thanks for the link I have now restored the telemetry. but there are still some telemetry modules from office grayed out and i can't click on them. what can this be, the service: user experience and telemetry in connected mode, I have also re-enabled. when I reinstall without telemetry block everything is present it seems to be due to a service but which one?
I have now tested this, installed Office without telemetry, everything works, then executed DisableTelemetry.reg. I logged off the computer and a couple of modules no longer work. I think that should be the case. Now I tried to switch on the telemetry with RevertTelemetry.reg again. there seems to be a problem with something, the modules remain deactivated. For example, retrieving Powerpoint add-ins remains deactivated. office 2019 seems to dislike something.
@abbodi1406, create_virtual_editions.cmd I was finalizing the ISOs and when Virtually Creating the necessary Editions, the EI.cfg file for Wim Image with Multiple Editions is deleted and not created again. A generic Ei.cfg is required for the possibility of installing other Editions on notebook computers that come from the factory, with specified Edition (ProductKey) in the BIOS. So, I leave suggestions for changes: If this does not generate other problems, but in the tests I did here, what I need worked fine. from: Code: if %DeleteSource% equ 1 call :dPREPARE to: Code: call :dPREPARE and from: Code: if %finalimages% gtr 1 exit /b to: Code: if %finalimages% gtr 1 ( ( echo.[EditionID] echo. echo.[Channel] echo.Retail echo. echo.[VL] echo.0 )>ISOFOLDER\sources\EI.cfg exit /b ) AND... A tiny optimization, putting else instead of the condition with neq from: Code: if %DeleteSource% equ 1 ( if %_all% equ 1 ( if %images% equ 1 ( ren ISOFOLDER\sources\%WimFile% temp.wim wimlib-imagex.exe info ISOFOLDER\sources\temp.wim 1 "%winver% %desc%" "%winver% %desc%" %_Null% ) if %images% neq 1 ( wimlib-imagex.exe export ISOFOLDER\sources\%WimFile% %source% ISOFOLDER\sources\temp.wim "%winver% %desc%" "%winver% %desc%" %_Supp% ) ) if %_all% neq 1 ( wimlib-imagex.exe export ISOFOLDER\sources\%WimFile% %source% ISOFOLDER\sources\temp.wim "%winver% %desc%" "%winver% %desc%" %_Supp% ) ) if %DeleteSource% neq 1 ( wimlib-imagex.exe export ISOFOLDER\sources\%WimFile% %source% ISOFOLDER\sources\temp.wim "%winver% %desc%" "%winver% %desc%" %_Supp% ) to: Code: if %DeleteSource% equ 1 ( if %_all% equ 1 ( if %images% equ 1 ( ren ISOFOLDER\sources\%WimFile% temp.wim wimlib-imagex.exe info ISOFOLDER\sources\temp.wim 1 "%winver% %desc%" "%winver% %desc%" %_Null% ) else ( wimlib-imagex.exe export ISOFOLDER\sources\%WimFile% %source% ISOFOLDER\sources\temp.wim "%winver% %desc%" "%winver% %desc%" %_Supp% ) ) else ( wimlib-imagex.exe export ISOFOLDER\sources\%WimFile% %source% ISOFOLDER\sources\temp.wim "%winver% %desc%" "%winver% %desc%" %_Supp% ) ) else ( wimlib-imagex.exe export ISOFOLDER\sources\%WimFile% %source% ISOFOLDER\sources\temp.wim "%winver% %desc%" "%winver% %desc%" %_Supp% )
@RaiyvaN does Enterprise /IoTEnterprise work with that ei.cfg? because they don't have Retail licenses or maybe use _Default instead? -- i used separate if conditions for simplicity and less parsing by cmd.exe
But "neq" will do those parsing anyway, as there will be other values besides 1, it will be like "else" in this case. If it were an equ 0 condition, I believe it would be like you said, the condition would be very restricted. As the notebook has Home Single Language, I wanted to install Pro. So I only tested Pro in this case. I no longer have this notebook in my hands. But I have already installed, on other occasions, the Enterprise with this generic Ei.cfg. I didn't see any problems at the time, maybe there should be some kind of bypass in that case and that's just a guess. I don't understand this question. "maybe use _Default instead?" Would it replace "Retail" with "_Default"? edit: Okay, "%SystemROOT%\System32\%Language%\Licenses\_default\Enterprise\license.rtf". This license file... It is necessary to check this. I never checked it out. I just searched it now. Maybe I didn't have problems with Enterprise, in case of error by EI.cfg specifying Retail, because of presence of License in this folder. Would there be any other safe way to be done?
So, I believe that in my case, what you said, correlating with the Enthousiast tips, was really about replacing "Retail" with "_Default". But if you set VL 0 or 1, it doesn't include all editions either. Without EI.cfg does not display other Editions for embedded OEM. What a trap, huh? hehehehe Edit: I suppose it's possible to make it more generic. Since we can leave EditionID empty, I can leave the VL empty as well. I'll only set channel as _Default, and test. Code: if %finalimages% gtr 1 ( ( echo.[EditionID] echo. echo.[Channel] echo._Default echo. echo.[VL] )>ISOFOLDER\sources\EI.cfg exit /b
I use W10UI to create an up-to-date iso, and until now I used privatezilla to disable telemetry... but I've read changing reg keys is not enough, it should be disabled in install.wim ( Is there a tool like W10UI that can do that?
Thanks! From description: "Only OEM images should be used for optimization and not images that have already been modified by other scripts or programs." So it should be used on ISO before W10UI? Isn't there a risk that updates would bring back telemetry & other junk?
The most common approach is to integrate all applicable updates via W10UI first, then chop it down with O-O afterwards. I primarily use LTSC so I cannot comment on features returning but MS has been known to do weird stuff.
W10UI v10.5 - Changed updated ISO file name scheme example old: Win10_22000.71_x64_2021-07-16.iso example new: 22000.71.210709-1028.CO_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENT_X64FRE.iso thanks to @Enthousiast for testing
Is there any reason why there still are two versions? Can I serve everything with the PSF version or do I have to use the non-PSF for the older branches?
In pure theory, we could use Compress2TXT 6.3 to make the distribution standalone and extract resources on first use? I'll go with the PSF version, then, to cover all. Thanks for clarification.
@abbodi1406, About the installation using empty editioid, channel _default and empty VL. The installation runs well, in all editions. What would be the test method to find out if there is any problems in the VL editions tested? Better. What problems should I observe to ensure that this generic EI.CFG will not cause other problems? I will still test in the notebook with Embeded OEM Key. I also think about taking the test simply with the empty file. After all, if it is not to have values, why have something written. It may be that mere presence of the file make Embeded Key Check Bypass. I have to get the notebook ...
PSFX_Repack_2 doesn't doesn't appear to process an with an SSU.psf to produce an file. Is there an update to PSFX_Repack_2 to handle SSU files? Example: Windows 11 = 14,703,233 bytes SSU-22000.100-x64.psf = 94,500,803 bytes = ?
Where do you see the ssu psf file?