I would like to install office 2019 via a %OEMS% folder during the Windows setup with YAOCTRI, how does the setupcomplete.cmd look like and where do * ini, installer cmd file come from, which I created with YAOCTRI
assuming you created ini file with auto install option put YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd and ini file next to Office folder then call it from setupcomplete.cmd Code: call path_to\YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd
it may be that I still have to change the path in the ini file, because there is still my mount path "E:" create from inside? Code: [configuration] SourcePath="E:" Type=DVD Version=16.0.11929.20300 Architecture=x64
It seems that when you run W10UI and if there are spaces in the script path, CDIMAGE fails to create the iso. I went to the readme but didn't find a restriction concerning the script path.
Code: if exist "!oscdimgroot!" (set _ff="%oscdimgroot%") else if exist "!_workdir!\oscdimg.exe" (set _ff="!_workdir!\oscdimg.exe") else (set _ff="!_workdir!\cdimage.exe") %_ff% -m -o -u2 -udfver102 -bootdata:2#p0,e,b"%target%\boot\etfsboot.com"#pEF,e,b"%target%\efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin" -l"%isover%" "%target%" "!isodir!\%isofile%" all paths are quoted
After further investigation it appears that cdimage fails when the target folder contains characters with accent (é, è, ...).
@abbodi1406 I just noticed using your W10MUI, that I get an error when adding the zh-TW language file. See below for the error. Code: ============================================================ Mount boot.wim - index 1/2 ============================================================ Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.17763.1 Mounting image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. ============================================================ Add Font Support: zh-TW ============================================================ Access is denied. Access is denied. Access is denied. The operation completed successfully. ============================================================ Unmount boot.wim - index 1/2 ============================================================ Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.17763.1 Image File : C:\W10MUI_12\_DVD\sources\boot.wim Image Index : 1 Saving image [==========================100.0%==========================] Unmounting image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. ============================================================ Mount boot.wim - index 2/2 ============================================================ Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.17763.1 Mounting image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. ============================================================ Add language files to boot.wim - index 2 ============================================================ es-ES fr-FR it-IT ja-JP zh-TW ============================================================ Add Font Support: zh-TW ============================================================ Access is denied. Access is denied. Access is denied. The operation completed successfully. ============================================================ Unmount boot.wim - index 2/2 ============================================================ Is this common when using the ah-TW language file? Thank you....