@abbodi1406 , Could you put this as an option to enable gpedit in Home editions, in the convert-UUP script? I have not tested. But I've already used the variables you use, to expose it as an idea. Code: :dowork %_dism2%:"!_cabdir!" /Mount-Wim /Wimfile:"%_www%" /Index:%_inx% /MountDir:"%_mount%" if !errorlevel! neq 0 ( %_dism1% /Image:"%_mount%" /Get-Packages %_Null% %_dism1% /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:"%_mount%" /Discard %_dism1% /Cleanup-Wim %_Nul3% goto :eof ) if /i not %_nnn%==winre.wim if %_runIPA% equ 1 ( set addGPedit= set copyGPeditMumCat= if %GPedit% equ 1 ( if not exist "_tmpGPedit\" mkdir "_tmpGPedit" if not exist "_tmpGPedit\.*mum set copyGPeditMumCat=1 if not exist "_tmpGPedit\.*mum set copyGPeditMumCat=1 ) if !copyGPeditMumCat! equ 1 ( cd /D "%_mount%\servicing\Packages\" >nul for /F "tokens=*" %%# in ('dir /B /A:-D "%_mount%\servicing\Packages\*.mum" ^| findstr.exe /I "GroupPolicy-ClientTools-Package~ GroupPolicy-ClientExtensions-Package~" ^| findstr.exe /I "%PackageArchitecture%"') do ( set "GPedit_FileName=%%~#" Copy /Y "%_mount%\servicing\Packages\!GPedit_FileName!" "_tmpGPedit\!GPedit_FileName:%revver%=!" ) cd /D "%~dp0" >nul ) if %GPedit% equ 1 ( if %eHome% equ 1 if %_inx% equ %iHome% set addGPedit=1 if %eHomN% equ 1 if %_inx% equ %iHomN% set addGPedit=1 ) if %addGPedit% equ 1 ( echo. echo Adding GPedit to !_dDesc%_inx%! . . . for /F "tokens=*" %%# in ('dir /B /A:-D /O:N "_tmpGPedit\*.mum" ^| findstr.exe /I "!arch%_inx%!" ^| findstr.exe /I "GroupPolicy-ClientTools-Package~ GroupPolicy-ClientExtensions-Package~"') do (%_dism2%:"!_cabdir!" %dismtarget% /LogPath:"%_dLog%\!edition%_inx%!_GPedit.log" /Add-Package:"_tmpGPedit\%%~#") ) echo. echo Adding Apps . . . Maybe it's not possible that way... But if it is possible in some other way, it would be very interesting. Thnks! EDIT: I improved my code. It's in line with the logic I needed to do on IMCK to work. I haven't tested it on ConvertUUP. I had to copy it to a temporary folder. And renamed removing "10.0.19041.1" or "10.0.22621.1". With minor tweaks this should work in ConvertUUP.
is it possible to add arm64 support to the multi_arch_iso.cmd script? maybe GRUB can boot all the architectures if windows bootloader is not an option
Intel x86 and ARM are two completely different platforms, different instruction sets etc. You would need an Emulator or Virtualizer translating instructions, and it would be slooow.
I know, and I even do not have any M1/M2 apple devices, I just curious if it's possible or not the first challenge should be Windows bootloader, but maybe GRUB can boot everything Ventoy says ARM64 UEFI is supported
Only on selected hardware platforms. The low-level initialization routines on x86 and Arm platforms are fundamentally different, especially when it comes to the firmware bits.
I mean adding editions in create_virtual_editions.cmd. I'm not sure if EnterpriseG and EnterpriseG N can be included in create_virtual_editions.cmd since the LTSC version is also included.
Virtual Editions are the ones you can switch to with a simple key change. The G Editions cannot be switched to that way, they are not Virtual Editions.
You can always just check this to see the virtual editions Code: \Windows\servicing\Editions\EditionMappings.xml
Yes... obviously I can see it... that's also why I asked. Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <WindowsEditions xmlns:e="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:windows:editions:v1"> <Edition> <Name>CoreN</Name> </Edition> <Edition> <Name>CoreCountrySpecific</Name> </Edition> <Edition virtual="true"> <Name>CoreSingleLanguage</Name> <ParentEdition>Core</ParentEdition> </Edition> <Edition> <Name>Core</Name> </Edition> <Edition virtual="true"> <Name>CloudEditionN</Name> <ParentEdition>ProfessionalN</ParentEdition> </Edition> <Edition> <Name>ProfessionalN</Name> </Edition> <Edition virtual="true"> <Name>CloudEdition</Name> <ParentEdition>Professional</ParentEdition> </Edition> <Edition> <Name>Professional</Name> </Edition> <Edition> <Name>EnterpriseGN</Name> </Edition> <Edition virtual="true"> <Name>EnterpriseN</Name> <ParentEdition>ProfessionalN</ParentEdition> </Edition> <Edition> <Name>EnterpriseNEval</Name> </Edition> <Edition virtual="true"> <Name>IoTEnterpriseS</Name> <ParentEdition>EnterpriseS</ParentEdition> </Edition> <Edition> <Name>EnterpriseS</Name> </Edition> <Edition> <Name>EnterpriseSEval</Name> </Edition> <Edition> <Name>EnterpriseSN</Name> </Edition> <Edition> <Name>EnterpriseSNEval</Name> </Edition> <Edition virtual="true"> <Name>ProfessionalEducation</Name> <ParentEdition>Professional</ParentEdition> </Edition> <Edition virtual="true"> <Name>ProfessionalEducationN</Name> <ParentEdition>ProfessionalN</ParentEdition> </Edition> <Edition virtual="true"> <Name>ProfessionalWorkstation</Name> <ParentEdition>Professional</ParentEdition> </Edition> <Edition virtual="true"> <Name>ProfessionalWorkstationN</Name> <ParentEdition>ProfessionalN</ParentEdition> </Edition> <Edition virtual="true"> <Name>Education</Name> <ParentEdition>Professional</ParentEdition> </Edition> <Edition virtual="true"> <Name>EducationN</Name> <ParentEdition>ProfessionalN</ParentEdition> </Edition> <Edition> <Name>PPIPro</Name> </Edition> <Edition virtual="true"> <Name>ProfessionalCountrySpecific</Name> <ParentEdition>Professional</ParentEdition> </Edition> <Edition virtual="true"> <Name>ProfessionalSingleLanguage</Name> <ParentEdition>Professional</ParentEdition> </Edition> <Edition> <Name>EnterpriseG</Name> </Edition> <Edition virtual="true"> <Name>ServerRdsh</Name> <ParentEdition>Professional</ParentEdition> </Edition> <Edition virtual="true"> <Name>IoTEnterprise</Name> <ParentEdition>Professional</ParentEdition> </Edition> <Edition virtual="true"> <Name>Enterprise</Name> <ParentEdition>Professional</ParentEdition> </Edition> <Edition> <Name>EnterpriseEval</Name> </Edition> <Edition> <Name>Starter</Name> </Edition> <Edition> <Name>StarterN</Name> </Edition> </WindowsEditions>
EnterpriseG and EnterpriseGN are listed as Editions in the list, but they have no "ParentEdition" entry. They can thus not be virtually switched, neither from nor to any other Edition.
W10UI v10.27 uup-converter v89 - Updated detection for separate Secure Boot updates this only stop detecting and adding LCU as SecureBoot
uup-converter v89r - Added conditional support for build 22631 (which could be SV2 Moment 4, or just a test build)