you have a later build? can you give direct dl please? EDIT: oh, i guess i misunderstood: you showed the "about" of installed version, right? i first thought that it was a downloaded bootable image version...
Universal Restore? Been doing this by hand ever since Windows 95. Never failed once (from SCSI to IDE, IDE to AHCI, IDE to SATA, RAID to RAID, wherever)
Hi LostED I'm interested in giving this a go but immediately hit a problem. Have downloaded trial and 2014-6688-en-us, disconnected from net as per readme, have tried to install both but the installer unpacks files then tries to connect to update server so with net disconnected will not proceed. Any way around this?
see big "Install" button and click it ... EDIT: did you find next page of this thread? that's where i fail sometimes
Doh, How dull am I. OK installed and activation successful message from your file. On reboot and starting True Image I activate normal yea, its saying The Hardware ID has changed, Activate now. First time I've used ATI since version 11, hated the 2009 version so not moved on and not encountered their activation nonsense before. Didn't know there was another thread tbh.
never mind when i was faced first time to this "problem" (on another board) it took several PMs to solve it while (i couldn't imagine) { he was staring to the error message } first use "activate from another computer" method. if you get "hardware ID has changed" repeatedly, start setup.exe again and "repair", rerun activator
I now start to use Acronis Backup Advanced. Installed, created boot ISO and made a boot USB from it. The GUI is different form ATI, but functions similarly. The speed and compression is unmatchable, 20GB of OS data backed up in less than 1.5 min, the resulting image is less than 10GB.
I am always excited about new versions. For imaging apps, speed and compression are the two factors I care the most, next to the reliability.
Well, it used to be important also for me since I also used the PE components on a WIN8.1SE USB. A while ago I met a problem with Win8.1SE, which was, it could not find my USB3.0 external HDD when connected to USB3.0 port on my laptop (USB2.0 port works fine). It appears to be possibly driver issue, as the same happened on my desktop computer. I am upgrading to all my computers with all USB3.0 ports, so it's a potential problem for me if I would like to restore an image stored on external USB3.0 HDD. IFL boot USB itself and Acronis boot disk have no problem getting access to my USB3.0 HDD, plus the fact that I found I always use IFL and Acronis boot USB for my backup/restore needs, I don't see I have a lot of necessity to keep the Win8.1SE boot USB, although I know you can do so much more with it.
Just use Dism to integrate your USB3 driver. If you work with servers & raid, you need to add the raid drivers. It's not a bug. If you look at the driver packs, you'll see that they are MASSIVE, so just adding ALL drivers does not make sense...
Thank you Atari800XL. The Win8.1SE has already integrated USB3.0 driver and it has an option to enable it after boot up. I tried that option also but it did not work. I remember I raised up this question at and the solution I was told was to enable/disable the USB3 driver options several times to see if it would work. Unfortunately it never worked for me. As a side note, if I am not mistaken, Win8 and Win8.1 PE is supposed to have native support for USB3.0 device, there is no need for 3rd party driver. Could anyone confirm this?