We need no key, we need a activator-script ;-) Why? He supposedly hit the lottery jackpot and has never been seen here since.
Yes, I know it's a kludge and quite a PITA. I too would like they implemented the same solution both in UEFI and in Legacy mode. I wonder why they didn't: it shouldn't be so difficult...
I fully agree with you! I believe that the extension of the first UEFI menu is perhaps limited to some restrictions. But I do not know for sure. And Acronis will take the position that every user can use the Acronis Media Builder to create the USB flash drive / ISO for their own language.
As soon as I get the offset and values to patch the binaries in this new version I will release a new script. But since there are some new features listed in the change log you should expect to be beta-testers at first.
Here we go... As ZORAX also said, ATI 2021 got new features and the script needed several adjustments. Under Windows 7 x64 and Windows 10 x32+x64 the activation in a quick test worked without errors. Therefore I have no long term experience. Please test the activation script, but please keep in mind that it is the first attempt! Especially I have no idea what the files under "%programfiles(x86)%\Acronis\Agent\bin" are. Many many thanks to KleineZiege and Ash P for the excellent pre-work! Acronis True Image 2021, v25.4.1.30290 download-links: click here edit: Many thanks also to ZORAX! He wrote the script this version is based on!
Thanks a lot for your positive feedback! I have completely forgotten in my post above, but not in the script: Many thanks also to ZORAX! He wrote the script this version is based on!