What ISOs did you feed it and what option did you try? Or does it not open at all? I have the habit to always rightclick and start cmd's as admin.
are you sure that script work without Admin rights? the last working version for me is the one in uup-converter-wimlib-78r short video - https://imgur.com/a/0nYbXW9
I didn't say it would work without admin rights, i said my habit is always to rightclick and use open as admin for cmd's. Spoiler
yeah, same behavior script is running only with Admin rights, and 78r version is working with simple double click p.s. sorry for my bad English
I guess the script is auto-elevated by convert-UUP.cmd when virtual editions is set by the ini/script?
"E:\uup-converter-wimlib-80_ZH-CN\multi_arch_iso.cmd" It used to work fine, until the 79f started, this script never worked again. The path has always been such a path.
Then you can safely use 79 pre f, the only difference with 80 will be that it now also combines isos with install.swm files inside (option 2 only).
Not sure if I am allowed to post this, but it's a little script I wrote to *do some activation crap* reliably using @abbodi1406's C2R-R2V-AIO.cmd and KMS_VL_ALL_AIO.cmd. Mods are probably gonna yell at me if I specify its specific function. Planning some minor improvements which will be finished by next weekend, including clever path detection and automatically detecting the filename (main.bat). Some very important rules!... Do not put any funny characters in the file path to the main folder, including ' & and whatever else. The code I am posting here NEEDS to be saved as "main.bat". If the name is anything else you will not be able to get admin if launching normally. I am not responsible for damage to your system. Please test your specific configuration in a virtual machine first!!! I am actually quite proud with the results. I found that for some reason, using just KMS_VL_ALL doesn't always work 100% with the /o argument. So I also added C2R-R2V which makes the whole thing very rugged overall. I also used a fairly interesting method to gain admin in Windows for CMD. Please let me know what you think and leave any suggestions! Folder structure needs to look like this... folder |___main.bat |___bin |___C2R-R2V-AIO.cmd |___KMS_VL_ALL_AIO.cmd And finally, here is the code (copy/paste in Notepad++ and save as main.bat)... Code: @echo off set HardPATH=%~dp0 set FileNAME=main.bat :: First, we will check if the main script was executed with :: administrative privileges. If said privileges are present :: we can jump straight to MainCODE. :Admin >nul 2>&1 "%systemroot%\system32\cacls.exe" "%systemroot%\system32\config\system" :: If error flag set, we do not have admin. if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' ( echo Requesting administrative privileges... goto GetUAC ) else ( goto MainCODE ) :: If we need to get administrative privileges, a temporary :: Batch file is created which starts PowerShell as admin. :: From there, we can navigate back to our working directory :: and lauch the original file as admin. :GetUAC cd %Temp% echo call powershell.exe -Command "Start-Process cmd.exe -ArgumentList '/c cd %HardPATH% && call %FileNAME%' -Verb RunAs" > debug.bat echo exit >> debug.bat call debug.bat if exist "%Temp%\debug.bat" ( del "%Temp%\debug.bat" ) exit :: Now that we have administrative rights, the :: main scripts can be executed in sequential order. :MainCODE cd %HardPATH%\bin && call C2R-R2V-AIO.cmd && cls echo ; echo ; Executing KMS_VL_ALL, for Office only. Please wait a minute or two for completion! echo ; call KMS_VL_ALL_AIO.cmd /a /s /o /c && pause
I think it may be, but I haven't even bothered to look. I just found that for some odd reason just KMS_VL_ALL did not always for for me, but using both scripts always worked 100% flawless. I tested multiple configurations on at least a dozen VMs running Windows 10.