I might release a fix release, actually Acer introduced an error here: On BIOS option: D2D Recovery: 'Allow user to enable/', 0Dh, 'disable the Dsik-to-', 0Dh, 'Disk recovery.', 0Dh The correct should be Disk.
Ah, I didn't know that it was possible to use a 2.1 certificate on Vista (has to be SP2 I think?). Thanks for testing this.
Thanks for the little update. I don't think I will overclock my X1600, because it comes already quite hot while gaming, and since ATI doesn't release driver updates, it's totally not worth to overclock... I hope ATI will release new drivers for legacy graphic cards for Windows 7, because the 9.3 is not that good on Windows 7.
ATI dropped the support on a LOT video cards, and they will NOT support X1600 anymore, in fact, they will only support: HD 2000, HD 3000 and HD 4000 series. About the overheating, I don't believe on that, the default clock is GPU @ 440MHz, and MEM to 375MHz, however it was underclocked to GPU @ 438,75MHz and MEM to 364,50MHz, as you can see, almost nothing, so it just don't justify why they really did that, besides, is very easy and cheap to buy those external coolers (runs from USB) for notebook now.
I will suggest downloading DX runtime update it is not included in Win7 by default. Definitely will improve WEI
How so? If I run dxdiag, I can see DX 11 is there by default. Btw, I tested and now I'm using the string fix version.
I flashed my BIOS with the modded version of Gradius, and I can confirm: it works!! Thank you so much for this Gradius! Your new harddrive seems pretty good, I only have a score of 4,4 for the original Samsung 120GB HDD.
My HDD is a ST9500325AS (500 GB, 5400 RPM, SATA-II). I'll change processor in near future and mini-PCIE to Atheros (WiFi). Btw, this note supports T7600 (SL9SD) just fine, but that processor is still too expensive, I'll go probably with a T7400 or T7200.
No, this notebook does not support these processors. It's not because they have the same package (Micro-FCPGA) that they will work. Core2 processors will not work unless some serious BIOS modding And the processor has to be compatibel with the chipset, the Intel 945 here. But you can succesful upgrade to a T2500 or T2600, these are Core Duo's.