You seem to be the person to ask, Shwarc. Many, many moons ago, I had list for updating 98SE. Would you look it over and let me know what you think. Install IE6 SP1 and reboot, Note I'd definately REMOVE MSJAV from the list... RUN: 811630USA8.EXE 823559USA8.EXE 323172USA8.EXE 273991USA8.EXE 259728USA8.EXE 256015usa8.exe 245729us8.exe 238453US8.EXE q313829.exe Windows98-KB891711-ENU.EXE (Note that's v2) 323255USA8.EXE 329115USA8.EXE 888113USA8.EXE Windows98-KB896358-ENU.EXE IE-KB891781-EN.exe Windows98-KB908519-ENU.EXE Windows-KB913433-ENU.exe MSJav.exe OE6.0sp1-KB837009-x86-ENU.exe IE6.0sp1-KB916281-Windows-98-ME-ENU.exe IE6.0sp1-KB918439-Windows-98-ME-ENU.exe Windows98-KB918547-ENU.exe Windows9X-KB917344-enu.exe InstMsiA.exe REBOOT MDAC_TYP_281.EXE REBOOT WMP 9 REBOOT 242975USA8.EXE 243450USA8.EXE 260067USA8.EXE 273017USA8.EXE 4756us8.exe euro.exe MSagent.exe Nm30.exe MDAC_Fix.exe WindowsMedia9-KB917734-Win9x-ENU.exe WM9Codecs9x.exe wmp6cdcs.exe vbrun60sp6.exe VisualBasic6-KB896559-v1-ENU.exe Jet40SP8_9xNT.exe REBOOT Install latest DirectX 9 REBOOT Running (enure files get to the PROPER DIRECTORIES) IE AUDIO (Start.WAV) UNICOWS (unicows.dll, unicows.pdb) REBOOT KB904706-DX9-ENU.exe gdidettool.exe IE6.0sp1-KB823353-x86-ENU.exe 273727usa8.exe Microsoft xml CORE SERVICES (MSXML) 3.0 Service PACK 5 (NOT SURE THIS IS NECESSARY) Microsoft xml CORE SERVICES (MSXML) 4.0 kb887606_msxml4.0_x86.exe
q273991 replaced by q273727 KB837009 replaced by KB823353 + KB887797 Jet40SP8_9xNT.exe contains msxml 3 sp7.
Oh duh, I see. It works for me. Thanks. LOL, yeah, I figured out the password for the 7z from the txt file... I'm a little slow sometimes.
Oh, by the way, thank you for the files, I see there's stuff that I'll likely never find the EXEs for ever again in that.