does this mean anything with YAOCTRU_v8.2, when I download the Monthly channel x64 + x86 I always get this message in the download window Allocating disk space. Use --file-allocation=none to disable it. See --file-allocation option in man page for more details. Code: 10/12 09:55:32 [NOTICE] Downloading 16 item(s) 10/12 09:55:32 [NOTICE] Download complete: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/ 10/12 09:55:32 [NOTICE] Download complete: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/ [#d3147e 0B/0B CN:1 DL:0B] 10/12 09:55:34 [NOTICE] Download complete: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ [#86fde2 0B/0B CN:1 DL:0B] 10/12 09:55:35 [NOTICE] Download complete: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ 10/12 09:55:35 [NOTICE] Allocating disk space. Use --file-allocation=none to disable it. See --file-allocation option in man page for more details. [#ebe832 18MiB/23MiB(76%) CN:1 DL:5.9MiB] 10/12 09:55:39 [NOTICE] Download complete: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ [#d50c8a 0B/0B CN:1 DL:0B] 10/12 09:55:40 [NOTICE] Download complete: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ [#2bccf2 507MiB/511MiB(99%) CN:1 DL:75MiB] 10/12 09:55:48 [NOTICE] Download complete: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ [#b8b007 2.3GiB/2.3GiB(99%) CN:1 DL:86MiB] 10/12 09:56:16 [NOTICE] Download complete: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/stream.x86.x-none.dat 10/12 09:56:17 [NOTICE] Download complete: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/ 10/12 09:56:17 [NOTICE] Download complete: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/ [#66558e 0B/0B CN:1 DL:0B] 10/12 09:56:18 [NOTICE] Download complete: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ [#cf4ac2 0B/0B CN:1 DL:0B] 10/12 09:56:19 [NOTICE] Download complete: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ [#cc45a5 26MiB/28MiB(94%) CN:1 DL:5.8MiB] 10/12 09:56:25 [NOTICE] Download complete: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ 10/12 09:56:26 [NOTICE] Download complete: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ *** Download Progress Summary as of Tue Oct 12 09:56:33 2021 *** ====================================================================================================================== [#a62458 437MiB/515MiB(84%) CN:15 DL:80MiB] FILE: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [#a62458 511MiB/515MiB(99%) CN:1 DL:68MiB] 10/12 09:56:35 [NOTICE] Download complete: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ [#af5556 2.6GiB/2.6GiB(99%) CN:1 DL:86MiB] 10/12 09:57:07 [NOTICE] Download complete: C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/stream.x64.x-none.dat Download Results: gid |stat|avg speed |path/URI ======+====+===========+======================================================= e0207c|OK | 1.8MiB/s|C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/ 79acba|OK | 4.7MiB/s|C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/ d3147e|OK | 2.1MiB/s|C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ 86fde2|OK | 7.9MiB/s|C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ ebe832|OK | 6.5MiB/s|C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ d50c8a|OK | 80MiB/s|C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ 2bccf2|OK | 73MiB/s|C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ b8b007|OK | 92MiB/s|C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/stream.x86.x-none.dat 9ef882|OK | 570KiB/s|C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/ 39760f|OK | 4.7MiB/s|C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/ 66558e|OK | 2.1MiB/s|C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ cf4ac2|OK | 14MiB/s|C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ cc45a5|OK | 5.9MiB/s|C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ 378045|OK | 33MiB/s|C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ a62458|OK | 68MiB/s|C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/ af5556|OK | 86MiB/s|C2R_Monthly/Office/Data/16.0.14430.20298/stream.x64.x-none.dat Status Legend: (OK):download completed. Done. Press any key to exit.
It's only a notice, Zicklein. Disk space will be allocated (reserved) before the file is downloaded. Makes less sense with compressed or sparse files, so, it tells you how to disable it.
Is there a need to correct this in the "create_virtual_editions.cmd" script too? from Code: set "_fvr1=%SystemRoot%\temp\setuphost.exe" set "_fvr2=%SystemRoot%\temp\setupprep.exe" set "_fvr3=%SystemRoot%\temp\UpdateAgent.dll" to Code: set "_fvr1=%SystemRoot%\temp\UpdateAgent.dll" set "_fvr2=%SystemRoot%\temp\setuphost.exe" set "_fvr3=%SystemRoot%\temp\setupprep.exe"
PSFX Repack v5 - Added support for the new UUP dump file name scheme (hash-appended) - Updated PSFExtractor
Can WUI10 apply LTSC updates to an 1809 Pro version like you can with 1607 LTSB updates to a PRO 1607 or is that now blocked by Msoft?
Yes, as long as they don't remove ProfessionalEdition applicability from update.mum latest SSU/LCU still applicable
Hello, I need make backup of Windows 10 & Office licenses, what method without trojans is better. Thanks.
uup-converter v74 - Added workaround for the missing wmic.exe in build 22483 (and later) esd-decrypter v62 - Added workaround for the missing wmic.exe in build 22483 (and later) - Updated ISO label for latest ESDs W10UI v10.13 - Added workaround for the missing wmic.exe in build 22483 (and later) - When running within W10MUI, W10UI will install detected updates, regardless if already installed
what a f$%$% s$%$ what is happing with them maybe tomorrow they decide, lets cancel command prompt who need it ? not us how i supposed rebuild all my scripts, build with wmic search, and not with PS code ?
with hostbuild Code: for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%i in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v "CurrentBuild" ^| find "REG_SZ"') do (set /a HostBuild=%%i) echo.HostBuild : %HostBuild% if %HostBuild% lss 22483 ( echo. wmic ........ command ) else ( echo. powershell -nop -c [WMI]........ command. )
you don't understand wmic result and PowerShell result not always the same this mean one thing, hard work to rebuild script using ps WMI calls
uup-converter v74b - Fixed small typo in create_virtual_editions.cmd (regarding the workaround to enable Administrator account on ServerRdsh 22483)
@abbodi1406 Hello, sorry for stupid question.. Is 'Reset Image Base' option still breaks 'Reset this PC' feature after offline cleanup on Windows 10 21H2 and Windows 11 21H2/Dev? I'm not sure if it's safe to use it with UUP Converter and W10UI for offline update integrations into ISO or UUP to ISO convertions I was trying to replicate this in VM with Windows 10 21H2, but 'Reset this PC' was still working with 'Reset Image Base' option in UUP to ISO converter However ReadMe.html says it should be broken: ResetBase option break "Reset This PC" feature. Full ResetBase is automatically disabled for build 18362 and later.