How can i create microsoft like esd distribution file? It can be done because i saw somebody made a file like that but he does not like to share his secrets. How can i create this esd structure that can be exracted with esd decyrptor. Maybe other indexes can be exported but how can create setup media distribution index. Edit: He said capture iso contents without boot.wim and install.wim to a wim file export as first index after export boot.wim indexes and install.wim indexes. maybe this can be added as extra option to batch file but will it be usefull for users i do not know.
esd-decrypter-wimlib-28 contain iso2esd.cmd which can do that
can you re do netfx for windows xp? i think its updated and your link is dead please send me message or mark me because i will forget i need that...
Windows8.1 Update3 64-bit General Updates Integration Error : The error i am getting is this : The above error is happening only in case of "General" updates. the script is actually "processing" the general updates fine but when it comes to "installing" them it is giving error. the script i am using here is : even i used the script - and it is also giving the same (above mentioned) error regarding the general updates but integrates the rest of the categories of updates absolutely fine. In a lot of previous cases the script - was working absolutely fine but this time with the 8th august 2017 set of updates for 8.1 it is giving errors. NOTE: 1.Source OS : en_windows_8.1_enterprise_with_update_x64_dvd_6054382.iso 2.Host OS : 10 14393.1593 Enterprise 64-bit OS. 3.Update list used : Windows8.1-Update3-x64.wh released on 8th august 2017. 4.Scripts used : & . in case of both the scripts i chose the following settings: EDIT 1 : That (above mentioned) respective error is happening only & only in case of ProWMC and Enterprise editions. whereas in case of Home, HomeSingleLanguage, and Pro editions there's absolutely no errors.
I made few tests with Enterprise wim, and could not replicate the error can you verify that all msu files in General folder are good (i.e. no corrupted download)? or you may try this debug script put install.wim next to debug.cmd and "Updates" folder open admin cmd in the same directory, and execute: Code: debug.cmd >log.txt 2>&1 wait until cmd window is closed, and zip/upload log.txt
Yes, all the general updates are good.i verified their digital one is corrupt. here is the log.txt file :
i used also the script to integrate updates into win8.1 and i got at the beginning errors while trying to install 1 basiline update but after that updates (baseline, general, security) were extracted to cab then were installed successfully. @abbodi1406 : i have question, when you want to download updates usin WHDownloader, is it necessary to download all the updates available for a windows version ? even the older ones, i mean the updates that date from 2015 ? or we can just download the recent updates , the ones from 2017 ?
yes, because some updates are superseded by newer ones, other are still the same since 2015 because -I guess- they still do their fixing job. If you install (or integrate) only the ones mentioned in "Latest Public Update" in this page and after you check Windows Update it will pull all the missing older ones. I know for sure, because before knowing of @abbodi1406 superb automated tool existance, I was doing its very same job by hand (thus being much more stressing and time consuming).
thank you for the reply but your post answered both of my questions at the same time so i still don't know if i should download only the recent updates from WHDownloader or if i should download all the updates including the old ones (2015). because you said in the same sentence "some updates are superseded by newer ones" so logially by saying that, this implies that i should download only the recent updates and when you continue reading after saying that, you add "other update are still the same since 2015 and they still do their fixing job" so this implies that i should download all the updates including the older ones so after reading your response i am still confused and i still don't know which updates i should download (only the recent ones or all the updates including the older ones).
what are you refering to by saying "they" ? could you please answer this simple question ? should i download only the recent updates (2017) from WHDownloader or should i download all the updates including the older ones (2015) ?
For example this one is superseded by this one and the file extracted from both has the very same name, so the newer replaces the old one; this other one, instead is still the same since 2015 and hasn't been superseded because it still does its fixing job. I used to check this page for reference but WHD already does all the job and gives you all the hotfixes your office version needs.
ok so as long as WHDownloader does not mentionn which updates are superseded, you should download all updates uncluding the older ones, right ? When i use WHDownloader to check for win7 updates, 600 updates (530 extra updates) are displayed so don't tell me i should download and install those 600 updates for windows 7 version, it's too much or is it really necessary to download all of them ?
WHDownloader goal is to offer all applicable non-superseded updates for each product since each update is officially released, then it's necessary and fix flaws for Win7, if you choose to use ConvenienceRollupKB3125574, then you just need less than 70 updates most updates in "Extra" are not are not needed for most users anyway