do you currently also that you get an error when you are using YAOCTRU v8.2 the new office source, via the Aria2 script 2203 v16.0.15028.20160 Dual Channel X64 X86 Edit: has been resolved was apparently overloaded
no, it doesn't support silent or automation but you can easily modify it: under line Code: :CHOICE_MENU add the desired channel, e.g. Code: goto :ENROLL_DEV and before first Code: pause >nul add Code: goto :EOF
thanks for the tip i have changed it, will later install a Vmware installation later. Just had no desire to do that always afterwards, so now I have my $OEM$, and that fits so. Thanks a lot
they have done a really good job with the new script uup-converter-wimlib-79. have a look at the minimum of apps ^^ so good what you wrote there I did it differently before, via terminal, at the end of the firstlogin.cmd I have entered the appz that need to be removed, actually I have removed all of them anyway, except the apps so that the store runs. UUP Settings have taken these settings ConvertConfig.ini Code: [convert-UUP] AutoStart =1 AddUpdates =1 Cleanup =0 ResetBase =0 NetFx3 =1 StartVirtual =0 wim2esd =0 SkipISO =0 SkipWinRE =0 LCUwinre =1 UpdtBootFiles=0 ForceDism =0 RefESD =0 SkipEdge =0 AutoExit =0 [Store_Apps] SkipApps =0 AppsLevel =1 [create_virtual_editions] vAutoStart =1 vDeleteSource=1 vPreserve =0 vwim2esd =0 vSkipISO =0 vAutoEditions=Enterprise pro I did not want so again takes only a few seconds to enterprise version Mount ISO Pro to get Enterprise Edition with delete source create_virtual_editions.cmd [create_virtual_editions] vAutoStart =1 vDeleteSource=1 vPreserve =0 vwim2esd =0 vSkipISO =0 vAutoEditions=Enterprise Your OfflineInsiderEnroll-2.6.3 works with firstlogon.cmd [$OEM$] THX Desk Apps Install Picture Image size 4.15GB press to with ESD2WIM-8 hoho under 3.3 i have re-read it without $OEM$ madness 3.29GB
I am really impressed by your work abbodi1406. I wonder if there is a way to integrate some applications to iso files like using your script W10UI and install windows updates. My purpose is reducing time while installing new systems. I know adding drivers to iso file is possible using msmg tool. But this time I want to integrate other exe files to iso file such as winrar, Visual cpp distributables, java, office etc. Is it possible?
This all works via the $OEM$ folder, or you make a Sysprep Image in the Vmware. $OEM$ folder is very easy. setupcomplete.cmd Code: REM Teamviewer v15.28.8.0 X64 "Apps\TeamViewer_Setup_x64_v15.28.8.0.exe" /S REM 7-Zip 21.07 Final "Apps\7z2107.exe" /S REM WinRAR v6.11 Final X64 "Apps\winrar-x64-611d.exe" /s etc... here you will find many switches for unattended installation here on the board is certainly something to find where you can read up. otherwise google is your friend ^^ a step by step guide, for a sysprep image can be found here. [Vmware Image] here in the tutorial he uses VirtualBox, better they use Vmware, but this is my personal opinion
KMS_VL_ALL v46 - C2R-Retail2Volume v16 W10UI v10.18 - Changed SkipBootFiles option (default 1) to UpdtBootFiles (default 0), to avoid confusion - Enhanced detection for wmic.exe tool based on existence (instead checking build number 22483 or later)
WHD-W81UI v6.8 - updated Monthly Rollup detection for boot.wim/winre.wim because now, it's no longer named Package_for_RollupFix microsoft-windows-rollup-version*.manifest will be checked instead
multi_arch_iso.cmd - OOB update, to detect split install.swm in the source ISOs only option 2 is supported in this case thanks to @Enthousiast for testing
Does this script from "esd-decrypter-wimlib" package, replace what is present in the "UUP-Converter-Wimlib-79" package? Or for each package the scripts have some particularity?
It replaces it, it's only modified for source ISOs with multiple install.swm files, the old script halted on it because there was no install.wim/esd now it continues to create the multi-arch ISO with install.swm files (option 2 only).
uup-converter v79f - Fixed small typo regarding the backup of Reference ESDs for Express source - Included updated multi_arch_iso.cmd
When convert WIM to ESD, Why not use LZMS:100 instead of LZMS to get smaller size? (not like LZX:100 which would not broken the boot)。
I have a question. with the windows 11 iot enterprise, it does not take $OEM$ folder. is there a way to activate it ?
Install normal non IoT Enterprise instead (there are workarounds but installing non IoT is the easiest).