    If UEFI can be disabled it will probably boot Legacy BIOS/MBR.

    On what windows are you now?
  6. goodflood

    goodflood MDL Member

    Feb 16, 2011
    @ Enthousiast:

    AH, I see... no not a real OEM, a computer shop that puts together systems with Linux as OS.

    Okay, so I am going to try with UEFI disabled, FAT32 formatted drive and [copy the ISO to USB, then] unzip the ISO straight into USB [then delete the ISO]... and try to boot. Report back shortly.

    I am using Windows 7 on my other laptop.
  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Why delete the iso? Just keep it safe for future use. To only be able to use legacy bios it's better to format the usb NTFS, so you won't get confused when selecting the correct usb to boot from.

    Make also sure you have integrated the USB3.x drivers into boot.wim both indices.
  8. goodflood

    goodflood MDL Member

    Feb 16, 2011
    Okay, so I did the above and I get "Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key" -- tried both USB 2 and USB 3 ports.

    PS: I deleted the copied ISO from the USB as I had copied it there directly before unzipping.

    I will take a while integrating USB 3 drivers.
  9. mehdibleu

    mehdibleu MDL Expert

    Jun 14, 2017
    make sure that the usb drive is selected as first boot in the bios.
  10. goodflood

    goodflood MDL Member

    Feb 16, 2011

    Quick question: I booted Ubuntu-Gnome (another stick) just to check what partition type the USB has that I am trying to boot window7 from in legacy/BIOS mode. It is GPT as I had made it with RUFUS earlier.

    Even though I formatted it, the partition type does not change.

    Is that a problem? Do, I need to change it to MBR?
  11. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    I never use rufus, it's not needed and can cause problems when not used correct.

    You can convert it to MBR using diskpart.
  12. goodflood

    goodflood MDL Member

    Feb 16, 2011

    RUFUS has the option to make an MBR or GPT bootable USB... and I think GPT USB will not boot if UEFI is disabled.
    Anyway, I am using MSDOS/MBR partition type, UEFI disabled, secure boot and fasboot disabled.

    I slip-streamed all 38 USB3 drivers from your link in both indices... no joy! The cursor sits on top left just blinking... I tried both USB2 and USB3 ports... does it take too long?
  13. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #16 Enthousiast, Feb 10, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2018
    Can you please post a sshot? I don't get the fact, a cursor is blinking, at all.
  14. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    Rufus is completely unnecessary as anyone can format a usb drive, then either extract iso to it, or copy and paste all files from mounted iso to it.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  15. mehdibleu

    mehdibleu MDL Expert

    Jun 14, 2017
    If you choose legacy/bios to install win7, your Hard drive has to be in MBR otherwise you won't be able to install win7, on the other han if you decide to use UEFI, your Hd has to be in GPT.
    One other thing if you choose to make your usb drive bootable using rufud and you choose UEFI as installation mode you have to choose fat32 as uefi spports only fat32
    Good luck.
  16. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    It;s his usb drive (install medium) that now is GPT.
  17. mehdibleu

    mehdibleu MDL Expert

    Jun 14, 2017
    If he leaves it this way he must choose uefi for win7 install