It's actually pretty simple. Create account at gitlab, create a project and copy the link for later (note: NO SPACES IN NAME ALLOWED!), get TortoiseGit (will show note and link for needed runtime), install, create a folder for the project, open and right-click to clone the git to the folder. Now you can push/commit to Git via right-click ... and done:
C2R-Retail2Volume updated to support Office 2013 C2R old Office 2016 only pack is kept, just in case thanks to @NormieLyfe for great assistance
works perfectly, i have another request, (hope i'm not being a pest), if possible to flush the temp folder before commiting the changes to wim (as they are not needed anymore). (reason for my request is that the most space i can give my ram drive is 17.4gb, and apperently thats not enogh for ltsb update to b1737. when i saw the low disk warning i quickly flushed the temp folder and it was able to finish successfully) also is there anyway to see the build of wim file without mounting the wim? if i type: dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile:install.wim /index:1 i get: for CU Version : 10.0.15063 ServicePack Build : 296 ServicePack Level : 0 and for AU Version : 10.0.14393 ServicePack Build : 1198 ServicePack Level : 0 both should be b608 and b1737. thanks!!!
Not quite possible with the current script routine, specially when updating wim/dvd wim indexes are processed one at a time (mount, update, unmount) so the extracted files are needed for all indexes in install.wim, and/or boot.wim that "OS Build" thing number is just a registry value that Microsoft set to track/differentiate CUs it's does not affect or represent wim image version you need to use external program to check it wimlib-imagex: Code: wimlib-imagex.exe dir install.wim 1 --path=Windows\Winsxs\Manifests | find /i "microsoft-windows-coreos-revision" 7-zip: go to \Windows\Winsxs\Manifests find this file (the higher version) x64: amd64_microsoft-windows-coreos-revision x86: x86_microsoft-windows-coreos-revision
this command dosen't work for me is there a typo perhaps? 7zip works good but requires a boatload of scrolling thanks again!!!
No typo, it works very well Code: wimlib-imagex.exe dir install.wim 1 --path=Windows\Winsxs\Manifests | find /i "microsoft-windows-coreos-revision" \Windows\WinSxS\Manifests\x86_microsoft-windows-coreos-revision_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.15063.0_none_9376583e90701033.manifest of course you need the correct path for wimlib-imagex
interesting, i get no output at all, skips a blank line and just goes back to cmd prompt. if i put > c.txt then i get an empty c.txt. what could be the problem
ok i got it working, by downloading a fresh copy and it is working great! thanks abbodi btw any tricks to do the same for Win8/2012?
Win 7/8.1 don't have that "OS Build" propaganda thing visibly but they added similar manifest to Monthly Rollup update Code: wimlib-imagex.exe dir install.wim 1 --path=Windows\Winsxs\Manifests | find /i "microsoft-windows-rollup-version"
I changed the path of the dismroot variable in the WHD-W81UI script to use WADK and the update KB3172729 was not integrated into install.wim. Using the default path the update is integrated. Are there any side effects if I comment this line of the script? Code: if /i %kb%==KB3172729 (if /i "%dismroot%" NEQ "%windir%\system32\dism.exe" set /a _sum-=1&set /a _msu-=1&goto :eof Or is there a better way to force the script to use WADK build 14393?
There was a post from one member saying that KB3172729 will fail to integrate if you use ADK's dism on Windows 7 Host OS so that line is to ensure it only get integrated on Windows 8.1/10 Host OS but you may comment it using ADK 10 to service Windows 7/8.1 images might cause errors however, you can search for all instance of KitsRoot81 and replace with KitsRoot10
I'm on Windows 10 Host OS but I plan to migrate to Windows 8.1. But for now in Windows 10 Host the best would be to use WADK 8.1 Kit to avoid possible errors? Thanks for the clarifications.
hi can someone help me with a script "SetupComplete.cmd" for instaling this "KB4013214" in both architectures? there are wo version of this file, for both architectures Thanks I Try this Code: @echo off for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\sources\install.wim set CDROM=%%i: echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM% :Updates echo Installing Updates IF EXIST %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64 start /wait %CDROM%\Files\windows10.0-kb4013214_1-x64.msi /Q IF NOT EXIST %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64 start /wait %CDROM%\Files\windows10.0-kb4013214_1-x86.msi /Q :Updates 2 echo Installing Updates 2 IF EXIST %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64 start /wait %CDROM%\Files\windows10.0-kb4013214_2-x64.msi /Q IF NOT EXIST %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64 start /wait %CDROM%\Files\windows10.0-kb4013214_2-x86.msi /Q DEL /F /Q %0% >nul exit but it takes more than two hour to install Folders: $OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts $OEM$\$$\Setup\Files
One last doubt, if I use WADK 8.1 on Windows 10 Host OS does the WHD-W81UI script automatically detect? I did not test for myself because integrating the updates takes a lot of time I want to use the same version of Dism for everything however I servicing the image with MSMG Toolkit also to remove some packages and this uses ADK Insider Preview.