Yea, that sounds like there may be a corrupted file in the splits. if any one of the files is slightly damanged, it ruins the entire span of files.
hi there when using this method to attempt recovery on my aspire 5315 of the OEM, i ended up with these errors: cannot find the file: c:\D2D\Images\*.WSI and then :restore failed - reason 0xa0000001 basically im trying to reset this laptop to its factory settings , but i deleted the alt-f10 acer eRecovery program.. any help with this would be greatly appreciated, everything went great all the way to it loading up the PQService new windows...then this crap help? or perhaps a way to 'recover' eRecovery from the new partition? edit- found the way...fixed the issue by: pressing alt f10 lol , it then loaded by itself, after trying multiple things trying the alt f10 finally was the answer again thank you to the OP
help! i'd changed the pq service leter to ether the d drive or f and deleted eevrything on the pq service. now my comp has been recoverd by a windows repair disk but it still gets thu blue screen and suggests to chkdsk /f. well that does not work. it says on the system restore option that pq service cannot be found. so i can't restore it. help, i cannot boot properly. i didn't realise it boots thru this service, i thot i booted thru thu c drive. what happened??? my comp has thu blues and is unuseable! also i renamed (or labled the drive?) from pq service to 2nd drive(or somethin) and don't know how to re-name/label it! before it was repaired it said "bootmgr is missing'" AND SUGESTed to reboot.
update so i've installed windows 7 ultimate on the 12 gb partition, and now it says:bootmgr is compressed, press (wateevr) to reboot. how the heck..
i've somehow repaired the thing enough to boot the W7 ult. but the 1st and original installation is still seriously screwed up. i'm not sure if or how to fix the f drive problem. note: the fix to be able to boot at all seems to have included switching the 1st W7 from the c drive to d, and the new W7 ultimate from D to C. that's what the repaier thing said.
i have not yet booted my 1st windows inst. since i messed with the pq service's drive letter. as soon as it goes to load the classpnp.sys (driver?) it goes blue. there iss omething screwed about the drive letter F ..but what? chkdsk says something about it. can't remember exactly right now.
i've removed PQSERVICE quite some time ago which made my computer unbootable. -recap- i've installed a windows ultimate os that is not activated and the repair funtion had put that in the c drive while the original os that was activated was put in the d drive. the original used to be the c drive. i still have not been able to boot the original. it gets an error alot like this: A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps. Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers. Check you hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption and then restart your computer. Technical information:xxx STOP: OXOOOOOO7B (OXF9E7264O,OXCOOOOO34,OXOOOOOOOO,OXOOOOOOOO) any ideas? i don't have a repair/installation disk for the original as it was an acer netbook... i'm thinking manually copying a boot file and or mbr to the right place on C.....