@Dmitrys Won a licence in the recent Giveaway... however have installed, uninstalled, re-installed, re-booted all to no avail... the GUI simply won't launch (Running Win11 build 25179) the software is not blocked by MS Defender, all the background services are running, even the updater service (when presented) has been allowed through the firewall ... any ideas, otherwise might as well hand the licence over to someone here who can actually make use of it.
I have an idea, that A1RunGuard is displayed out of your screen. Do you have one monitor or two? You can set the location of the A1RunGuard window via registry. Locate the key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Greatis\A1RunGuard Set the values: LogLeft - left position LogTop - top position LogWidth - window width LogHeight - window height Write me to the support: greatis.com/support Let me know your results, Dmitrys
(1 Monitor 65" 4K TV) Been there, done that... as I said, background services are running... GUI not!.... no Icon on taskbar, nothing showing up when running Task Manager am presuming, at the moment.... that it is incompatible with this build (25179)
@Dmitrys Does A1RunGuard support wildcards (*) for block rules? Example Code: c:\*\googleupdate.exe Original full path Code: c:\program files (x86)\google\update\googleupdate.exe Also I'm trying to block execution on this Google file putting full path to no avail it keeps launching Code: D:\Desktop\googlechromestandaloneenterprise64.msi