After updating to 9660, is anybody able to turn on Active Protection? After rebooting, the tray icon indicates that it's on. But if you open up the main program and go to the Active Protection tab it shows that it's turned off. And it can't be turned on.
Well, for me, it's pretty much the opposite: the tray icon pop-up says AP is off; right-clicking it says it's on; opening the AP tab in TIH says it's on. But sometimes, it just turns itself off and refuses to turn on again until a reboot. In my experience, AP is more of an annoyance than a help, so this doesn't really bother me, except for realizing that if this is hinaufgescrewed, what else is botched? Yet another justification for my use of an activator...
@nova-s I suspect it doesn't make any difference, but just to let you know of a tiny bug: I found a trailing space at the end of the the below line in the hosts file, which I assume the patch added.
thank you for your work! from the op: HISTORY: 10/17/2017 - added patch for you made it yesterday
Thanks Nova-s! ... I found my way here today looking for a solution to the 'Don't recognize version' issue and I found it! ... Seems that the activator had been updated for later versions of ABR 2018... Glad I found you, and, yes, worked like a charm. Can I ask a question? ... Does this mean that I might require newer versions of your activator as minor versions of ABR 2018 are rolled out?... Is it ok to update ABR within the 2018 major version? Thanks, and keep up the good work.
my activator only works on ATI(H) and NOT with ABR. every time a new version/build is released, you need a new version of the activator...
Sorry, maybe I have the names mixed up... I'm using Acronis True Image. And it works great. For testing purposes, of course.