abbodi1406's Batch Scripts Repo

Discussion in 'Scripting' started by abbodi1406, May 4, 2017.

  1. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #1461 inTerActionVRI, Jun 20, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2021
    I'm working on something simple to use the create virtual edition with the toolkit, it already worked within my need.
    In the midst of this, I made an interesting code for selecting the iso to be worked on.

    set ISOpath=
    echo %line%
    set /p ISOpath=Enter / Paste the complete path to your ISO folder :
    echo %line%
    set "ISO_ListInfo=Get-ChildItem -Path %ISOpath% -Recurse -Include '*.img', '*.iso'"
    set "ISO_SelectProperty=Select-Object -Property Name"
    set "ISO_ListInfoGridView=Out-GridView -Title 'Select The wanted Image' -OutputMode Single"
    set "GridViewISO_List=!ISO_ListInfo! | !ISO_SelectProperty! | !ISO_ListInfoGridView!"
    for /F "tokens=* delims= " %%# in ('PowerShell -Command "!GridViewISO_List!"') do (
       set "ISOfilepath=%ISOpath%\%%#"
    if not defined ISOfilepath set _Debug=1&goto :QUIT
    set "ISOfile=%ISOfilepath:"=%"
    echo.Image File Path and Name: "%ISOfile%"
    My idea of using "create_virtual_editions.cmd" is to work, in the Toolkit, on top of the base editions (HOME and PRO) and after finishing the process, I can create the editions I need. This will save a lot of time, both for me and for a lot of people.

    For that, I studied the code and saw that just changing this part would make it easier. Instead of using the full path of the ISO with the filename and extension. Just enter the folder path. Then select the iso in the window that will appear.

    Customized some more details and optimized others. For customize example, I send CoreSingle to the end of the list.

    File in attachment!

    Very Grateful @abbodi1406!

    edit: corrected a detail in a comment related to the sequence I mentioned below.

    Attached Files:

  2. strotee

    strotee MDL Member

    Jan 30, 2011

    I now remembered where I got that idea (of placing the write location for final ISO), I guess a part of me thought this was attainable.

  3. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #1463 inTerActionVRI, Jun 20, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2021
    v63 literally OK

    Here, already with my sequence customization for the editions. See in the spoiler the ones I always keep in my isos.

    About CoreSingleLanguage:
    As it is unfeasible to put it at the beginning (before the Home as original), and that in my view, it is not aesthetic to be in the middle. That's why I put it to the End. Not to mention that it is an Edition with little use.

    Running UUP -> ISO v63
    Checking UUP Info . . .
    Configured Options . . .
    AutoStart 1
    AddUpdates 1
    Preparing Reference ESDs . . .
    CAB->ESD: microsoft-onecore-applicationmodel-sync-desktop-fod-package-amd64
    CAB->ESD: microsoft-windows-hello-face-migration-package-amd64
    CAB->ESD: microsoft-windows-hello-face-package-amd64
    CAB->ESD: microsoft-windows-internetexplorer-optional-package-amd64
    CAB->ESD: microsoft-windows-languagefeatures-basic-pt-br-package-amd64
    CAB->ESD: microsoft-windows-languagefeatures-handwriting-pt-br-package-amd64
    CAB->ESD: microsoft-windows-languagefeatures-ocr-pt-br-package-amd64
    CAB->ESD: microsoft-windows-languagefeatures-speech-pt-br-package-amd64
    CAB->ESD: microsoft-windows-languagefeatures-texttospeech-pt-br-package-amd64
    CAB->ESD: microsoft-windows-mediaplayer-package-amd64
    CAB->ESD: microsoft-windows-quickassist-package-amd64
    CAB->ESD: microsoft-windows-tabletpcmath-package-amd64
    CAB->ESD: openssh-client-package-amd64
    Creating Setup Media Layout . . .
    Creating install.wim . . .
    Using LZX compression with 8 threads
    Archiving file data: 7103 MiB of 7103 MiB (100%) done
    Using LZX compression with 8 threads
    Archiving file data: 281 MiB of 281 MiB (100%) done
    Updating install.wim / 2 image(s) . . .
    1/6: [Enablement]
    3/6: [LCU]
    4/6: [Setup DU]
    5/6: [SSU]
    6/6: [WinPE]
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Mounting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Image Version: 10.0.18362.1
    Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_KB5003244~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~18362.1555.1.1
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Image Version: 10.0.18362.1
    Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_KB4517245~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Image Version: 10.0.18362.1
    Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~18362.1556.1.5
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Image Version: 10.0.18363.1556
    Enabling feature(s)
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Image Version: 10.0.18363.1556
    Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~18362.1556.1.5
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Image File : B:\aboddi1406\18363.1556_amd64_pt-br_multi_036c5ab4_convert_virtual\ISOFOLDER\sources\install.wim
    Image Index : 1
    Saving image
    Unmounting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Mounting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Image Version: 10.0.18363.1556
    Pended operations ignored. When this image is next booted, these operations will be processed.
    Starting to update components...
    Starting to install product key...
    Finished installing product key.
    Adding package Microsoft-Windows-ProfessionalEdition~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.18362.1
    Adding package Microsoft-Windows-ProfessionalEdition~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.18362.1556
    Removing package Microsoft-Windows-CoreEdition~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.18362.1
    Removing package Microsoft-Windows-CoreEdition~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.18362.1556
    Finished updating components.
    Starting to apply edition-specific settings...
    Finished applying edition-specific settings.
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Saving image
    Unmounting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    "ISOFOLDER\sources\install.wim" original size: 4914574 KiB
    Using LZX compression with 8 threads
    Archiving file data: 10 GiB of 10 GiB (100%) done
    "ISOFOLDER\sources\install.wim" optimized size: 4759076 KiB
    Space saved: 155497 KiB
    Adding setup dynamic update(s) . . .
    Creating winre.wim . . .
    Using LZX compression with 8 threads
    Archiving file data: 983 MiB of 983 MiB (100%) done
    Updating winre.wim / 1 image(s) . . .
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Mounting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Image Version: 10.0.18362.1
    Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_KB5003244~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~18362.1555.1.1
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Image Version: 10.0.18362.1
    Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_KB5003295~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Image Version: 10.0.18362.1
    [===================        33.0%                          ]
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Saving image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Image Version: 10.0.18362.1
    Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_KB4517245~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Image Version: 10.0.18362.1
    Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~18362.1556.1.5
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Image Version: 10.0.18362.1556
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Image File : B:\aboddi1406\18363.1556_amd64_pt-br_multi_036c5ab4_convert_virtual\temp\winre.wim
    Image Index : 1
    Saving image
    Unmounting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Using LZX compression with 8 threads
    Archiving file data: 997 MiB of 997 MiB (100%) done
    Adding winre.wim to install.wim . . .
    Creating boot.wim . . .
    "ISOFOLDER\sources\boot.wim" original size: 715533 KiB
    Using LZX compression with 8 threads
    Archiving file data: 1123 MiB of 1123 MiB (100%) done
    "ISOFOLDER\sources\boot.wim" optimized size: 448708 KiB
    Space saved: 266825 KiB
    Checking Distribution Info . . .
    Configured Virtual Options . . .
    AutoEditions: ProfessionalWorkstation,Enterprise,ServerRdsh,IoTEnterprise,CoreSingleLanguage
    Copying install.wim . . .
    Creating Edition: Pro for Workstations
    Setting the WINDOWS/EDITIONID property of image 3 to "ProfessionalWorkstation".
    Setting the FLAGS property of image 3 to "ProfessionalWorkstation".
    Setting the DISPLAYNAME property of image 3 to "Windows 10 Pro for Workstations".
    Setting the DISPLAYDESCRIPTION property of image 3 to "Windows 10 Pro for Workstations".
    Creating Edition: Enterprise
    Setting the WINDOWS/EDITIONID property of image 4 to "Enterprise".
    Setting the FLAGS property of image 4 to "Enterprise".
    Setting the DISPLAYNAME property of image 4 to "Windows 10 Enterprise".
    Setting the DISPLAYDESCRIPTION property of image 4 to "Windows 10 Enterprise".
    Creating Edition: Enterprise multi-session
    Setting the WINDOWS/EDITIONID property of image 5 to "ServerRdsh".
    Setting the FLAGS property of image 5 to "ServerRdsh".
    Setting the DISPLAYNAME property of image 5 to "Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session".
    Setting the DISPLAYDESCRIPTION property of image 5 to "Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session".
    Creating Edition: IoT Enterprise
    Setting the WINDOWS/EDITIONID property of image 6 to "IoTEnterprise".
    Setting the FLAGS property of image 6 to "IoTEnterprise".
    Setting the DISPLAYNAME property of image 6 to "Windows 10 IoT Enterprise".
    Setting the DISPLAYDESCRIPTION property of image 6 to "Windows 10 IoT Enterprise".
    Creating Edition: Home Single Language
    Setting the WINDOWS/EDITIONID property of image 7 to "CoreSingleLanguage".
    Setting the FLAGS property of image 7 to "CoreSingleLanguage".
    Setting the DISPLAYNAME property of image 7 to "Windows 10 Home Single Language".
    Setting the DISPLAYDESCRIPTION property of image 7 to "Windows 10 Home Single Language".
    Rebuilding install.wim . . .
    "ISOFOLDER\sources\install.wim" original size: 5344527 KiB
    Using LZX compression with 8 threads
    Archiving file data: 11 GiB of 11 GiB (100%) done
    "ISOFOLDER\sources\install.wim" optimized size: 5253986 KiB
    Space saved: 90541 KiB
    Creating ISO . . .
    OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
    Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved.
    Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content.
    Scanning source tree (500 files in 41 directories)
    Scanning source tree complete (945 files in 86 directories)
    Computing directory information complete
    Image file is 6117523456 bytes (before optimization)
    Writing 945 files in 86 directories to 18363.1556.210503-2109.19H2_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTMULTI_X64FRE_PT-BR.ISO
    100% complete
    Storage optimization saved 4 files, 184320 bytes (0% of image)
    After optimization, image file is 6119450624 bytes
    Space saved because of embedding, sparseness or optimization = 184320
    Removing temporary files . . .
    Press 0 to exit.

    AutoStart 1
    AddUpdates 1
    Master @abbodi1406, here I don't know what your preference is...

    But there could be a pattern in this view.

    With or without variable value display.

    I believe without, as the mere display of the variable name implies that its value is 1 (enabled). Or am I mistaken on this point?
  4. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    If it shown under "Configured Options" then it's enabled

    AutoStart/AddUpdates has two enabling values, thus it's also shown
    SkipEdge should be the same, but i forgot to change it
  5. fch1993

    fch1993 MDL Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2020

    Question about windows server 2022 (20348.1)

    The converted system size is about 1GB larger than the MVS image.

    tested both esd-decrypter-wimlib-60f and uup-converter-wimlib-63.

    But I don't know what makes the system got larger.

    uup link:;serverstandard;serverstandardcore

    image create log:

    uup image info:

    Preparing Reference ESDs . . .
    Creating Setup Media Layout . . .
    Creating install.wim . . .
    Using LZX compression with 16 threads
    Archiving file data: 4711 MiB of 4711 MiB (100%) done
    Using LZX compression with 16 threads
    Archiving file data: 3091 MiB of 3091 MiB (100%) done
    Using LZX compression with 16 threads
    Archiving file data: 131 MiB of 131 MiB (100%) done
    Using LZX compression with 16 threads
    Archiving file data: 203 MiB of 203 MiB (100%) done
    Creating winre.wim . . .
    Using LZX compression with 16 threads
    Archiving file data: 1049 MiB of 1049 MiB (100%) done
    Adding winre.wim to install.wim . . .
    Creating boot.wim . . .
    Creating ISO . . .
    OSCDIMG 2.56 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility
    Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2012. All rights reserved.
    Licensed only for producing Microsoft authorized content.
    Scanning source tree (1000 files in 86 directories)
    Scanning source tree complete (1019 files in 88 directories)
    Computing directory information complete
    Image file is 4511956992 bytes (before optimization)
    Writing 1019 files in 88 directories to 20348.1.210507-1500.FE_RELEASE_SERVER_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
    100% complete
    Storage optimization saved 25 files, 14221312 bytes (1% of image)
    After optimization, image file is 4500031488 bytes
    Space saved because of embedding, sparseness or optimization = 14221312
    Press 0 to exit.
    uup inmage info

    wimlib-imagex.exe info install.wim --check
    [WARNING] "install.wim" does not contain integrity information.  Skipping integrity check.
    WIM Information:
    Path:           install.wim
    GUID:           0xb83785a2dc2fa0a63e3beac76b50fad5
    Version:        68864
    Image Count:    4
    Compression:    LZX
    Chunk Size:     32768 bytes
    Part Number:    1/1
    Boot Index:     0
    Size:           3799032339 bytes
    Attributes:     Relative path junction
    Available Images:
    Index:                  1
    Name:                   Windows Server 2022 ServerStandardCore
    Description:            Windows Server 2022 ServerStandardCore
    Directory Count:        12649
    File Count:             57894
    Total Bytes:            9118098805
    Hard Link Bytes:        2964125261
    Creation Time:          Sat May 08 10:26:23 2021 UTC
    Last Modification Time: Tue Jun 22 09:36:26 2021 UTC
    Architecture:           x86_64
    Product Name:           Microsoft?Windows?Operating System
    Edition ID:             ServerStandard
    Installation Type:      Server Core
    Product Type:           ServerNT
    Product Suite:          Enterprise
    Languages:              en-US
    Default Language:       en-US
    System Root:            WINDOWS
    Major Version:          10
    Minor Version:          0
    Build:                  20348
    Service Pack Build:     1
    Service Pack Level:     0
    Flags:                  ServerStandardCore
    WIMBoot compatible:     no
    Index:                  2
    Name:                   Windows Server 2022 ServerStandard
    Description:            Windows Server 2022 ServerStandard
    Directory Count:        19441
    File Count:             91421
    Total Bytes:            15124830813
    Hard Link Bytes:        5684247649
    Creation Time:          Sat May 08 10:27:46 2021 UTC
    Last Modification Time: Tue Jun 22 09:36:30 2021 UTC
    Architecture:           x86_64
    Product Name:           Microsoft?Windows?Operating System
    Edition ID:             ServerStandard
    Installation Type:      Server
    Product Type:           ServerNT
    Product Suite:          Enterprise
    Languages:              en-US
    Default Language:       en-US
    System Root:            WINDOWS
    Major Version:          10
    Minor Version:          0
    Build:                  20348
    Service Pack Build:     1
    Service Pack Level:     0
    Flags:                  ServerStandard
    WIMBoot compatible:     no
    Index:                  3
    Name:                   Windows Server 2022 ServerDatacenterCore
    Description:            Windows Server 2022 ServerDatacenterCore
    Directory Count:        12631
    File Count:             57744
    Total Bytes:            9116546386
    Hard Link Bytes:        2963528549
    Creation Time:          Sat May 08 10:26:55 2021 UTC
    Last Modification Time: Tue Jun 22 09:36:33 2021 UTC
    Architecture:           x86_64
    Product Name:           Microsoft?Windows?Operating System
    Edition ID:             ServerDatacenter
    Installation Type:      Server Core
    Product Type:           ServerNT
    Product Suite:          Enterprise
    Languages:              en-US
    Default Language:       en-US
    System Root:            WINDOWS
    Major Version:          10
    Minor Version:          0
    Build:                  20348
    Service Pack Build:     1
    Service Pack Level:     0
    Flags:                  ServerDatacenterCore
    WIMBoot compatible:     no
    Index:                  4
    Name:                   Windows Server 2022 ServerDatacenter
    Description:            Windows Server 2022 ServerDatacenter
    Directory Count:        19423
    File Count:             91288
    Total Bytes:            15122532960
    Hard Link Bytes:        5683962339
    Creation Time:          Sat May 08 10:28:09 2021 UTC
    Last Modification Time: Tue Jun 22 09:36:36 2021 UTC
    Architecture:           x86_64
    Product Name:           Microsoft?Windows?Operating System
    Edition ID:             ServerDatacenter
    Installation Type:      Server
    Product Type:           ServerNT
    Product Suite:          Enterprise
    Languages:              en-US
    Default Language:       en-US
    System Root:            WINDOWS
    Major Version:          10
    Minor Version:          0
    Build:                  20348
    Service Pack Build:     1
    Service Pack Level:     0
    Flags:                  ServerDatacenter
    WIMBoot compatible:     no
    ERROR: error writing to standard output: No error

    MVS image: en_windows_server_2022_preview_x64_dvd_3bd1e657.iso

    mvs image info

    wimlib-imagex.exe info install.wim --check
    [WARNING] "install.wim" does not contain integrity information.  Skipping integrity check.
    WIM Information:
    Path:           install.wim
    GUID:           0x7a25754cec364944977265d5739c6823
    Version:        68864
    Image Count:    4
    Compression:    LZX
    Chunk Size:     32768 bytes
    Part Number:    1/1
    Boot Index:     0
    Size:           4054102872 bytes
    Attributes:     Relative path junction
    Available Images:
    Index:                  1
    Name:                   Windows Server 2022 SERVERSTANDARDCORE
    Description:            Windows Server 2022 SERVERSTANDARDCORE
    Display Name:           Windows Server 2022 Standard
    Display Description:    (Recommended) This option omits most of the Windows graphical environment. Manage with a command prompt and PowerShell, or remotely with Windows Admin Center or other tools.
    Directory Count:        12648
    File Count:             57867
    Total Bytes:            7999524592
    Hard Link Bytes:        2964125261
    Creation Time:          Sat May 08 09:41:35 2021 UTC
    Last Modification Time: Sat May 08 10:07:15 2021 UTC
    Architecture:           x86_64
    Product Name:           Microsoft?Windows?Operating System
    Edition ID:             ServerStandard
    Installation Type:      Server Core
    Product Type:           ServerNT
    Product Suite:          Enterprise
    Languages:              en-US
    Default Language:       en-US
    System Root:            WINDOWS
    Major Version:          10
    Minor Version:          0
    Build:                  20348
    Service Pack Build:     1
    Service Pack Level:     0
    Flags:                  ServerStandardCore
    WIMBoot compatible:     no
    Index:                  2
    Name:                   Windows Server 2022 SERVERSTANDARD
    Description:            Windows Server 2022 SERVERSTANDARD
    Display Name:           Windows Server 2022 Standard (Desktop Experience)
    Display Description:    This option installs the full Windows graphical environment, consuming extra drive space. It can be useful if you want to use the Windows desktop or have an app that requires it.
    Directory Count:        19440
    File Count:             91394
    Total Bytes:            13994550964
    Hard Link Bytes:        5684247649
    Creation Time:          Sat May 08 09:47:03 2021 UTC
    Last Modification Time: Sat May 08 10:09:45 2021 UTC
    Architecture:           x86_64
    Product Name:           Microsoft?Windows?Operating System
    Edition ID:             ServerStandard
    Installation Type:      Server
    Product Type:           ServerNT
    Product Suite:          Enterprise
    Languages:              en-US
    Default Language:       en-US
    System Root:            WINDOWS
    Major Version:          10
    Minor Version:          0
    Build:                  20348
    Service Pack Build:     1
    Service Pack Level:     0
    Flags:                  ServerStandard
    WIMBoot compatible:     no
    Index:                  3
    Name:                   Windows Server 2022 SERVERDATACENTERCORE
    Description:            Windows Server 2022 SERVERDATACENTERCORE
    Display Name:           Windows Server 2022 Datacenter
    Display Description:    (Recommended) This option omits most of the Windows graphical environment. Manage with a command prompt and PowerShell, or remotely with Windows Admin Center or other tools.
    Directory Count:        12630
    File Count:             57717
    Total Bytes:            7998410279
    Hard Link Bytes:        2963528549
    Creation Time:          Sat May 08 09:40:52 2021 UTC
    Last Modification Time: Sat May 08 10:10:00 2021 UTC
    Architecture:           x86_64
    Product Name:           Microsoft?Windows?Operating System
    Edition ID:             ServerDatacenter
    Installation Type:      Server Core
    Product Type:           ServerNT
    Product Suite:          Enterprise
    Languages:              en-US
    Default Language:       en-US
    System Root:            WINDOWS
    Major Version:          10
    Minor Version:          0
    Build:                  20348
    Service Pack Build:     1
    Service Pack Level:     0
    Flags:                  ServerDataCenterCore
    WIMBoot compatible:     no
    Index:                  4
    Name:                   Windows Server 2022 SERVERDATACENTER
    Description:            Windows Server 2022 SERVERDATACENTER
    Display Name:           Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (Desktop Experience)
    Display Description:    This option installs the full Windows graphical environment, consuming extra drive space. It can be useful if you want to use the Windows desktop or have an app that requires it.
    Directory Count:        19422
    File Count:             91261
    Total Bytes:            13991429649
    Hard Link Bytes:        5683962339
    Creation Time:          Sat May 08 09:51:07 2021 UTC
    Last Modification Time: Sat May 08 10:10:29 2021 UTC
    Architecture:           x86_64
    Product Name:           Microsoft?Windows?Operating System
    Edition ID:             ServerDatacenter
    Installation Type:      Server
    Product Type:           ServerNT
    Product Suite:          Enterprise
    Languages:              en-US
    Default Language:       en-US
    System Root:            WINDOWS
    Major Version:          10
    Minor Version:          0
    Build:                  20348
    Service Pack Build:     1
    Service Pack Level:     0
    Flags:                  ServerDataCenter
    WIMBoot compatible:     no
    ERROR: error writing to standard output: No error
  6. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    i see that uup install.wim is smaller than mvs

    open both with 7-zip and compare folders sizes ti see where the increase exactly
  7. MarvelX7

    MarvelX7 MDL Member

    Jun 1, 2021
    #1467 MarvelX7, Jun 23, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2021
    nevermind , found it¡
  8. fch1993

    fch1993 MDL Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2020

    uup image got some extra files like:


    Which I don't know what is used for.

    The uup image larger size almost all in the winsxs folder, But both have the same folder and file name.

    But somefile in uup got the larger size of some files but after lzx compressed the size is similar.

    sqlmin.dll in "C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-wid_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.20348.1_none_311a04ce24ebf2b7\"

    uup file size: 64 897 704
    uup file size after compressed: 16 668 718

    mvs file size:11 588 882
    uup file size after compressed: 11 588 882

    Is there information that can tell users which image is more official by MS?
  9. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011

    Maybe you can compare enabled features in the two images with dism

    disabled features get their payload compressed
  10. fch1993

    fch1993 MDL Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2020

    both enabled features and installed opitional features are the same.

    The file size I said just means the file in offline image. (LZX Compress).
  11. fch1993

    fch1993 MDL Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2020

    In WHD-W81UI the “Cleanup the image” seems not works fine.

    test case:

    system image: Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials with Update (en_windows_server_2012_r2_essentials_with_update_x64_dvd_6052824.iso)
    LP image: mu_windows_server_2012_r2_language_pack_with_update_x64_dvd_6066969.iso

    step1: mount install.wim

    step2: integrate all other 36 LPs by WHD-W81UI.

    step3: after finished re-mount install.wim by MSMG_Toolkit.

    step4: re-cleanup via MSMG (not enable resetbase in MSMG). Which use DSIM v10.0.21382.1.

    step5: Save and unmount the image.

    The MSMG‘s cleanup will reduce over 1GB size of the image,

    wimlib-imagex.exe info install.wim
    WIM Information:
    Path:           install.wim
    GUID:           0x4921f4e5740d6e429cc582f5fde0f5d9
    Version:        68864
    Image Count:    1
    Compression:    LZX
    Chunk Size:     32768 bytes
    Part Number:    1/1
    Boot Index:     0
    Size:           6061773557 bytes
    Attributes:     Relative path junction
    Available Images:
    Index:                  1
    Name:                   Windows Server 2012 R2 SERVERSOLUTION
    Description:            Windows Server 2012 R2 SERVERSOLUTION
    Display Name:           Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials
    Display Description:     GUI ()Windows Server
    Directory Count:        133267
    File Count:             630268
    Total Bytes:            28115892041
    Hard Link Bytes:        11970459589
    Creation Time:          Fri Nov 21 05:58:33 2014 UTC
    Last Modification Time: Fri Jun 25 01:45:02 2021 UTC
    Architecture:           x86_64
    Product Name:           Microsoft?Windows?Operating System
    Edition ID:             ServerSolution
    Installation Type:      Server
    HAL:                    acpiapic
    Product Type:           ServerNT
    Product Suite:          Small Business
    Languages:              ar-SA bg-BG cs-CZ da-DK de-DE el-GR en-GB en-US es-ES et-EE fi-FI fr-FR he-IL hr-HR hu-HU it-IT ja-JP ko-KR lt-LT lv-LV nb-NO nl-NL pl-PL pt-BR pt-PT ro-RO ru-RU sk-SK sl-SI sr-Latn-RS sv-SE th-TH tr-TR uk-UA zh-CN zh-HK
    Default Language:       zh-CN
    System Root:            WINDOWS
    Major Version:          6
    Minor Version:          3
    Build:                  9600
    Service Pack Build:     17415
    Service Pack Level:     0
    Flags:                  ServerSolution
    WIMBoot compatible:     no
    ERROR: error writing to standard output: Illegal byte sequence
    after MSMG's cleanup

    wimlib-imagex.exe info install.wim
    WIM Information:
    Path:           install.wim
    GUID:           0x88864d19be93a54885ba8991f8e51d22
    Version:        68864
    Image Count:    1
    Compression:    LZX
    Chunk Size:     32768 bytes
    Part Number:    1/1
    Boot Index:     0
    Size:           5317965679 bytes
    Attributes:     Relative path junction
    Available Images:
    Index:                  1
    Name:                   Windows Server 2012 R2 SERVERSOLUTION
    Description:            Windows Server 2012 R2 SERVERSOLUTION
    Display Name:           Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials
    Display Description:     GUI ()Windows Server
    Directory Count:        119447
    File Count:             601934
    Total Bytes:            24140029392
    Hard Link Bytes:        11143386231
    Creation Time:          Fri Nov 21 05:58:33 2014 UTC
    Last Modification Time: Thu Jun 24 13:05:34 2021 UTC
    Architecture:           x86_64
    Product Name:           Microsoft?Windows?Operating System
    Edition ID:             ServerSolution
    Installation Type:      Server
    HAL:                    acpiapic
    Product Type:           ServerNT
    Product Suite:          Small Business
    Languages:              ar-SA bg-BG cs-CZ da-DK de-DE el-GR en-GB en-US es-ES et-EE fi-FI fr-FR he-IL hr-HR hu-HU it-IT ja-JP ko-KR lt-LT lv-LV nb-NO nl-NL pl-PL pt-BR pt-PT ro-RO ru-RU sk-SK sl-SI sr-Latn-RS sv-SE th-TH tr-TR uk-UA zh-CN zh-HK
    Default Language:       zh-CN
    System Root:            WINDOWS
    Major Version:          6
    Minor Version:          3
    Build:                  9600
    Service Pack Build:     17415
    Service Pack Level:     0
    Flags:                  ServerSolution
    WIMBoot compatible:     no
    ERROR: error writing to standard output: Illegal byte sequence
  12. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
  13. fch1993

    fch1993 MDL Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2020

    in uup-converter v64 the ppipro sku still says windows 10 team. is that a bug?

    uup link:;coren;professional;professionaln;ppipro

          UUP directory contains multiple editions files:
    1. Windows 11 Home [x64 / en-US]
    2. Windows 11 Home N [x64 / en-US]
    3. Windows 11 Pro [x64 / en-US]
    4. Windows 11 Pro N [x64 / en-US]
    5. Windows 10 Team [x64 / en-US]
    Enter zero '0' to create AIO
    Enter individual edition number to create solely
    Enter multiple editions numbers to create, separated with spaces
    > Enter your option and press "Enter":
  14. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    No, not a bug
    PPIPro esd still named "Windows 10 Team" from MS

    you should not use that edition anyway
  15. fch1993

    fch1993 MDL Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2020
    #1475 fch1993, Jun 29, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2021

    Any plans of W11UI which can install/integrate Windows 11 Updates.

    the "W10UI v10.2 with PSF support" doesn't support the PSF files of windows 11 LCU. (Which works fine in uup-converter v64)

    PS: another bug of W10UI that I'm using the "ADK for Windows 11" but W10UI still says DISM: "Windows 10 ADK".

    ======================= W10UI v10.2 ==========================
    [1] Target (x64): "C:\Softwares\W10UI\22000\22000.1.210604-1628.CO_RELEASE_CLIENTCOMBINED_UUP_X64FRE_ZH-CN"
    [2] Updates: "C:\Softwares\W10UI\22000"
    [3] DISM: "Windows 10 ADK"
    [4] Enable .NET 3.5: YES
    [5] Cleanup System Image: YES      [6] Reset Image Base: NO
    [7] Update WinRE.wim: YES
    [8] Install.wim selected indexes: ALL (6)
    [M] Mount Directory: "C:\W10UImount_11821"
    [E] Extraction Directory: "C:\W10UItemp_18136"
    Change a menu option, press 0 to start the process, or 9 to exit:

    Running W10UI v10.2
    Removing temporary extracted files...
    Extracting files from update cabinets (.cab)
    *** This will require some disk space, please be patient ***
    2/7: [NetFx]
    3/7: [LCU]
    Error: failed to extract PSF update
    5/7: [WinPE]
    6/7: [Setup DU]
    7/7: [SSU]
  16. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    W10UI fully support that fake Windows 11

    PSF update extraction fails because it contain files with very long paths

    setting _CabDir to short path will temporary fix it
  17. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    The old wimlib version inside the utility packages should be updated to the latest version from April, where applicable.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  18. fch1993

    fch1993 MDL Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2020


    I have already "Enabling Win32 long paths" in group policy. (Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Filesystem)

    Also I have added "LongPathsEnabled=1" in registry. (\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem)

    So there shouldn't have a path limit on the system to cause failure.
  19. JOAOP

    JOAOP MDL Novice

    Nov 14, 2013
    Thanks for your great job and time to help us. Would it be possible to make a script containing just the psfextractor (cab + psf) to convert to a new cab?
  20. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #1480 inTerActionVRI, Jun 30, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2021

    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Image Version: 10.0.22000.1
    Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_ServicingStack~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~22000.51.1.0
    Error: 0x800f081e
    The specified package is not applicable to this image.
    The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\DismSSU.log
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1379
    Image File : B:\aboddi1406\22000.51_amd64_pt-br_multi_e012464d_convert\ISOFOLDER\sources\install.wim
    Image Index : 2
    Unmounting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Creating winre.wim . . .
    This error happens sporadically.

    In my case, when I integrated something through the Custom Toolkit, it was related to the Edition number. I had done a session to use a reg query to update the Image Build given by the image erroneously. But I overwrite the value of the main variable. So the ImageBuild variable remains 19041 and the CurrentImageBuild variable displays 19043. So these integration errors stopped occurring.

    I'm sending it to you to see if there's any relationship with it too.

    Attached DismSSU.

    Now, another subject.

    I don't know how the WinRE.wim creation process is. But install.wim is unmounted before copying WinRE into Image Indexes. I believe this can be optimized to avoid unnecessary mounts and unmounts.

    The steps would be:
    Mount the indexes
    Create WinRE.wim;
    unmount and save to WinRE.wim;
    optimize WinRE.wim;
    Copy WinRE.wim for each index;
    dismount and save each index;
    optimize install.wim

    We did this at Toolkit.

    I took a look but since it's all processed with wimlib-imagex, I don't have that experience to collaborate much beyond that.
    But I still believe that it is possible to do this, optimizing the conversion time.

    edit: typo errors

    Attached Files: